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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 25, 2023


The point isn’t to warm it up but rather just enjoy what is there. It’s bad form to get involved

I just want to check out juicy drama. This is juicy drama. Hell, it’s bringing juicy drama here.

I see no reason to exclude some drama.

carnist misinformation


Lmao are these people serious

It’d probably make the places nicer for the people their so could be a good idea

Would have a lot less of them if it was defederated

That’s… what I’ve been saying lol. That the vegans aren’t happy how the outsiders are acting in their instance. So to stop outsides from coming there they could defederate.

I mean clearly they are unhappy with how they act so defederating just makes sense to me

I’m saying if the instance doesn’t want outsiders coming in then that instance should remove itself from others

If they don’t like it they should defederate. Make it into a proper hugbox

If you want it to be for vegans only then you should defederate tbh

I guess they consider trans solidarity important enough to look past that.

Man, if Lemmy was as popular as Reddit I can’t even imagine the drama we’d have. Even now it is wild sometimes.

For me the instance name reads right after their username