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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Yeah, I do kind of hope that this insane games as a service crap dies down significantly. The gaming industry has really lost my interest since 2010 and it doesn’t seem to be putting out anything that scratches my gaming itch anymore.

Well if they made a sequel people would be playing that instead.

Bro if I caught myself saying this 5 years ago I’d be saying what you are saying right now. So I don’t blame you.

Edge is pretty legit actually these days

Do you shit with the bathroom door open? You don’t mind if I watch you while you shit then, do you?

Uh? You mean they didn’t profit at all from the insane merchandising? Maybe they need to have a conco or two with George Lukas than, because the GoT merchandise was off the rails

What an amazing person you are!! Thank you for the advice

Hopefully they can find someone who can keep the spirit of the show alive, then. I’d hate to see it go. It was such a unique show.

…what the fuck are you talking about? How much does Meta pay you? If this place implodes then it’s simply onto the next one. It’s my data, it’s not free, and I can choose who I give it to. That’s not novel or extreme… ? When someone is spying on you, you have a right to do what it takes to eliminate that activity.