The devs don’t give a shit about creating moderation tools to keep fascists out of safe communities and refused to take a Nazi instance off of join-lemmy in their AMA.

Not sure how much longer I’ll be on Lemmy after that tbh

  • 0 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


This is pure fantasy, everyone knows Bayonetta would never get bottom surgery.

Be they wanted it?

I did, I just messed up and didn’t tell anybody. I’m sorry folks, this is on me.

It’s also worth pointing out that those posts were not the trigger for this thread

That’s a relief! I was a little worried because I like this instance but was butting heads in the one post. Thank you for running this instance. I threw what money I can at the moment to the Kofi because I feel bad I might’ve made your job harder as an admin lol

Just to clarify I don’t agree with them, only trying to explain the dumbs. I’m unfortunately fluent, you see.

I wonder if they’re seeing my responses, from kbin, to your comments, from, on

I cannot see anything from this conversation on my beehaw account, because it all stemmed from my original reply (which is from a account). So on beehaw it’s just Zoop’s original comment, nothing after.

Edit: For example on beehaw this post as 37 comments, while on it has 97 (at the time of writing this edit)

Also anarchist and fascists are not the same thing at all

I think they’re saying they’re an anarchist and calling Ada a fascist for taking this stance, at least that’s how I read it.

I can see Zoop’s comment, but Zoop can’t see mine. Because beehaw is defederated from but has not chosen to defederate from beehaw so it still gets the comments from beehaw users.

Actually because all these replies are to my account Zoop can’t see this entire exchange, and I can’t see it on my beehaw account either. I just had a brain fart.

Thanks, bud. It’s nice to be seen 🙂

Okay, I had the dumbs. So because isn’t defederated from beehaw, but beehaw is defederated from I can see the beehaw comments on but not the other way around.

False alarm, I got excited for a second there but had the dumbs. Carry on about your day.

I’m not sure about that. I think it might be a glitch or something because I never see beehaw comments on and never see comments on my beehaw account. Like, I can’t see the comment I made on this account from my beehaw account.

Just thought it was odd.

I was just being dumb, Monzingo is right.

Can you see my reply? I’m on and I thought it was still defederated from Beehaw so I shouldn’t be able to see your comment O_o (I’m used to being more active on my beehaw account so using my account threw me off, disregard this lol)

P.S. Yay trans rights and having a pro-trans meme space 😄

If it helps, I knew someone who went back to school at 60 for their master’s and got their graduate degree at 64. That’s never too old to learn territory!

Ah, so you’re missing a ton of additional context to their views or choosing to actively ignore it. That’s fine. Means our conversation is over since that’s not a position I have any chance of breaking through to. Not that I thought I had any chance in the first place. I guess these rebuttals were more for the lurkers since I knew this was a brick wall conversation from the onset. If you want to be angry at everything then you’re certainly welcome to, it’s your life. Best of luck with that though.

You’re absolutely right, I guess I just wanted to inject some sanity into this mess. But I’m running into Brandolini’s Law over and over again. If these people want to be angry I guess I should let them. I hope you have a lovely day as well. Thanks for the virtual hand on the shoulder haha

he literally admits to seeing them as women-lite.

Checks original comment

Do you have some alt-text I don’t see or something? You’re not even trying to make a point at this stage, you’re just arguing semantics. Apologies if the exact sentence structure isn’t to your liking. The dude was just answering a question he was asked. Everyone already admitted that he could’ve used better word choice, myself included. That does not make him transphobic. You and OP are both being utterly ridiculous to conflate this into something it’s clearly not. Nobody was attacking trans people, or specifically, trans men in those comments other than the comments that were already pointed out and addressed.

it’s not like the “genital preferences” discussion is preamble to the “not disclosing your trans/genital status is tantamount to rape” discussion.

Not when they’re directly asked what their sexual preferences are it’s not?? Somebody asked him what his sexual preferences were, how is a cis person supposed to honestly answer that question if any time they do people like you accuse them of being transphobic?

I’m not saying that’s not an issue it’s just wildly unrelated to the topic at hand.

Where in the fuck did that come from?? This has nothing to do with violence against trans people, this has nothing to do with dead naming. I know you seem to be angry but stay on topic.

This is about a cis man who was asked if he would date a trans man, and the comment section that happened after. Nothing else.

He said he would date a pre-op trans man, because he is not attracted to penis and is attracted to breasts. He recognized that it wouldn’t be an easy relationship due to the dysphoria most trans men feel about those two areas, therefore he likely would not end up dating a trans man. He used not the best wording to express this. The comments were mainly in agreement that it was not particularly transphobic. A few comments in the post were transphobic and were then rightfully flamed by the replies. Now here we are.

Who’s ganging up on you? If anything you’re the one ganging up by trying to flame the person in the screenshot for answering what their sexual preference is when someone asked them.

There was nothing that was “blatantly transphobic” other than the Karen comment that rightfully had several rebuttals shutting it down.

I don’t stick with people just because of characteristics we share. They have to be a good person for me to want to support and be with them. You are not that, so I will not defend you just because we’re both trans. Trans people can suck too, as you’ve shown.

I don’t have a horse, can I borrow yours?

