Hello! My name is Cobalt Swiftpaw. I’m here for memes and art.

Previously /u/PirandelloKruger723 on Reddit.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


No, you just missed the point. You’re posting in an ADHD community, the point was to be relatable.

Your next line is digging in your heels and trying to prove that it’s somehow “edgy”. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

Pretty sure it’s bupropion.

You’re not a doctor or you wouldn’t be playing it online. Please refrain from giving people unsolicited medical advice on the future.

I was not lacking salt. My body was having a natural reaction to a CNS stimulant. Everybody reacts differently to pharmaceuticals, and I’m audhd which makes it worse.

If it works it works. Stims fucked with my heart too much so this is my method as well.

For me, Vyvanse (lisdexamphetamine - a prodrug of dexamphetamine) caused the same side effects - high HR and working out felt bad. I stopped medication because it was a lot of stress for me.

Rhythm games. Diablo clones. ATS, ETS, and BeamNG.drive.

LOL you live in a different reality. Also, MLs are authoritarians. Do you believe otherwise?

…Do you understand the nature of this disorder? It’s not like people just don’t WANT to do things. We want to, but due to a developmental difference, lack the neurotransmitters/receptors to be able to consistently turn “want” into “do”.

15 minutes MINIMUM to wash and condition my hair then clean my body. The rest of the time is thinking or unspecified activities.

I don’t make excuses anymore. It’s very tiring and I prefer to just face the consequences. People seem to respect me more because of it.