Spanish guy, who likes open source software and has just discovered the fediverse (as of 28th of April, 2022). I like video games, and indie and retro music. I’m a student. I’m officially diagnosed with ADHD and ASD since January, 2023.

America is a continent and Americans are people from that continent (Canadians, Usonians, Mexicans, Cubans, Argentinians, Brazilians…)

Mastodon user:
Peertube user:

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


Those with executive function issues and who take atomoxetine, did/do you go to therapy or do any meditation technique? Did/do you notice ED improvements with that combination?
Just what the title says. I'm taking atomoxetine since 13 months, and this week will be my first psychological session. I've severe ED issues, to the point I can't do almost anything productive (including meditation itself), no matter how much I want to.

Depending on what you seek in relation to ADHD, a monthly session followed by “homework” could be viable

That would be really affordable to me, even with local therapists. I’ll try.

I didn’t even consider EU countries because prices are similar, or more expensive, than those in Spain.

I went to psychologists for several reasons since 2013, that was 10 years before my diagnosis. And all of them had weekly sessions, because according to them, the more close in time those sessions are, the better those results are for the patient.

EDIT: How often should you go to the psychologist during therapy?

The list of Asian countries is very small. My time schedule is free during mornings, so American countries are not good for me. But thanks, I guess.

Does anyone know good and especially cheap therapists who do online therapy for ADHD?
Hello. I was diagnosed with ADHD one year ago already (I was 35 back then), but since then I'm only with medical treatment, in other words, with medication. This medication can keep my ADHD symptoms under control, at a degree. But it does absolutely nothing against my executive dysfunction and my focus issues, and I don't have proper tools to handle my ADHD. On a Discord server someone told me to look for therapists that do online sessions from third world countries for ADHD people, but I don't know where to look for them, and I don't know whether they're actual therapists or random scammers either. I live in Spain (pointing that out in case you try to push your US narrative), and a psychologists charges between 40 € and 60 € per session, being one session per week. And I can't afford spending 160 €/240 € per month when I don't even have a job. Does anyone can give me some advice or recommendations, or webpages where I can look for someone?

According to this list, is federated with both and

I take it in capsules too, but somehow the taste those capsules give me is really awful, and the taste of my food is altered too, to the point I feel disgusted by it, being juice, milk, yogurt…

I couldn’t find any information about calling yourself in court as witness while you’re being represented by yourself. The best I could find is this information about self representation.

I choose 1 and 3. 1 because I like learning languages, and 3 because ADHD, motherfuckers.

It’s like the angry gopnik in a red jacket got old.

It’s the font I like the most since I discover it some time ago.

A planet only for you, like McCoy’s ex-partner.

The issue is that the page where the screenshot was taken from doesn’t allow to list both Lemmy instances and Kbin instances at the same time. You need to take two screenshots to show both services, or to use another listing source that shows all services you want to be shown, and I don’t know whether it exists or not.

Kbin is a link aggregator independent from Lemmy. It’s like talking about Mastodon and Pleroma.

I use a pill box which I bought in the pharmacy some months ago. That way I don’t forget to take my pills, and I can also see if I forgot to take them.

Obviously, we’re only guests in the admin’s house, as long as the admin wants us to be there. But during the time I was on Mastodon, I saw some (de)federation discussions, and the admins said that most of the time: facts, not assumptions.

There should be a way to block or hide specific topics, like it can be done on Mastodon. The only way I see is to unsubscribe from communities/magazines where the Threads topic is or can be discussed.

Defederating must be based on facts and evidences, not on imagination.

I’m not lying. I’m telling an alternative truth.

That cat knows. Look at that face.

Don’t lie to us. You posted that image because there are beans.

Now that you mention it, I’m watching and scrolling Lemmy/Kbin since I wake up until I go to bed. I only enjoy some relax to cook, to eat and to play video games.

Will threads mainstream the fediverse?

Well, if you want to be treated like trash, or if you want to be harassed for your sexuality, then yes. But, honestly, who do want such things in their life?

I couldn’t sleep properly for the most part of my life, neither undiagnosed nor after my diagnosis and treatment. Then my doctor told me to take some melatonin pills before going to sleep. You don’t need any prescription to buy them where I live, it’s a natural treatment, and they can be bought in supermarkets too.

Anyway, after taking 2 mg of melatonin before going to sleep, I’m finally able to sleep for the whole night, without overthinking and moving myself for hours trying to go to dreamland.

You should ask your doctor about melatonin, maybe he or she gives you a prescription or tells you “yes, go ahead and buy them”.

I experience less rejection sensitivity since I’m on Lemmy/Kbin. I don’t know why, exactly, but one reason may be the lack of karma. And some Lemmy instances don’t even have downvote system.

I had to change my intake from breakfast to lunch. Because I eat different things everyday, I think I’m not at risk of feeling disgust. It worked today, let’s see the next days.

Why does all my food taste funny while taking atomoxetine?
Hello, everyone. I started Strattera for ADHD in March this year. I changed my breakfast 4 or 5 times already since then, because I can't stand its flavour after some period of time. Sometimes because of that bitter feeling that atomoxetine causes, and sometimes because of breakfast doesn't taste good. Now I'm taking peanut butter jelly sandwiches, which hides that bitter taste of atomoxetine... but peanut butter gives me an awful taste and feeling afterwards, despite the fact that I like peanuts. I'm tired of this, and I don't know what else I should do. I tried drinking orange juice, I tried drinking milk with biscuits, I tried cheese and ham sandwiches, and now this. Does anyone suffer from the same thing? UPDATE: Apparently there is something I missed when I read the instructions. Atomoxetine can cause dysgeusia between 1% and 10% of patients. I'm doomed.