Reddit was and is impossibly easy to use. You visit the site and start scrolling. If and when you decide you want to participate you create and account and start doing so.
The barrier to entry on Lemmy is much higher. This will keep out many of the types of low effort users that would eventually turn this into reddit.
Maybe someday the fediverse will be as obvious to everyone as any other part of the internet but it’s definitely not right now and it will be awhile before it is.
Yeah that is certainly the logical next step.
I live in a SFH and I won’t pretend I don’t like it. I also won’t pretend that I don’t like being surrounded by other SFHs, because half the reason I moved here was to have the sort of idyllic neighborhood feel I had when growing up. So I understand people who have a hard time accepting the idea of higher density housing.
At the same time, I regularly think about how fortunate I am to have bought out house when we did about a decade ago. If we were entering the market today we would struggle to buy. The people who move into our neighborhood today are in a completely different financial stratosphere than us, which is sort of odd.
We have a fair amount of higher density housing in my city but there will probably need to be more as time goes on.
I’d love for there to be some way to scale zoning regulations in an intelligent way. Just spit balling, but maybe you say ok look, you can restrict to SFH until population hits a certain point and then this or this area opens as available for higher density construction without needing to convince people in real time. I realize that has its own issues, but I just wish there were more creative ways to deal with it that didn’t involve trying to convince people when the need is already urgent.
Talk radio or television broadcasts the same stuff to everyone. It’s damaging, absolutely. But social media literally tailors the shit to be exactly what will force someone farther down the rabbit hole. It’s actively, aggressively damaging and sends people on a downward spiral way faster while preventing them from encountering diverse viewpoints.
What is crazy is that I feel like Lemmy is already approaching that fun size, you know? There’s a steady flow of content and comments. But it’s not full of shit yet.
Personally I would love to see it grow by enough that some of my favorite types of communities (specially state-specific and sports team specific) can thrive. But I am really not interested in Lemmy becoming big enough to rival centralized alternative platforms like reddit. Being that large brings far too much baggage along for the ride.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t just migrate from a single server to a cluster of some kind? I thought I remembered seeing that in one of their troubleshooting posts.
Don’t get me wrong at all. Your point stands, and I think it’s a concern for the platform overall. But specifically for I thought it was no longer just “a server”.
Yeah this is an issue not exclusive to Home Assistant unfortunately. I’ve been dabbling in home automation for years, and every single piece of equipment I have every purchased has at least once gotten flaky or straight up died for absolutely no reason. It’s just part of life with home automation it seems like.
Last report I saw had traffic numbers to their ad space still down about 20%. That’s definitely an amount they notice, though I’m sure they hope and believe it’ll go back up.
I definitely do not think they are calling any of us back per se, but on he other hand the way spez talks is definitely like someone who is in denial about being dumped.
I feel like part of what caused it to explode is that some celebrities joined up early and it provided a tangible way for fans to interact directly with them. This was totally novel and completely unprecedented. Prior to Twitter you could watch Entertainment Tonight and read People magazine. Twitter let you directly contact celebrities.
I really couldn’t care less about celebrities, which I have always thought is part of why Twitter has always felt kind of pointless to me.
But I fully recognize that for some people that’s a huge draw and I do think it’s a big part of what makes Twitter popular.
Well that just further rankles my groingle!