Shinigami are a general Japanese concept. The soul reaper’s from bleach were also referred to as shinigami. Basically kami/spirit of death. I did watch death note aeons ago. And the character attached to the death note was also a shinigami. Though I don’t remember anything special in reference to it’s eyes? Meh I probably just missed it or forgot. Its been almost 20 years XD
What if we took the CEO/middle management tax off every step in the process. Or made use of economies of scale to cheaply and efficiently provide people with a desirable comfortable standard of living. That could be guaranteed to them. Basic shelter, food and education completely taken care of. Empowering them to further themselves as much as they want to. And being free to work where they want to as much as they want to. Not forced to persist in a toxic environment for a paycheck that is still inadequate.
Socialism is very much not covered. In general it is just equated to ML communism and nothing more. No one is educated about true libertarians. Or what anarchism actually is or other forms of communism or anything like that. Maybe that’s different now back in the '80s no and before that hell no. I sincerely hope things are better now. But I can only go by what I personally experience.
Especially in America definitely. Things are a little better in Europe. But are degrading heavily at a steady pace. But yes West generally means US sphere of influence. Because Europe and much of that is generally in what’s considered globally the east in a physical sense.
It is pretty terrifying though. How few people understand that while Hitler had his beer hall putsch. Republicans here were plotting their own. And we’re never punished or had any repercussions for it. They just got called out and temporarily shamed into behaving. But quickly went right back to fascist plotting. The extra sad bit being that our far left party here is actually well right of center. And generally pretty willing to work with fascist Republicans on many things.
Unfortunately in the west we are heavily indoctrinated against socialism. Or even knowing what socialism is. While at the same time heavily apologist to groups and parties closely aligned to the Nazis and the fascists. A large group of Republican legislators and their wealthy friends wanted a fascist overthrow around the same time Hitler attempted his first coup. They were never punished nor was the party ever admonished or reformed. To this day the descendants of people likely involved are still in power.
Yes while they can be definitively left or right. It is not ultimately important to them which they are. As you said it’s all about maintaining control and power. And if they believe it would be better for them to maintain control and power. They would happily switch from capitalist to communist or vice versa. So I guess at least on an economic standpoint. Is probably most accurate to say that authoritarians are centrist. But boy won’t that piss off all the people who believe they’re centrists. It’s just that on social axis authoritarians are extreme.
Actually I didn’t. You were the one that resorted to namecalling.
their tankie behaviour
That you? Yeah it was. You made zero points and instead turned to slinging pejorative names because it’s not about facts or whats correct. You want to grind an axe against a percieved enemy. And will do what ever it takes to justify your actions. If you think pointing out your juvenile behavior is calling you a name. It only goes to illustrate further how juvenile your behavior is.
I had no point other than the FACT it is intentional. Targeted harrasment and mudslinging. You’re the one speculating it’s just some innocent thing and OP is over reacting. While the facts don’t support your specious claim. It’s very clear from what the OP pointed out that it isn’t what you’re pretending.
We can disagree with the ML crowd, and I do. But still be honest. But it seems most so far just want to behave like children.
Having the same screen name or profile picture is one thing. Having both and using them to attack or harass the person that had them first or their ideology. That’s indefensible. I would hope any decent admin would block it as soon as it was brought to their attention.
And let me be clear. I’m all for free speech. But this sort of shit has zero value. And to all the children slinging pejoratives here. Just because you disagree with someone doesn’t make that behavior acceptable. Each and every one of you would be rightfully upset in a similar situation. And that should be the situation to judge this by.
The fact that Western governments have done bad things in no way justifies the bad aspects of ML nations. It just makes both hypocrites.
Despite committing genocide against my ancestors etc. Western nations have done good too. Does it outweigh the bad? That’s a different discussion. Authoritarian nations capitalist or socialist are bad regardless.
People keep saying that. Like it’s something that actually happens. And let’s be clear, it has happened with a number of commercial products. But Microsoft and others have never managed to EEE email, HTTP/HTTPS, Usenet, Linux, Java even. And they’ve tried haaaaaaaaaard. Google didn’t EEE XMPP either. It still exists. I use it daily. The author is misrepresenting what happened.
What happened is that too many people felt obligated to work with corporation that had little interest in working with them. Rather than to focus on their own system and continue to update or develop it. Neglecting their core user base, chasing after people who didn’t seek it out and didn’t care what they were using so long as it worked. They wasted time and effort. But Google didn’t actually kill anything. And all the people using Google talk typically weren’t interested about XMPP in the first place and never would be.
