It was about $175 if I recall correctly. Installed it myself, wasn’t very difficult. Had to drill 3 holes under the sink for hoses to go in their places.
I think the drill was the only tool I needed. Replacement filter sets are around $80 per year, so the cost over time / per day is very small. I drink water from it several times per day.
EDIT: Oh yeah I needed some wrenches too for the T-junction connection. You have to turn off your water to the sink, then wrench free the pipe and install the T-junction in between, to tap the output for your filter system.
To fix that problem you can install a Reverse Osmosis water filter system under your sink to get a “tap” of purified water and not have to buy water from the store. I got one with a pH re-mineralization stage to add back some beneficial minerals that RO purification removes. The filtered water tastes absolutely perfect.
Jeez that’s a shitload of liquor, glad you were able to kick that habit. I feel bad like I drink too much when my lady and I drink a whole liter bottle on a weekend together. I like to drink sometimes but other times it just feels worthless and I wonder why I’m doing it. Fortunately I can get medical flowers legally and they help me feel a lot better than liquor does.
This perfectly illustrates the problem with the Internet as a whole in the age of smartphones.
Your idea of the “first step” is always “open app” but the Internet is not apps. The Internet is servers, and a web browser is the client app for most of it.
Since I know how to use the Internet, it was simple AF to get a Lemmy account going. I went to and signed up. Now I’m on Lemmy.
If all you know of the Internet is “open app” on your phone, you have a lot more to learn about the Internet as a whole.
Not when they allow you to live in a low cost of living area and make a good income. I get to keep more of my income because my bills are low.
Having a car grants a human being a much greater amount of personal freedom, because you can simply get in it and drive to anywhere the roads lead. One of those benefits is being able to go to work and bring home the bacon.
Yes, there is menial work available in many areas. Even if you live in a rural area, as millions of Americans currently do, who make a living and own homes.
The magical secret is CARS - you can get a car, and drive it to the job. Jobs definitely exist outside of big city metro areas, even if you don’t believe in them.
You really don’t seem to be grasping how remote work works at all. All you need is a room indoors (unless the weather is good) and a computer with Internet access.
But if you have no skills for those jobs, you can work other jobs in person, by commuting to nearby towns. This is nothing new, and if you didn’t realize this, it has been occurring for quite a number of years already. In my rural area, I could drive around and see many nice valuable homes that people have obtained by having been gainfully employed. It’s the reality of millions of rural American already. We get to live nice comfy lives in affordable living conditions because we don’t buy into the big city bullshit lifestyles.
You never heard of remote work eh? There are tons of jobs you can do from anywhere that you have reliable internet.
Also, there are other jobs that pay well enough to live comfortably in many areas close to rural areas. It’s quite simple to just drive a few miles to town for a work commute.
You could not persuade me to move into a city / metro area for double my current salary. Nothing beats having your own home and land for a price that you can easily afford.
It’s a lame edgelord-tier take to make jokes that imply it’s good that rich people died. They died in a nightmare scenario that they paid for, which is ironic but still sad. Those were still people.
I don’t hate people for being rich. I hate how the system we live under enables some to get absurdly rich while others suffer from poverty. You all know that you would take a billion dollars if you had the chance to get it. Then you’d be one of “those people”
I’m not a victim of car infrastructure, I’m a beneficiary of it. I’m glad we have roads I can drive on to get to stores and work and interesting venues for entertainment. I live in a nice rural area with woods surrounding my house. All this discussion about “car centric” everything seemingly assumes that city life is the only life from the start, and that’s not the case. I would never want to give up my awesome rural life for a stifling crowded city.
The parent domain was apparently well known to be a common host of phishing domains and scam sites. Free domains tend to attract those types, so that’s a good reason from the start not to use that if you want your site to be reliably accessible and findable on search engines.