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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Well the definitions are pretty clear, some people might just be uninformed because mixing the two has been very common in the right’s communication for decades.

I’m in my mid thirties, my current job (first time for this employer) is the best paid and offers the best conditions and is the easiest one I’ve ever worked and they need to give us a retention bonus so people don’t leave for another department.

I’ll leave it at that so I don’t dox myself.

Edit: Don’t know why people are downvoting? It’s an office job that requires a high-school diploma, I’ve worked physical jobs before that paid less and where we weren’t short staffed as we are in my current job. Happy?

At the same time I had a colleague that had to immigrate to Canada from Yugoslavia in her 40s and she told me life there even as a Serb + Catholic couple was the best she has ever experienced until things started to go bad in the 80s…

That’s more like socialism though, where capitalism coexist with worker/government run corporations.

That’s funny because I do easy work for a great paycheck yet we have a harder time hiring than in my previous job which didn’t pay as well and was harder.

Yeah they might as well have written it in assembly… Some people are just not very good at understanding that others don’t have their knowledge/ease of understanding certain things, especially people who are very good at what they do, the ability to simplify is as much a skill as understanding complex concepts!

Same genes that makes some breeds hairless also has an impact on dental health. My Powderpuff (hairy Chinese Crested) has good teeth but they’re known for have teeth issues because most of the breed is hairless.

I didn’t mention it in that comment but mentioned it in another, it would need to be tightly moderated to work, so does any similar community though.

There’s a benefit to having communities for all and communities focused on the different groups, may it be specific genders, ethnic groups, generations, socio economic backgrounds and so on… The support people need might be similar in some cases, it can also be very specific to who they are in other situations…

Well wasn’t the whole point to temporarily rent empty rooms at first?

That last argument is worthless since not everyone cares to watch movies as they come out so it’s the viewing experience itself that needs to be compared, not the fact that both experiences can’t necessarily be enjoyed at the same moment in time.

I read them in Boxxy’s voice, it’s automatic

You know there’s nothing new about these things, right?


And having to choose when I go based on how busy it is is still an inconvenience because I don’t get to watch the movie when it’s convenient for me.

See, better is totally subjective. To me it isn’t better, my setup, tuned how I like it, without other people around, without having to turn my head left and right to see the whole screen, without having to show up in advance to make sure I’m sitting in a spot that’s appropriate for the screen… That’s much better. To me.

I haven’t been to a theater in years and never plan to go back.

Once you’re at a correct distance for the screen, 65" or 40’ doesn’t matter, in a theater I’m just farther away and still end up losing some of the image and have to deal with the other watchers.

As I said, once you’ve got proper equipment at home you just don’t care for the theater experience. I’ll never say it’s the same thing, I still enjoy it much more.

And ruin the experience for those with good equipment?

Should music be mixed in mono so quality is the same for those who listen to it on a base cellphone and those who listen to it on 1k$ speakers?

I don’t care now that I’ve bought a big TV and an ATMOS/surround system but I understand it’s not financially possible for everyone…