Rexxitor. Biology nerd. Roguelites, indie games, and TRPGs. Drowning in unused yarn, unread books, and mandatory cat hair.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I’ve had a boss like that 😬
My condolences. Naturally, he’d only keep his mouth shut for fear of looking like an asshole to his own family. His kid must be “one of the good ones” /s

I’m just gonna redirect my efforts to animals. Cats don’t do any of this to each other. Even bats will literally give their food to strangers if they appear to be starving. My cousin is less christian than a vampire bat.

There is Jacob’s ladder in the bible, a prophetic dream sequence with various interpretations.

Jacob’s ladder the decorative body piercing is probably not what this meme had in mind, nor is it something you really wanna google at work for porn reasons, but it seems more fun to climb than their idea.

I mean, trying to explain is understandable for anyone. A ton of people just really desperately need to be part of an exclusive group and wouldn’t backtrack under torture. Because the main reason they even need in/out-groups at all is

A.) Community and belonging
B.) (in the extreme political cases) A sense of pride that’s already propped up on a single wobbly stilt.

They’d lose that and all their friends at once. Admitting fault and seeing nuance both take an amount of character that would have made it unlikely for them to mindlessly join in like that in the first place, though I do have fragile hope.

I’m willing to bear a good bit as long as we’re both decent towards each other in doing so, but idk how you stayed around him even that long. In no other circumstance would it be considered healthy to keep company with the same guy openly insulting you and everyone else at every turn, and there are reasons I’m not allowed at Thanksgiving anymore.

Oh, yeah. I distinctly remember reading in my textbooks in the 4th grade how they were the pilgrims’ good friends and agreed to move. This was in the late 90s. That same year, we went to the nearby burial mounds on a field trip. 8yr old me did not put a lot of thought at the time into how the lecturers and their exhibits seemed to depict all of this as happening in the blindingly distant past, as if they’d gone the way of the neanderthal. Adult me only started assessing how it had been presented a couple years ago when I was telling someone else about it, and I am still horrified.

Stuff like this flyer, I never saw until today. That the state of Tennessee is entirely the result of Americans setting up shop on land that still legally belonged to the Cherokee at the time, and that everyone just sorta went along with that except for, increasingly, the Cherokee, was not something I ever heard until I was doing some semi-related reading on my own at the start of this year.

I literally live in this area.

Not even bothering to work out the logic, is he. If he did, he wouldn’t have any right to be angry, and he really, really wants to be angry. Imagine some foreign government gracefully granting you the recognized right to fish in your own damn house.

*and however many servants it takes to clean and stock a castle. No way she does that on her own, or she’d never stop

If someone on Lemmy creates a new community for underwater basket weaving, how does Mastadon interpret that information? Mastadon doesn’t have communities (i think? I don’t use it).

To clear that up, communities/magazines come across as users to mastodon. They already had the equivalent, and it’s basically a bot user that auto-retweets anything tweeted at it, that people can follow.

Depending. Women jack off a hell of a lot after you roll over

I still remember one of my parents telling me that after a friend’s funeral. We were the same age…

Sorry, I wasn’t as clear. I’d meant the jokes told about the future back then were better than how the actual future turned out. The jokes from then were mostly slurs tbh

• If I stop paying taxes, they won’t remove me from the country, for starters. If I steal enough from them, they may make double-sure I remain a customer for the next several years.

• If I make little to nothing and can’t afford a subscription taxes, they pay me.

• Their free version works pretty much just like their paid version. People who pay wish they didn’t and people who don’t would kill for the opportunity.

• Not everyone gets the same experience, even among people in the same bracket. (Alabama roads)

• The government doesn’t mind if I share my citizenship, as long as I say I really like that person.

• Even if they’re not supposed to be using the service country, extra sneaky ones still pay taxes, sometimes in the hopes of being legally permitted to continue paying.

Haven’t seen this since I was a kid and I can still hear it

I can’t tell whether we’re just pretending for the joke that that’s anything like what taxes do, or if we’re genuinely just nodding and going with that, and that makes me depressed

Obligatory do not do this, it is an instant spoiled milk spell

Or do it and post about it, I don’t care.

Not everything that elicits emotion is an appeal to emotion. If I argue with a conservative and say that “anti-trans legislation leads to more trans suicides of the children you pretend to protect”, is that an appeal to emotion just because the conversative might get emotional?


