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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I mean for me motivation is heavily influenced by my energy level.

Ngl I prefer Voyager as a name over Wefwef lol. But I like the word voyager in general so I might he biased.

I use voyager, but I love the name for mlem so I might give it a try lol.

I don’t think any particular kindle needs to be cracked or modded, you just have to pirate the files and make them compatible with software like calibre then put them on your kindle that way. Same with stuff like kobo. I downloaded a bunch of stuff into my kobo glow to read on planes or during long trips when I don’t wanna drain my phone battery.

I mean, to be fair, bucket traps are a tried and true rodent trapping method, when done right at least lol.

I think with the “walk the plank” style bucket trap he’ll need a pivot point further into the bucket so the rat has to get partway across before it’ll fall, which prevents it from jumping back before it falls in. Can do this with a thin rod that goes across attached to the bottom of whatever is used for the plank part.

One method that also sometimes works is putting a ramp on the side of the bucket to let the rat up, smearing peanut butter a few inches below the rim on the inside, and then greasing the edges a bit, so the rat has to try and reach in to get the peanut butter and then slips into the bucket because they can’t keep a grip on the sides.

Or he can go the Mouse Hunt route and just befriend the rat. I’m sure that couldn’t possibly go wrong.

More importantly, make sure to ask questions so that you can make an informed choice.

Hmm, I have a calendar somewhere that includes holidays and events from around the world. There are actually quite a few days with no events or holidays, so it’s not unheard of. My guess is that a good candidate is likely somewhat distanced from seasonal constants like the equinox.

That should absolutely constitute a stalking charge at the very least. But I recommend talking to a lawyer to be sure about what you can or can’t do legally.

That’s functionally the same thing when what you own is digital and limited to a specific service.

History has shown that if you make it easy to access something, people will generally prefer to access it legally rather than using piracy, because most people are willing to pay for something if they have the option and if it’s relatively affordable. Trying to stop piracy doesn’t help sales, let alone hypothetical future sales, so trying to stop roms of older games won’t help them make more profit when they relaunch/re-release older games on newer consoles. So it’s still pointless. Not to mention that people playing those older games in the meantime keeps them in the public consciousness longer and so more people are likely to know about them, hear about them, and want to buy them when they’re available through official channels.

I don’t, but I also tend to talk about stuff that tends to involve a lot of atypical names or words or slang that gets autocorrected to something wrong a lot when I use swipe, and I can’t be arse to figure out how to get it to work for that stuff, so I just stick to typing it out most of the time. It just feels more natural for me.

Here’s a detailed explanation for anyone who’s still confused:

リグマ is pronounced “riguma”. Japanese らりるれろ/ラリルレロ (ra ri ru re ro) sounds do not have a direct equivalent in English, but English R and L sounds are the closest, and we tend to defaut to r for any Japanese words or romanization (aka writing Japanese words with the Latin alphabet, which is referred to as romaji). But their "R"s can also be interpreted as L for loan words or words from another language depending on the word. Riguma would be spelled the same as ligma would in romaji, and when spoken would be pronounced the same. Ligma is a joke disease people claim to have so that when someone asks them what it is they can reply with “ligma balls”, which sounds like “lick my balls.” リグマ ボールス would be romanized as “riguma bōruzu”. Bōruzu is how they’d write the English word for balls, so “riguma bōruzu” sounds like “Ligma balls” and is how you would say/write it in katakana.

I was going to mention that if it’s still growing the user base there may be some less interesting tags, but damn. Yeah, those are just really dull in a random way lol.

You can ingest it, but you can’t digest it and it won’t provide much if any nutrition. It’ll probably make you constipated though.

They didn’t say anything about feeling morally superior, they just explained where and why many vegans differentiate between plants, bacteria, and animals. And let’s not pretend that other people, including non vegans, don’t also draw these lines at any other point, and don’t only bring up these supposed areas of debate whenever veganism is brought up. It’s a personal choice based on personal motivations, just because someone holds a different view from you that doesn’t automatically mean they feel superior to you. This comment is giving me the feeling you’re just looking for an excuse to rag on vegans, when they’re not even the ones who started the discussion.

