another Reddit refugee
Radio stations in the US don’t have to pay artists for playing their works for money
That’s false. ASCAP/BMI/SESAC is there so stations are obligated to pay artists for use of their work. Radio stations are supposed to submit playlists to them to calculate mechanical royalties.
There is a lot of fuckery afoot and these rules aren’t enforced, but stations are supposed to pay artists for their work when they use it
So with all the ironic old meme posting, did you just post this old gem without realizing where it came from?
It had some cool features, like how you could group/rank who you were following. It was just missing users
I think the best allegory I saw was someone trying to get into an exclusive club with a really long line. They finally get in and the place is empty so it sucks
I’m wondering if Bluesky is doing the same thing to itself
ahhh, youth. To have the sanctimonious, patronizing zeal of a recent convert again…
I deserve to read this garbage for being one of you for more than a decade. Then my fucking system gave out and stopped being able to digest soy and gluten so I had to get back on the meat wagon. At least I dropped a bunch of weight and got my libido back, so I guess there’s that
And my favorite tidbit not included here is how much pollution the US military causes. We know it’s off the charts BUT they’re allowed to operate with zero oversight and accountability regarding the bugfuck amount of pollution and wrecked ecosystems that military exercises have caused. We don’t even know for sure how bad they are but you just look at how much fuel an single idling M1 tank uses and it’s insane
A tank will need approximately 300 gallons every eight hours; this will vary depending on mission, terrain, and weather. A single tank takes 10 minutes to refuel. Refueling and rearming of a tank platoon–four tanks–is approximately 30 minutes under ideal conditions. 0.6 miles per gallon.
It’s pretty accepted that the US military is the worst polluter on earth, but this never gets brought up
If you have the energy for that, go nuts.
Being that the bulk of the loudmouths are bad faith trolls no sort of reasoned discussion is going to get through.
If enough people block them they eventually get quarantined into their own echo chambers and the oxygen of getting off on pwning the libs will run out