The person in the screenshot was being asked if they’d date a trans man, they gave that response. Which is to say yes, but that they have a sexual preference for femininity which would make it difficult as most trans men are dysphoric about their feminity especially pre-op. He said it in not the best word choice but the sentiment is not transphobic. Big “he a little confused but he got the spirit” energy.

OP is going to tell you a bunch of other shit. Looks like the post might’ve been removed but what they’re saying was happening in those comments did not happen. They just seem to be a very, very angry person.

I had the first comment in that post, I saw every comment thereafter. You’re making shit up about what happened in those comments. Or I guess that’s just how your warped view of reality interpreted it. Yikes.

I used to be like you, angry at the world and blaming everyone but myself. I hope you come to terms with your anger and learn to process that instead of lashing out at others like you’re doing. Meditation helped me, best of luck.

If you think that’s transphobic I feel sorry for your heart rate, it must never have time to rest. That’s just somebody stating their sexual preference, albeit using insensitive wording. But sexual preferences against penis is not transphobic. It’s just that, sexual preference, which is valid.

People are in there calling trans people karens with a persecution complex,

One person said this and the other comments rightfully jumped down their throat.

there’s tons of defense of treating trans men like shit

Not there was not.

"allies” telling trans people they’re overreacting, all kinds of inexcusable shit.

I’m trans and will say you’re overreacting, a lot.

If this is how lemmy 196 is gonna be I hope this place crashes and burns

K, you can leave anytime you like. That’s always been allowed.

Yup, mobile Firefox runs beautifully and has all the features of the desktop version. I don’t see a reason to get an app tbh.

To what end? What would that accomplish that defederation from Meta instances can’t already do? Also, why are you targeting the entire Mastodon platform instead of the specific instances that choose not to defederate?

In short, no.

Yeah, they’re just stating their sexual preference. Maybe a bit insensitive in the wording about the boobs but still not transphobic.

Edit: Wowee The comments turned into a shitshow 14 hours later. As a trans person, please disregard Unmarketable Plushie. They speak without understanding the greater context and do so with animosity, leading them to have to apologize multiple times in this post alone. Please know that most of the trans community is not like that and the inflammatory attitude you see there is generally (thankfully) only in online spaces, not irl.

and of course the answer is no.

Pfffft, says you.

I appreciate that your pfp is Space Ghost, it seems fitting for the community you moderate. That’s totally something Space Ghost would feature on his show. He’d at least yell at Moltar or Zorak to pull it up on the screen.

Skill issue.

Edit: Downvote away, it’s not like this suggestion warranted actual meaningful discussion. It’s just somebody who fundamentally doesn’t understand how the fediverse works and thankfully the comments are reflecting that.

Edit: replying in an edit because this post doesn’t deserve more engagement with a new comment.

@orientalsniper: I know how the fediverse works, been promoting it since the APIception.

That’s cool and all but platform promotion does not equal platform understanding. Especially since you’re asking questions like this from Raddle of all places rather than looking at the info on GitHub or any of the documentation linked in instances (at the bottom of the page above the code link). I stand by my statement that OP does not understand how the fediverse works and I’m still happy the comments appropriately flamed this suggestion.

i want to do is as a hobby

So do the thing.

or a goal if possible but im worried i might fail my goal, such as starting a peertube channle.

If your goal is to start a channel, you won’t fail because that’s easy. Just start it and boom you’re done. Goal accomplished.

Now if your goal is to start a “successful” PeerTube channel things get interesting. Mainly, what do you define as successful? Lots of viewers? That’s doable. Profitable? That becomes harder. Sustainable? You could do that imo. Just a place to share your thoughts? You got that. There are more ways to define success but those are just examples.

So the first thing to do is really ask yourself what your goal is for this channel. What do you want it to do or represent?

at the moment i dont have to many goal and i thought peertube might help a little, if that makes sense.

I think it makes sense, but I’ll say be careful not to burn yourself out or get down on yourself if it’s not shaping up how you expected. Especially since you haven’t quite defined what you’re using your channel for.

Good luck OP

did I miss some recent news

Yes, and also not so recent news because it’s been doing a nose dive since February at least.

There should be an instance of just Freds that’s called the Frediverse. You have to send them ID to prove your name is actually Fred and only Freds are allowed on the instance. I’d follow those communities as a non-Fred.

Unpopular opinion? Mastodon is a better Twitter than Lemmy is a better Reddit.

That’s not unpopular, that’s just fact. I enjoy Lemmy but it’s fairly new. Mastodon has been around for a while longer and is a much more mature platform with more QOL features because of that. Comparing them on that basis doesn’t really prove or mean anything at this point. Of course the teenager is more developed than the toddler, that’s how it works. Lemmy will get to the same place with time.

was so much fun.

It still is! I’m over 30 and still having fun with the alternative looks! I also work in IT remotely, so, milage may vary.

I had to make this separate account specifically for the meme communities because they’re so active. It was drowning out everything else like news and special interests lol

No it’s okay, we’re doing old memes so technically beans still count.

You do know we have three different “trending” settings here, right?

Which are optional so what’s your point?

Mastodon’s use of a chronological feed is what kills it.

Funny, that’s exactly the reason I like Mastodon’s feed over traditional social media. No bullshit being pushed, just the people I’m following and the posts they make.