If you decide you want to be vegan then yes. If you don’t want to be vegan then I guess it’s up to you whether you want to draw a line anywhere or not, or where that line is.

I’m not sure what you expect vegans to eat then. They can only reduce the harm they cause so much. Drawing the line at creatures that move around and actively interact with their environment, including avoiding injury and reacting to negative stimulus, is easier than trying to subsist on, like, nothing. As for bacteria, we can’t like, see them, or avoid them. It’s literally impossible to not ingest them. Plus the only time we actually target bacteria is when it’s harming us, and it’s not like vegans don’t believe in enacting self defense against something that attacked you first. But we can pretty easily avoid eating jellyfish. It in fact takes more effort to eat jellyfish than it does to not eat jellyfish. I mean you can try to get pedantic about it, like whether plants avoid negative stimulus or whatever, but again, vegans have to eat something, or they’d, y’know, die. Jellyfish can have an observable avoidant reaction to harm. It’s a relatively simple line to draw when you have to draw one somewhere.

And no, you can’t hurt a chair, because a chair is an inanimate object. There are humans who don’t have the ability to feel pain, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be hurt, as in harmed. It also doesn’t make them the same as a chair.

They are a living creature, so no, eating them is not vegan. It’s not about the capacity of the animal to feel pain, it’s about the capacity of humans to harm animals that most vegans take issue with, at least most that I know. Just because something can’t feel pain, does that mean we should hurt it? I’m not vegan myself, and I don’t think it’s inherently wrong for omnivores to eat meat, but I do think that it doesn’t matter if the animal can supposedly feel pain or not. We don’t need to go looking for excuses to hurt other living creatures needlessly.

I think there’s a difference between someone who doesn’t pay attention to politics and someone who just doesn’t want to argue politics. Someone who doesn’t pay attention to politics at all is too sheltered and doesn’t understand the issues that have been going on and affect a lot of people, so a lot of those people don’t want to date someone who won’t be able to understand something vital to them and that has an effect on their lives. Especially since someone who hasn’t been paying attention likely doesn’t have a lot of the same principles and beliefs.

Sleep a lot, take vitamins immunity boosting supplements, take the proper cold meds (what you need depends on the type of cough/cold you have. Sometimes you need a decongestant, sometimes you need an expectorant, and so on), and, of course, stay hydrated. There’s no need to stop taking cold meds if they’re working, your body will do “what it needs to” just fine with medication. Cold meds don’t prolong a cold. The only symptom that might have an effect if you treat it is a low grade fever, but even then it doesn’t have a significant effect so it’s really not worth suffering over. So you can either look for some cough meds that don’t treat a fever (aka stuff without acetaminophen or ibuprofen in them), or you can just get the individual ingredients that are found in generic cold medicine which don’t target fevers and take them that way like guaifenesin or dextromethorphan or whatever one fits your particular cold. Or if you’re feverish and don’t want to feel uncomfortable you can just take cold meds that also target fevers and even if it does affect how long your sickness lasts, and tbh it probably won’t, then it likely won’t be to a degree that you’ll notice (honestly there’s debate on whether treating a fever can prolong an illness, but I’m trying to cover my bases). Most of the time when people think their cold meds made them sick longer what actually happened is that their meds suppressed their symptoms enough that they stopped resting and recuperating too soon and/or over-exerted themselves, and that’s what made them sick longer. Just make sure to continue to rest and stay hydrated properly for an appropriate amount of time and you won’t have that issue.

Not with that attitude

Do the block and uninterested stuff but also clear her history and then search for videos you want her to watch. Cover all your bases. You can also try looking up debunking and deprogramming videos that are specifically aimed at fighting the misinformation and brainwashing.