Some IT guy, IDK.
Their biology is still that of a carnivore.
“The cat (Felis catus), also referred to as domestic cat or house cat, is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal.”
“A carnivore, or meat-eater (… Removed for brevity…), is an animal or plant whose nutrition and energy requirements are met by consumption of animal tissues (mainly muscle, fat and other soft tissues) as food, whether through predation or scavenging.”
Further down on that same article, under characteristics:
“Characteristics commonly associated with carnivores include strength, speed, and keen senses for hunting, as well as teeth and claws for capturing and tearing prey.”
“Carnivores have comparatively short digestive systems, as they are not required to break down the tough cellulose found in plants.”
“Many hunting animals have evolved eyes facing forward, enabling depth perception. This is almost universal among mammalian predators”
Scientifically, according to their biological makeup, and nutritional requirements, cats meet all the criteria for predatory carnivores.
This is their biology. I’m not arguing for or against any science that makes them no longer required to eat actual prey/flesh that they needed to hunt and kill themselves. Biologically, their characteristics, digestion, and by proxy, their nutritional requirements, very solidly put them into the scientific category of carnivores.
One of the chief biological indicators of a carnivore vs an herbivore is digestion. Whether the animals digestive tract is designed to break down the cellular walls of plant matter. Cats lack the biological capability to break down the cellular walls in plants because of how their digestive system is configured.
Among everything else that points to them being a carnivore, that’s a big one…
Just because they can get the nutrition they need from not being a carnivore doesn’t change their scientific classification as a carnivore. They’ve evolved into efficient hunters, and though, for domestic cats, they are not required to hunt to live, they have all the tools for it.
Until they evolve to be capable of digesting plant matter more efficiently, that classification will remain unchanged. Regardless of whatever pseudo-science you want to convince yourself of.
I’m not a vegan. But my $.02 as a cat person is this: the cat has biological dietary requirements. If you fail to meet those requirements, it is animal abuse.
By trying to squeeze a cat, an obligate carnivore in nature, into a vegan diet, either you have to be extremely careful about it to ensure you meet all their nutritional needs, or simply, and far more easily, just don’t do it.
Encouraging people who likely do not have the means or expertise to monitor how their pet is doing, to switch them to a vegan diet, is dangerous to the health of the animal.
I’m not sure I disagree with the admin on this one, though there’s probably a better way they could have handled it.
No no, they’re still carnivores.
Nothing about their biology changed so that they’re no longer classifiable as a carnivore.
Scientifically, they have all the traits of a carnivore, and a predator.
You can’t redefine “cat” because we can use supplements to round out their dietary needs.
What you said is like, oh Dracula isn’t a vampire anymore, because we found a way to give him an artificial blood substitute that completes his dietary needs…
… He’s still a vampire, he’s just getting his fix from something other than a living person.
I’ve seen stuff online about people trying to feed their pets vegan diets. It’s more commonly dogs, but cats crop up every now and again…
I’m just saying that some people are stupid enough to try to make all their pets eat a vegan diet regardless of the nutritional requirements that each pet may have.
So yes. Some people are trying to claim otherwise. They’re idiots, and they may not be here on Lemmy right now, but they exist.
For the most part it is. I’ve never formally looked into meditation and what is recommended, required, or involved in doing it.
I just went down a path for my own benefit, and I ended up here. It works for me. I don’t consider it actual mediation, but IDK. That’s just not something I’ve gone down a rabbit hole on.
The thing that helped me the most with sleep, is simple, but not easy.
Don’t think.
I know, I know. Asking someone who has ADHD to not think is like asking someone to not breathe. I get it. I struggled. It took me a long time to figure out how to do it for myself. I won’t claim to have the answer on how to accomplish this, the process I use, I can’t really explain.
The single most important realization I made on my journey to having the ability to not think, was this: thinking about not thinking, is a thought, and therefore counterproductive.
