Wait… FB/Meta is going to create instances? Somehow I missed this news and I’ll be trying to look this up after by post.
Anyway, yes they should not be allowed. They have a vested interest to destroy the Fediverse. How would they do this? Well, Microsoft has pioneered this strategy known as Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish. It’s much harder to apply these things to opensource, but we’ve all seen how much Microsoft has been Embracing Linux in the past 6-7 years.
I’m hoping it won’t. I’ve had discussions with my friends from the earlier days of the Internet. The Internet was a much nicer place when you didn’t have everyone and their grandma on it. You actually had to be tech literate to use it. This resulted in higher quality interactions and content. You still had undesirable groups and places, but they were sectioned off to their own corner. Now, social media and its algorithms give everyone a soapbox. I’d rather they stay off my fediverse lawn.
The fly sees it and immediately thinks, “This would be a good place to start a family.”