Im not asking them to do anything at all. But i didnt know you couldnt ask not to show up in all. TIL
You have taken this beyond my intention. Im perfectly happy have trans content and issues introduced to me without looking for it. I dont want it to leave, it just sounded like THEY very much want people to only be there who are there on their terms and their terms only.
Sorry for the misunderstanding
Well thats not what im saying, but i guess i missed my mark. Oh well.
I actually meant to convey that since the community seems to be under brigade of biggots that are very much not welcome, being on all seems to be hurting them. Im totally fine with their stance. I am openly and fully supportive. Pride Puerto Vallarta this year was awesome! Knowing why people are showing up who are unwelcome when there is such a huge influx of new people is something that might be good to know about. Which is why i started with im only saw the post because its on all, meaning i didnt go looking for it, it came to me.
Sorry for the confusion. Peace and love!
I only saw this post because its on all
Maybe you dont want to be on all if this is your stance
Edit. The tone above is not hostile or pithy. I thought there was a dont show this community on all option. I have been informed that it isnt a toggle or opt out feature.
I apologize for any confusion my comment caused.
Heres my theory. And keep in mind i have just smoked a bowl, the show runners tanked the show because martin paid them too. Create the greatest show in a generation, dont wait for the author to finish it, make everyone in the world want a good ending, and sell more books than any author has ever sold
I am literally about to google FOSS because i have no idea what that means.
Dont really have a point but thought it might speak to OPs question
Edit: Free and Open Source Software. Can someone make a !remindme style bot for acronyms? Though maybe it would be a good feature for app developers to include in their ux (ui?) Or 3rd party devolopers allow 4rth party features. Starting to sound like a browser plugin/extension which might be a great steam workshop like culture around social media user experience customization.
Thank you, i wasnt suggesting it shouldnt be, it sounded like they didnt want the attention from being on all. Happy to see it there personally, though i have come to acknowledge that is not how my comment was received.