You have to not think. Do not try, do not think about not thinking, just don’t think. When a thought occurs to you, recognise it, but don’t engage the thought, the same way you would ignore someone yelling into the crowd as you walk down the street. You understand they’re there, but you are going somewhere or doing something and don’t want to get involved, so you just keep walking. Same idea. Just let the thought pass you by without engaging the idea.
It’s simple, not easy.
Yeah, concerta is adjacent to Ritalin. Similar chemicals with similar effects from what I understand of it (I’m neither a doctor, nor a pharmacist).
I was “diagnosed” with ADHD, by my family physician, it’s not a full diagnosis, that can only be done by a psychiatrist, which I haven’t done.
I take it in the morning and by the end of the day, I’m usually tired enough to sleep at an appropriate hour. I don’t take it for that reason, it’s a happy side effect. The primary effect is restoring some level of control over my focus. Ita been doing a good job so far.
The answer is likely “other people”.
I know that Tom, doesn’t really have much of a team, if any, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get help with stuff like organising and booking flights and stuff. I don’t believe for a second it’s just Tom, jumping a flight to somewhere and setting up his camera, talking to it for a while, then editing it and posting it, all by himself.
I’m sure that was the case once upon a time… Currently, not so much.
Don’t get me wrong, his content, the scripts, the research… I’m sure Tom is either directly involved, or doing that stuff entirely on his own. I believe the words he says are his own and that he has taken the time to learn the subject matter himself. Whether anyone helped with writing may be in question, I haven’t really dug into his process, so I don’t really know, but in the end, Tom is saying things that he believes to be true based on his own understanding of the matter. I believe that 100%.
How he got here? Idk.
Bruh. Nothing called a “board” can contain all the steps to even one of my plans.
And I’ve got a lot of plans. Hundreds of “I just need x to get to the next step of y plan” pass through my mind daily.
I have no money, so I have no reasonable way to obtain x, so y is at a standstill… For now. Rinse and repeat with everything, and you’ll have a good idea of the chaos I live with.
For clarity I don’t self harm but I’ve fought the urge to several times…
For me it’s often immense frustration. It seems to be that most people take out their frustrations on the people around them. Not everyone is frustrated enough to, and not everyone does it, but there’s a nontrivial number of people who take it out on whomever they can, IMO, this is what leads to things like physical and emotional abuse but spouses, in some cases. IMO, bluntly, if you take out your frustrations on those you supposedly love, then you’re in desperate need of either therapy, or a percussive rearrangement of your neurons…
For me, I silo things. If I’m frustrated at a situation, then that’s what I take things out on, if I’m frustrated at a person, that’s where that frustration is focused. Only when I’m in the midst of incredible stress/burnout do any of these lines ever get crossed and it signals to me that I need to take some time to rest and recover.
However, even frustrations are happening quickly and intensely, I get the urge to harm something. If my mind is properly siloing my feelings as I’ve tried to do, and I’m not frustrated to the point of uncontrollable (or nearly uncontrollable) anger at a person, instead being frustrated by a situation or circumstance or thing… Then either I beat the crap out of an inanimate object to release that tension, or… Well… Take it out on myself.
There’s a line in an obscure episode of the TV show scrubs, where doctor Cox says to JD that sometimes JD makes him so angry he’s afraid he might hurt himself… When I first saw that, I didn’t comprehend what he meant… After being out in the world as a working adult for as long as I have been since first hearing that line, I get it. Sometimes the frustration needs to vent off, in some way or another, and sometimes the machine (me) that holds the pressure of that frustration starts to get damaged from holding the pressure.
It’s fairly rare for me, I’m usually very calm and disciplined. Though, when it happens, it can be very intense.
Everyone’s reasons are different, these are mine. I’m almost never in a situation where I feel like self harm is a good idea or something I am compelled to do. For me it’s simply the failed containment of extreme emotion.
I think I can confidently say that I have habits. I am ADHD, and I have habits. Not good habits like brushing my teeth, or chores or anything…
No. My habits are either useless, or actively detrimental. Things like chewing my finger nails, or self-soothing behaviors like when I rub my feet together (drives my SO nuts). Stuff like that which I do subconsciously.
