

Freedom to Ukraine

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


From my experience - yes.

I feel like riding a bike, especially on the street with other cars, is very similar to meditation. You have to be there and then, be aware of your suroundings and your body. You can’t really drift off into the noise in your head and you can’t get lost in thought.

I always feel sharper after a bike ride.

If you ever enter my home, know that I aggressively support not taking a shit in the kitchen, and, if you enter my home, I want you to aggressively support not taking a shit in my kitchen.

I’m not a fascist, just a decent person. Don’t like it? Don’t enter my house.

Now imagine my house is an instance/server, and “shitting in the kitchen” is bigotry.

Jesus, that’s insane. Either I have 0 habits, or OP is right. Everything I do, I do “manually” , and have to put effort and thought into it.

I was only able to quit smoking, because I replaced it with Vaping. Quitting vaping was way easier than quitting smoking.

Went from 1 cigarette every hour, to maybe 1 cigarette a year (when I get drunk with my friends during a wedding or something)

And I quit vaping.

So yes, in my case, vaping absolutely helped.

“I farted and then it started raining. I’m 100% sure my fart made it rain”.

They are. But they’re also influenced by who talks about it, how many comments, replies, likes it has. How many people click on it. Etc.

On mastodon is just how many people used the hashtag in a short period of time.

*useless only if you have no interests. There’s plenty of people talking hobbies and interests. If you’re just shooting shit, I agree, it’s boring. And no, there’s no middle. Maybe Instagram is the middleground?

By creating a pull request in Github. (Don’t yet angry, that was supposed to be a lighthearted joke)

I agree. The Trending algorithm needs improvement. Luckily, we can do that ourselves.

Lemmy ““promotes”” upvoted stuff.

Mastodon “Trending” is just stuff that wasn’t talked about, suddenly being talked about. That’s why constantly popular things don’t appear on Trending, but things like “BigBoobFridayWhatever” (or equivalent) gets trending (people don’t use the hashtag for a week, and everyone use it for that day). I see how they thought it’s perfect for world-wide events, but it just end-up being a bunch of “weekly” stuff.

Because mastodon doesn’t have an algo that promotes division and controversial topics. These hashtags are what normal, everyday people talk about. Drama isn’t its strongest side.

I’ve experienced communism first-hand. I don’t need some rando’s with marx pp opinion on it, nor do I need to “do my own research”.
I stand by what I said.

While I’m here:

  • Nazis can fuck off.
  • Commies can also fuck off.
  • Fuck capitalism
  • Cooperativism is the way.

“ThAt wAs nOt rEaL CoMmUnIsM” – Delusional Americans who think communism is like a vacation in a Turkish hotel.

Wow, imagine thinking you’re so important, that people take time of their day to organise to organise downvoting some rando opinion, on a network that has no karma.


Easy to explain shitty opinions by crying “brigaded”. Equivalent to “fake news”.

Same response as a “Swastika is just a sun symbol”

A symbol can change meaning depending on history. Hammer and sickle is the symbol of oppression, suffering, dictatorship, imperialism and inequality, and it’s meaning is influenced by the actions of soviet union and china.

What is described has no correlation with the symbols.

I really don’t think it’s greed. Can’t blame em for trying to win the cat/mouse game of adblocking. I’m sure it’s not the end of the world, and new ways to circumvent this will show up.