I’m quite intrigued as to what our modern world would look with corporation’s - what? - assets? - capped at $999 milion. It costs about $120m to build a single container ship, a Boeing 737-700 costs about $89m, Amazon set aside $1bn to film its Lord of the Ring series.
Probably the end of multi-nationals, I guess. Interesting
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2093940/vividstasis/ - just in case like me, you had no idea what this is. Mind you, having just looked at that - I still have no idea :)
Don’t seem to be able to sub at the moment, but if you haven’t seen this already - excellent, free alternative to the official app. … https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/energy-stats/id1644492526
And that’s a bad analogy. Really bad.
Why? School debate clubs are practice sessions, excercises in debate. They are tests of skill They aren’t designed to get at objective truth any more than Olympic fencing is about trying to kill your opponent.
Seriously, show me only a single instance of a debate in the larger public sphere where there was an actual search for a deeper truth and not just cheap shots. You won’t find any.
In the UK, I would point to many of the House of Lords debates, quite a few of the Commons debates (not Prime Minister’s’ questions- which are pure theatre). Then there are the areas which aren’t debates but involve forensic questioning, such as you would find in select committees, public enquiries and the courts.
Is what we are doing here, in the realm of cheap psychological tricks?
What makes you say that’s the result? It’s practicing in making a logical argument to support a proposition. That’s not about “shoe” it’s about exercising and practicing a skill.
Do you get similarly outraged by people who do weight training because “they didn’t actually need to pick up those heavy things”
I’ve been mucking about with the new claude.ai from anthropic, and thought I would ask it - here’s what it said:
Yes, it is possible to set up a private Lemmy instance for use within a group of friends. Here are some steps to do this:
Install Lemmy on a server you control. Lemmy is open source software written in Rust. You’ll need a Linux server with Rust installed to run it.
Configure the Lemmy config file. Set the following options:
- federated_timeline_enabled - false
- registration_open - false
- external_federation_enabled - false
This will disable public federated timelines and open registration.
Create user accounts manually. As an admin, you can create accounts for each of your friends on the Lemmy admin interface.
Consider enabling SSL. It’s recommended to enable HTTPS encryption on your Lemmy instance. You can get a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt.
Share the URL only with friends. Don’t publish the URL publicly, only share with your intended friend group.
Lock down the server access. Use firewall rules, VPN, or IP whitelisting to restrict access to the server.
Keep Lemmy updated. Watch for security updates and upgrade Lemmy regularly to stay safe.
Consider private federation. You could federate multiple private Lemmy instances to allow a broader reach while still keeping everything private.
That covers the basics! With those steps, you can have a private Lemmy server for your friend group to use.
Thanks for that. I think I was getting confused between turning off all federation and defederating with an instance.
Setting all that aside, I would caution that even turning off federation isn’t enough to necessarily make it truly private. People could still discover it through random portscanning or whatever.
I absolutely agree about systematic change. But pointing at an oil company and saying “look this is the organisation responsible for climate change” is to misidentify the problem in my opinion. Setting aside for a moment the misinformation that the oil companies funded regarding climate change, which - yes - I would like to see people in prison for - the main problem, I think is that we are still very dependent on oil.
We’ll remain dependent on oil until there is concerted government action. That action will require that we change our lifestyles and are probably a bit poorer, more constrained. No-one will vote those governments in. So, we’ll sit here like boiled frogs
Fly, you fools!