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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


You own nothing and you locked with a subscription

Who cares if I only pay 10€ a month but can access 80 million songs. Back then 10€ bought you 75% of an album and you were forced to listen to it until you started hating it.

You listen what they propose

First of this is not necessary a bad thing. The algorithm can propose music you like not music that’s popular. You have to train it by making your own choices which - SUPRISE - is also what we did back than. People were influenced by MTV but at the end it was your decision what you listen to just like these days. You literally only have to enter the name of any album into the search bar. Back then the retailer did the preselection for you and only put CDs on display that would sell.

What happens when you favorite band gets removed from their library

Rarely happens because these days when you as an artist are not on the streaming services you might as well not exist at all.

The way you access music just isn’t comfortable to most people including me.

Holy shit I never expected to see a Final Fantasy Tactics meme. I loved to play this game on my Gameboy Advance SP. I really wish they would bring out a new part for the switch. By the way the OST of this game is bomb.

“Im not that conservative” said every conservative ever when arguing on a left leaning platform

If not being a racist is your benchmark, I don’t even want to know what else your family does.

No, I really like the smell of my own farts as it has something aromatic about it if you know what I mean. But I also like the smell of Manure on the fields so it might just be me. I haze the smell of freshly cut grass

Petition für Kinder Joy wo beide Seiten Schokolade sind

When you are in a “try not to laugh” competition and your enemy is footage of billionaires brutally dying in an submarine implosion.

I agree.

To get content from other servers in your main feed you just have to subscribe to the community you want to see the content from. If you are using the website go to “Communities” located at the top bar. When you use the app there should be also a button called “communities” or similar. On the website by default only communities of your own server are shown so select “All” at the top left. Then just select a community you like and press subscribe.

Kontext? Also das Lied kenne ich

Bei dem was du so hier unter das Meme kommentiert hast wird das nur ein Wunsch bleiben 🤡

Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn

So many people here who don’t understand why people are able to criticize more than one country be like:

A: “Tell me the difference between these pictures:” || xor

B: “They are the same”

Here, take my Lemmy gold kind stranger 🪙

Die Befürworter von Streumunition ignorieren wie viele Menschen sterben könnten. Die Gegner von Streumunition ignorieren wie viele Menschen sterben.