Custom field support- TXXX is also nice but I was refering to the id3v2 standard fields. It looks like beets doesn’t support most fields actually.
How about composer or conductor for classical tracks or remix for EDM, language, grouping, media type, mood etc.
These tags have been part of the id3 standard for over 2 decades, I wonder why beets choose not to support then.
I read that doc but sadly most fields are missing. I cant see beets being useful for any serious collection without basic field support.
Its too bad, beets looks promising but Linux lacks an open source solution with decent id3 tag support. There are several windows apps (all closed source) that have been around for a long time with very good comprehensive id3 tag support but none foe Linux.
I disagree strongly with your assessment and find your characterization of a fellow Lemmy users opinions as “garbage” to be distasteful.
The .world admins inaction, and refusal to provide any communication at all on the situation despite half a dozen treads and hundreds of comments of users seeking clarification speaks volumes about the admins intent and is frankly disrespectful to the needs of the. world user community.
Meta is a known bad actor creating real harm in the world. Associating with people like that is perilous. In a dangerous situation, it is often wiser to take proactive action than to wait around and just “see what happens”.
You are indeed very naive. Meta is creating real harm in the world.
The U.S. Surgeon General just released a warning about how social media is likely harming children.
The CDC just released a report that everyone is becoming depressed.
This is largely facebooks doing. A decade ago they hired all the top psychologists in the world and had them study how to make their products as addictive as the most dangerous drugs known to man for their profit and your detriment.
This is their legacy. Associating with these people is dangerous. Federating with them is suicide.
I anticipate that intends to federate with meta.
Due to this I wish to close my account and migrate to another instance.
Can anyone hemp with this? I am a new user and I do not know how to move all of the communities I have subscribed to.
Is it even possible, is there a guide anywhere ?
If you want to selfhost this is an excellent and well maintained cross platform solution.