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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


This is all terrible.

If I go on Mastodon am I supposed to check that the author of each toot hasn’t done any crimes somehow before I click the little boost button? How would one actually go about doing that?

If you actually know someone has done or continues to do bad things that ought to get them ejected from the space, are you supposed to respond to that by refusing to interact with them while they are in the space, when they are not doing the bad things, as a sort of poorly coordinated attempt to eject them?

If we have a list of people so terrible that being nice to them means we should exclude you, then why the hell are they still here?

Usually for Windows VM gaming you want to pass through a GPU and a USB controller and plug in directly. You might be able to use something like Steam streaming but I wouldn’t recommend a normal desktop-app-oriented thin client setup, not having tried it.

You may run into weird problems with latency spikes: mostly it will work great and everything runs at 90 FPS or whatever, but then inexplicably 1 frame every few minutes takes 100ms and nobody can tell you why.

There can also be problems with storage access speed. What ought to be very fast storage on the host is substantially slower storage once the image file and host FS overhead, or the block device pass through overhead, come into play. Or maybe you just need an NVMe device to pass straight through.

Some TLDs that aren’t country codes but also aren’t very useful or popular will sometimes be blanket blocked by institutions, on the theory that there’s so many more garbage malware C&Cs or whatever than actual useful sites that it makes sense to ban the whole thing. So you might not want to go with .bingo or .rest or anything with no perceivable use.

It’s just survivorship bias: the buildings still standing thousands of years after everyone who wanted them died are the ones with just a fuckton of extra pillars holding them up.

Who is drinking 1/12 of a liter of pool per hour?

{"msg":"Error in store"}

So the shopkeepers did it

Just feed the hungry kid already jeeze.

Also someone destroy that job.