Appeals to emotion are intended to cause the recipient of the information to experience feelings such as fear, pity, or joy, with the end goal of convincing the person that the statements being presented by the fallacious argument are true or false, respectively.

the statement “Look at the suffering children. We must do more for refugees.” is fallacious, because the suffering of the children and our emotional perception of the badness of suffering is not relevant to the conclusion.

If you cut out the part where they’re a terrible hypocrite if they don’t agree, that would be a logical argument instead of an emotional one. For the topic,

“You should switch because it costs less, is more environmentally sustainable, and carries much the same nutrition while being more advantageous to your health” is a logical argument. All of these are verifiable and the reader may decide on their own how persuasive the facts are.

“vegetarianism is cheap and healthy, you should switch because killing is wrong and you’re making poor, defenseless animals suffer and be repeatedly raped, and you’re a terrible person behaving immorally,” is a emotional argument, and laughably manipulative.

The problem is morals are subjective. You might think stomping bugs is mean. I might stomp all day. We can argue about bugs all day long and never get anywhere, because you’re trying to force me to feel something I don’t actually believe. I’m more likely to listen to data I can’t physically argue with.

Now, regarding effectiveness, I don’t know what’s better. All I know is that the people that aren’t activist always seem to know exactly how to do activism correctly. . . . Veganism is not a diet, so just giving recipes without a philosophical backing will likely not create a lifelong lifestyle shift.

The philosophy part seems to fall short a lot those reasons. Most meat-eaters are well aware, they just value something else more. Be that finances/accessibility (hunters), self-image (Red-blooded American Tradition, Grrr, Manly Caveman), or simplicity/dependability and the transient comfort of familiarity (me @ the horrors of life).

If you’re like me and giving more energy to struggling, your instinct might be to go, “Ooh, animals are suffering? Food is sad? Mfer I’m sad too, I can’t even afford laundry.”

With their values elsewhere, the likelihood any will go Full Plant forever is small at best. But if I continue eating eggs/steak and replace burgers and chicken with their just-as-good meatless counterparts, I still consider it a partial win vs a total loss. More open to the idea. Less money to the industry.

It has to be far and beyond exhausting to have the people you’re convincing correct your speech instead of ever focusing on the content. I grant you that.

I’m not pulling it out of my ass because I want The Activists to leave me alone, it’s my stance because years of perceived bitching never swayed me any more than it seems to persuade anyone else in this thread. Being nagged and told you’re a bad person isn’t going to make most people want to hear about all the ways they’re bad.

What got me to consider it was a former friend who never pushed the issue except to offer me some of her plate. It was fucking delicious. A bit expensive, still, since that’s just where fake meat is right now, but I’d buy it again.

Asking a vegetarian sub about an unidentified dish in a wedding spread didn’t net me answers, sadly, but for someone whose main concern is a tendency towards anemia, a user showing me tofu has slightly more (non-heme) iron than meat put it on my radar. Way more fun than the 40% chance of being dogpiled and called a murderer.

I will admit that “on my radar” turned out to be more “info my handicapped brain filed away to be accessed only if I ever saw it in a section I associate with ice cream,” so that will be rectified.

Regarding tofu I’d say think of it like plain chicken. It has zero real taste of it’s own, so just put it into stuff that’s tasty. Since it doesn’t have to be cooked for a specific time like chicken or lentils, I often just crumple a bit into whatever I’m making if it’s lacking “mass”.

I’ve heard that, not surprised. A bit sad, but easy to work around. If there’s no set cook time, is there…a disadvantage to cooking it? As in, it’s easily burned or something…? Maybe I’m asking too many things. The only cookbook I’ve ever owned was an heirloom from WWII, so I have some stuff to look up 😅

He looks like a Farside character

That was my only guess for those and I felt dead sure there was no way that could be right. They wouldn’t make it that easy.

Universal basic income, basically, yes. Which would ideally revolutionize a lot, so while I’m drooling over the idea in a perfect world, I’m also banking on something about it being horribly twisted before they ever consent to do something close to that. They’d have more money to put back into the economy than they are, but people scrambling in poverty don’t have the energy to take an active interest in the doings of the elite.

Their site lists:

For every 50 Champions contributing $200/month each, AFA will hire one more DC advocate!

