Never thought I’d say this about the fucking Nazis, but to be fair, most of the world was entirely unaware of just how bad the concentration camps were until after the war, and those that were aware didn’t become aware until the war was already past it’s height and starting to wear down as Nazi Germany was slowly colapsing under its own weight.
If you’re already pirating software then there is probably some kind of firewall solution you could also pirate to make it easier, so I don’t think there’s really much of an argument against it.
Something really funny happens when it comes to software for system administration, programming and Cybersecurity where the second best solutions are actually free (and almost always open source) ones, and the only things better than those free ones involve enterprise support contracts that cost more than your house every month and dedicated support people for every contract. And it’s often arguable how much better those enterprise solutions are than the free and open source ones you can grab off of GitHub
In the case of firewalls specifically, windows firewall is actually more robust than whatever you might install onto windows, and the better thing to do would be to run Linux and use UFW or IPtables. Bonus points if you further sandbox the app via containerization. Or if you don’t need granular application-level filtering a dedicated firewall/router like OPNsense/PFsense tends to be more than good enough for many small businesses
I have to disagree. Zoomers are freaking wild and a hoot!
I am however thoroughly concerned for the attention span of the next “generation” (even though there’s no big population boom creating these generations anymore) since they seem to devour content involving 2 unrelated videos plus an unrelated audio track, or if it is a single video it’s so fast paced and bombastic it honestly makes me need a nap afterwards. They take in such a firehose of content it’s scary
Check out some small towns if you want to see pre war homes. I almost bought a craftsman but ended up with a house built sometime around 1900 (the documents I’ve seen list varying dates) it got an expansion in the 40s and a detached garage in the early 50s, and at some point someone enclosed the porches creating some nice mud rooms and the main floor bathroom appears to have been redone around the 80s or 90s.
My in-laws lived in a 19th century log cabin which had seen several expansions and renovations over the many decades it stood. Ultimately that was it’s downfall though as some old electrical wire caught fire and as it burned the fire just got stuck deep in the layers of wall and ultimately had to be knocked down in order to put out the fire
Most prewar homes that are still standing have seen many expansions and updates and as such are just teaming with character and charm
Having a PCI-E card that you can slot into your computer to literally run a PC inside your PC is super unique and not something anyone else offers
My hope has been from the start that that product line would lead to some compute module-style clustering motherboards for really clean & compact x86 clusters. It would especially make sense for dedicated server/VPS providers which already rely on similar dense blade systems from Supermicro.
Imagine a box that would take 3 of them, give each a PCIe slot and an NVMe slot, and an then give you 3 power buttons, 3 sets of IO and maybe an integrated network switch so you only need 1 Ethernet cable to connect the swarm to your network. That would be useful not just for clustering in homelabs and SOHO but also for offices and such if they want to reduce the physical footprint of their PCs while maintaining pretty good serviceability for “go swap this PC out” scenerios
I happen to fall into the center of that venn diagram and honestly I feel like the “preemptively defederate!” crowd is acting before it’s even truly clear how to best act and everyone else who says “ehh let’s wait and see how this is going to go before we act” is just getting drowned out by the folks screaming about the end of the Fediverse.
I don’t trust Meta any further than I can throw their servers, but I find it hard to imagine there won’t be some middle ground that isn’t “BLOCK EVERYONE WHO SO MUCH AS TOUCHED A META PRODUCT ONCE” that ends up being the healthiest option
Edit to add: I’ve taken a similar approach to the instant defederating of Lemmy instances with unverified signups since the current phase of Lemmy is so fresh I have no reason to take a hardline stance before it’s clear exactly what the ramifications are. Obviously as an individual I also have the benefit of being able to just go with the flow that an instance admin might not but still
replacing some energy emissions in random places with other emissions in random places will greatly help to cool the planet.
We’re not talking a 1:1 moving emissions around with electrifying everything. Even if the local grid is 100% fossil fuels a large stationary fossil fuel powered plant running 24/7 can be more efficient per unit of fuel than thousands of tiny little poorly maintained gasoline engines in vehicles, especially when the car’s engine spends so much of its time far outside of it’s most efficient ranges (idling, speeding, going up hills, etc.) Not to mention how capturing polutants at the plant is far more doable than capturing polutants from every single car.
And even if you don’t believe the green arguments, electric cars are just plain cool! They cost a few dollars per full recharge to charge compared to $30-50 per gas tank, they often regulate their internal temperature while charging so no waiting ages for the car to warm up first thing in the morning while you scrap ice off the windows, and who doesn’t love the instant insane torque that an electric motor provides? Lower maintenance costs, longer lifetimes of individual vehicles (especially as battery technologies continue to improve by leaps and bounds) plus idling is basically free so drive-thrus, listening to music while parked and stop go traffic wastes way less gas. Regenerative breaking not only provides some free charge to the motors but also spares your breaks so they last way longer. The list of benefits goes on and on
I just setup a VPS for a Minecraft server for some friends and did exactly that. I was under a bit of a time crunch, but still took the time to think through those challenges in access for everything. Created an unprivileged user to run the server as, created a seperate unprivileged user for another service. Disabled password-based SSH login, etc.
I should probably setup a dedicated non-root admin account for administrative functions but that’s a problem for after work
Being able to share certain posts with everyone (including your parents/grandparents) vs just your friends vs your work colleagues was a brilliant feature that seems to have just been substituted with private group chats instead. Seriously when I was a teenager the amount of stuff I thought about posting but didn’t because it would appear for everyone…
Yeah I dove into Lemmy and Mastadon with very little research and even Mastodon with its “pick an instance you like first” step was extremely easy. I ended up on smaller instances for both and honestly I like it. Best part is, if you feel some FOMO either make another account on another instance or in the case of Mastadon export your account and migrate it to the new instance
Honestly I think it’s far more mundane than that. I suspect it’s engineers at meta re-using an existing open codebase to kickstart a new product, then leadership further up the chain liking it for efficiency plus hedging on future compliance challenges
It could even be that ActivityPub solves infrastructure issues that have been quietly internally plaguing Meta and that’s why they’re excitedly embracing ActivityPub for Threads
I mean Nostr exists, and it’s a pretty neat architecture where the clients do the heavy lifting in terms of authentication and content while connecting to multiple relay nodes, and the relay nodes know nothing other than that they’re relaying