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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I see we have a Lavern and Shirley fan here

IP is necessary. Trademark and copyright laws are the ones that cause problems. iP protects individuals from corporations.

I still only use the free version of plex. I don’t stream to other people but I am pretty sure the option to share my library is still there. I do stream from two other libraries on occasion.

I bought a synology for this. I still need to add a backup plan to it though.

The devs have been working their butts off. They make post with complete transparency about their growing pains. The devs of leemy.world and others get together and troubleshoot as a team, especially lemmy.ml. everything is posted on GitHub. It’s awesome to see and support. I’ve been here for about four weeks now, and it has been fun to watch it grow, and participate in the user community.

This statement is extremely stupid. YouTube is a free service to you. It is dammed expensive to run, and they pay for it by showing you ads. It’s the exact same thing as ltelevision channels that show ads. it’s paid for by ads. You are not freeing the internet by blocking ads, you’re driving the content providers to have no money. I hate ads as much as anyone but unless you want to pay $20 a month for YouTube, then stop whining