So $120k per year. Googling the current salary of a DC lobbyist gets me anywhere from $56k - $210K. Should have just done that instead, huh. Getting into political arguments with strangers could have been a paid gig.

trying to find different jobs for those people is an important thing to do, since there’s also a good chance they’d rather not do that if they had better options. For example, iirc ptsd rates are high among slaughterhouse workers.

Which will be difficult since they tend by nature to be the only available work far out in the middle of nowhere. Rural areas are highly resistant to urbanization and in my experience their council members are openly hostile even as their town is visibly breathing its last. I believe you’re also right about the PTSD, I’d forgotten about it.

Appreciate the link, I’m…you know. Overall dumb about these things. And also shocked to find the amount they’re asking for one single lobbyist — which I think would feel exorbitant to most — is lower midtier for their average salary. I don’t really know what I expected.

I always try really hard to do that, and even more so now that I’ve left reddit. Now and then, I still find myself backspacing ingrained reddit snark or editing and re-editing things to make them more neutral and concise.

Sadly, the rambling is clinical, I still tend to get in my own way if I’m talking about something personal, and I’ve found that nothing. Absolutely nothing. Will piss people off faster than telling them to be nice to or even hear each other. I just want things to be better, and in all but the most dire cases, anger doesn’t do that.

For the recipe, I already have one saved to my phone :3

I have no moral problem eating a human or nonhuman if they’re already dead. Kinda weird but whatever. The issue comes when you are the one who took their life from them without consent.

But…then wouldn’t the activism be directed solely at slaughterhouse workers? Who…obviously won’t listen, given they chose to work there, and the only one of them I ever knew still has a special hatred for chickens decades later?

I’m not the one killing anything. Only thing I’ve ever killed is bugs, and I stopped enjoying that when I hit ten. I still inarguably fund the ones who do. Those who hunt by themselves and do kill tend very much to be poor enough to make hunting a welcome option, which I wouldn’t take issue with until they have others available.

This ideally has to range beyond the killing part if it’s to reach literally anyone whose financial situation does not depend upon continuing to kill things.

As for other people telling me they think I’m terrible, I get that all the time already, whether I’ve actually done anything or not. If you’re on the internet, stuff like that becomes noise. I don’t like me either.

See, that’s what I’m talking about. I’m saving that :D

I’ve never heard of sambal in my life, much less gochujang, but I guess we’re going on an adventure.

I love this so much, I audibly gasped. The one and only downside is how much of an asshole I’d feel being forced to scrub the “graffiti” off for work

Ok, but. I would still eat a dead human pretty readily if they didn’t taste like veal, so. Not to mention, my overly-literal ass can confirm from everything I know of every area of medicine and mechanics, we definitely are meat robots, yes.

I think you’re underestimating how little emphasis most really place on this over making their own survival as simple as possible. Myself and others are not unaware that dying is painful or we’d likely be kept in a room somewhere, and acting otherwise is infantilzing.

Deriving enjoyment from being talked down to is so far from the norm it’s a distinct fetish, so it rarely accomplishes more than making the target dig in their heels. It’s by far the main reason that every time a vegetarian/vegan is at all vocal, they tend to get laughed out of the room.

Unless they’re six, people already know animals suffer and they eat them anyway. It’s just what they’ve always done, they already know it’s available and delicious, and it’s easier not to change anything more than they absolutely have to.

So make the change simple. The empathy route isn’t playing to strengths, here, the way just getting someone to try and hopefully integrate vegetarian meals would.

Horrendous? Yes. Also true. Mostly what people do is suck. If you want someone to do something for you, make it worth their while.

the dead bodies of sentient beings

Some thoughts — the appeal to emotion is always going to be a turnoff here. Every time. I do get it, but if the people you were trying to convince cared about how fluffy and sad their food was, they would already be vegetarian.

Also, don’t think I won’t eat a human just because they’re sentient. Or an ostrich. Have you ever met an ostrich? They’re unapologetic dickheads. I’ll eat an ostrich’s babies on purpose. So mostly it qualifies as a guilt trip that goes nowhere, especially for those who hunt animals that need frequent culling like deer.

I think just trying to convince people to try recipes is more likely to hit, because who doesn’t want something new and inexpensive that they don’t have to feel fat about?

