• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Wth is this even

Feels more like shitpost than meme

I always copy longer messages no matter the platform, it’s way too often they disappear for me to risk it

Good bot! Happy to have you

The only better station I can think of is ‘Endestation’

This was actually mentioned in an issue on the github. I can’t quite remember whether it was turned down or just inactive. I totally agree. If we’re going to compete with big social medias then we also need some kind of algorithms. Opt-in/out of course.

Yeah, it can get confusing at time. I was hoping we’d get rid of some of the US-defaultism that used to roam Reddit :P


The format is [linktext](link), for links. Then you add the ! in front of to make it render as an image. Then the linktext becomes the hovertext used by screen readers.

Did you know that you can embed images/gifs directly into messages?


This isn’t what I was looking for… it’s even better! Thanks!

I have an account that’s in there without being an administrator.

I was actually speaking of the matrix channel

Any sources for music sheets? (Piano specifically)
I can only find websites where you need a subscription or pay for each music sheet.

It isn’t private, I think there’s a link on the girhub

As far as I know, the github copilot lawsuit didn’t go anyway

Oh my jesus, does this thread really have 400+ comments

Edit: respectfully as an atheist

Do you have any suggestions for what the 1.5GB is then?