It goes beyond that even. Lemmy is developed by socialists. And not just the more reasonable bunch of socialists like myself. But straight up militant leninists. They’re part of the core development team if not the whole thing. And they have no interest in catering to or coddling misbehaving corporations. They are going to do what they want and what they feel they need to do when they need to do it. And if meta or anyone else tries to screw it up. They’re not going to pay one single bit of attention to them and just keep on doing what they’ve been doing
Oh they are going to fight it either way no doubt. But why make it easy on them I say. And you’re right. If we have access to their content and can provide actual linear feeds like people want with no toxic algorithms. It’s win-win for us and still mostly a loss for them. Even if we defiederate with them they’re still going to data mine we just cut ourself off from reaching those people preemptively.
Honestly it isn’t. Nothing about the Fediverse is private or inherently secure in that way. Everything is public. And you should assume that everything you publish through activity pub could eventually be looked at by anyone. If you want private or secure messaging there are non-activity pub open source secure alternate. In fact signing up for Lemmy there’s even a field to enter for one. Whether or not a server federates with meta. Meta is still going to data mine the ever-loving shit out of all of them. The point is. None of us are at Meta’s wim about being flooded with their toxic content.
Honestly I want to see meta flooded with our content. So much anti-threads anti Meta sentiment. Actual leftists. And not just make believe right-wing liberals who’ve been conditioned to think that they are left. It would be hilarious to watch Meta try to play wack-a-mole sanitizing everything. To please their reptilian corporate overlords. And if you don’t care and just don’t want to see it. You can always block them personally. Why let them data mine in peace. I say we make them work for it.
Yes I’m all for going after Google for different things. And was definitely a big fan when they implemented it into Google talk. But I think it’s importance was definitely overplayed.
An in-law of mine wrote a commercial email consolation web service about a decade ago. Which he eventually sold off or a smart chunk of money. But he implemented an on-site instant messaging capability using XMPP. It was never broadly advertised as such. But you could absolutely connect to it through an XMPP client outside the website. But unfortunately not many of the actual users cared about that beyond the fact that it works for them. However I would not be surprised if many of these customer service on site chat applications etc don’t use some level of XMPP. We’re just not advertised about it.
I believe XMPP today is an IETF standard. Which anyone can and probably do implement. I remember reading about it having integration with SIP servers etc. unfortunately though it was never one of those sexy exciting things that people really look for. It’s why Mastodon etc I haven’t really blown up but are still chugging along. Most people only care that the people they want to talk to are there and able to be talked to. Not about how it happens in the background or even what they have to give in exchange for it. And I honestly think it is one of the reasons that Lemmy might actually stand a chance. Reddit by its nature was often rather techy and involved. Growing communities is much different than growing personal walled gardens. And if money does a good job of appealing to those community maintainers. I could see general chatters eventually following. Because no one wants to waste time screaming into an unmoderated void.
I use it to IM people on among others regularly. Many of whom are completely non-techy. The problem with people pretending that XMPP was embraced extended and extinguished. Is that it was never the case. If Google killed XMPP. Then it must have also killed AOL instant messenger, MSN instant messenger, ICQ, etc. It didn’t. But no one uses them anymore hardly either.
The truth of the matter is that no one used Google talk for XMPP. Other than mostly techie people who are already using XMPP. It’s base of use definitely increased when people started using Google talk. But only technically. And when Google stop supporting it. It technically went back to normal. Where it is now. The fact is it was good but never popular. And other more featured services replaced it and all the services like it. But it’s still exists today quietly. And in a lot of places people would never suspect it still.
Let’s be honest. In Western Nations. People aren’t taught what socialism is ever. I mean I can only honestly speak for myself and the 1980s. But all we were really taught about as far as socialism is that Commies/ML bad. Which is fair enough. Capitalists are bad too. The problem being that we were never educated in any way shape or form about other left-wing ideologies. We’re to go out to the average person on the street and ask them to describe or define anarchism I can guarantee you. But most of them would have no real sense of the actual ideology and just give you some sort of reply coming down to chaos. Likewise the majority of them have no knowledge of or concept that libertarianism is a left-wing ideology. And has only been recently co-opted by the right wing to do damage in recent history. Almost every single person you ever asked about libertarianism would wrongly describe it as a right-wing ideology. And that is all on purpose. Because it behooves the wealthy to keep us uninformed.
Aaah okay. That does seem familiar now that you mention it.