On that note, thank you for the reminder that I do really need to try tofu. I keep meaning to and forgetting, was not aware til last year how much protein it actually has (plants have a terrible rep), and I’m just gonna plan a dish at random and set a whole reminder for myself at this point. This is ridiculous. Would there be anything off the top of your head that’s your favorite?

Pity we went with a bird as the unofficial kbin mascot instead of a fish, then, since we already have our rat

The last meme I see literally as I am about to go lay down. Perfect.

I have an uneasy feeling this guy was not even there to shop. He seems…invested.
“Hypnotically caucasian” is going to stick with me for a while

From an outsider’s view, I’d think they’re close. What I wanna know is how Kirby has more lore than My Little Pony. He’s a blob with a one-word vocabulary.

It makes sense, but it’s more than a little depressing and I would have thought the features wouldn’t really be much of an issue for someone who chose that platform. Someone on Twitter might be aware that Reddit exists and how it works, but they’re still not very likely to uproot themselves from a platform they know and use just for that (current events notwithstanding).

Can I ask what kind of service Hubzilla is, that puts it above the other options? Especially for nerds? I’ve heard the name maybe three times now, but I know nothing else. Is it just the fact that they’re not tied down?

For me, I had my own reasons that were similar to Nougat’s. Sensible, non-eye-burning interface. A frankly surprising admiration for what I’d seen of what would become my dev’s personality and approach, where I hadn’t felt anything but veiled contempt for an admin in decades. I didn’t know about the other perks (individually muting instances, neat community tagging system, 70% compatibility with mastodon) until later, but those make me even more satisfied with my choice and I’m content to wait out the small stuff.

For inquisitive people, I’m not overly certain beyond what I’ve said. It could have been a fluke. It could be that, since lemmy was the first choice anyone ever mentioned, shitposters are just looking for the easiest way to have a good time. So lemmy got all the shitposters. And if you weren’t interested in what lemmy had to offer, there was a very good chance you weren’t interested in where the fediverse currently was in general, in order to bother reading through all the other options. A lot of people decided they didn’t like how janky and different it felt and they just went elsewhere.

I could be overly-projecting, but people who kept looking long enough to stumble across kbin instead of choosing lemmy or giving up I think would tend to be the more anxious, detail-oriented types that are liable to do their homework before making anything approaching a decision. Which would…inherently make them more likely to be hungrier for that kind of thing in general? Which naturally meshes pretty well with the aforementioned nerdiness of those who were already here when we arrived.

I really don’t want to make assumptions, though, or end up implying things like “Lol, lemmy got all the lazy chodes and we got the smart people.” Especially between such closely-linked communities that started out as quite literally the same group. Expecting such a clear delineation would be a bit laughable, and we’ll blend with each other like we always have. I have no interest in tribalism, I’m just enjoying the time period this platform is troll-less.

We most definitely are, because it was the first thing I ever personally blocked. So that’s…odd. I’m not aware that kbin currently defederates anyone

Kbin, here. Lemmy images come through fine 80-90% of the time, with a rare case that the post will federate but utterly forget the image. I don’t believe it’s ever missed a video, but I don’t often stop for those in order to weigh in.

@macrophotography started out repeatedly losing the image when they first started federating with, but it resolved in a day and after checking, it still works fine.

who the kbin software attracts

Currently, it’s an uneven split between fledditors and tech nerds, which I would chalk up to mastodon/fedi in general brimming with mostly nerds, and kbin specifically being a platform in its infancy that would naturally attract more curious devs than shitposters.

I think it’ll balance out more over time, as people who have made their home here make it the home they’re looking for. I’m hoping kbin will always keep the air of kind hyper-inquisitiveness that it currently carries.

Weirdly, it’s only ever in one toilet too

You have a debilitating condition called SRF, or schrodinger’s renal failure. Treatment is using any other toilet but that one. $28,000.

If symptoms persist, I may accept payment of an old cigarette butt to send OOP to an actual doctor

2 definitely covers more learning than 3 does, I think. Talent doesn’t make up for practice, but recall feels like 90% of what practice is supposed to be doing. And it would make me a beast at my job, just never having to reference anything ever (quite literally over half of it is just referencing different passages of the same sources over and over).

And yes, telekinesis too. It’s the biggest excuse I would have to start working out and never stop. From doing crimes to being able to play with the cat in a more convincing way without having to get up for the fourth time.

No, I just don’t want any more of this than I already have.

But it’s Honeycomb that has those pepperbox pistols