Everything else requires some measure of effort to get to doing… Usually when I’m in the process of getting something done, it’s far easier to see it through to conclusion, vs. Getting started…
Habits doesn’t and shouldn’t imply that the habits are good. Things I consider habitual now are a result of many years of doing the same things over and over in the same way with a consistent result…
Nintendo is the Disney of video games.
They want to take their content and squirrel it away in their vault, so for like 10 minutes you can buy the emulated recreation of some obscure title on some future platform where it’s digitally tied to the device and the online Nintendo store you bought it from, so when the console inevitably breaks or the store is shut down, you lose access.
All of this for a premium cost for a decades old game of dubious quality that only has value because of your nostalgia.
So stop emulating games so Nintendo can decide when they will gift you with the privilege of paying far too much for a game they didn’t make, which has a life expectancy, which will expire when they want it to.
Also piracy is bad! So stop it.
yep, legislation for the children is basically restricting a lot of high concentration stuff from being ordered at all.
Where I am (canada), we can’t get anything over 20mg/ml at all, unless we have a manufacturing license to buy anything higher. There are some shops that make their own e-juice that can mix whatever concentration you need. Here, that would be dashvapes in Toronto (though I’m sure they’re not the only one), and will go down to as little as 0.5mg/ml IIRC, since they have a manufacturing license and they have the high concentration liquid to mix it as much, or as little as they want.
I’ve been more or less stuck at 3mg for a while myself, I refuse to go higher, I just need to restrict how often I pick up the vape to get anywhere, since the oral fixation is very real and keeps me reaching for my vape… that’s the bit I need to get under control.
It can help, yes. But if you don’t want to quit, it will just be trading one for the other.
What I can say is that vaping is at the very least, less harmful than cigarettes. You don’t get a lot of the combustion by-products you do with cigarettes.
It’s not less addictive, and I’m not going to claim it’s healthier, just less harmful. Addiction to nicotine in any form is still an addition. Vaping doesn’t do anything different than cigarettes when it comes to nicotine. Its still an addictive substance, and the only real benefit you get from vaping (in terms of quitting) is detailed control over the concentration of nicotine in what you’re ingesting. This won’t matter if instead of vaping for 5 minutes per hour at 6mg, you’re vaping 10 minutes per hour at 3mg.
In the end, it’s entirely up to you. Vaping is a tool that can give you the control to accomplish the task of quitting, if that’s what you’re intending to do. If you’re just looking for something less harmful, but don’t have the drive to actually try to quit, it’s just going to substitute one for the other.
Well that’s not great.
I admit, as an IT grease monkey myself, stuff like this about the incoming generation of coders usually foretells that support will need to work harder.
I know not all coders are like this, I’ve met a lot of very competent and capable coders, but if the younger generation that’s graduating into development know very little about the platform, it tells me that college’s are not doing the whole job, and there’s going to be a lot of underskilled developers getting into making production code very soon and likely on an ongoing basis… Which just means the IT support folk, whether sysadmin, network admin, or otherwise, will need to do a lot of work forklifting their skills up to par any time someone goes from college into the workforce.
Not great stuff.
I think we should defederate any corp version of any federated app. Not due to privacy or anything, but because it silos anyone using those services from everyone else. Bluntly, I don’t want people’s B.S. propeganda on the fediverse, and the stupid crap conspiracy farm that Facebook and other places have become.
I’m sure it won’t stop the stupid from reaching us, but it should limit the amount and impact that those users have. Additionally, it will remove a lot of high quality content from those services making them less viable for corps to run and maintain. They will happily farm the fediverse for content to attract users they can monitize… I’m not a fan of handing them more content to steal while they share zero of the profits of that content with either the creators or the communities that handle that data.
I’m not doing their job for them in promoting entertaining and informative posts just so they can make money on it. They want it, they can put forth the effort themselves.
Is there a reason you use uncommon terms to refer to family members?
Eg “wife’s son” vs “stepson”?
Or was the kid your offspring and you just wanted to bait that loser?