I worship a shitload of deities and you should too


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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Eh this is one of those times that a broken tankie clock is correct

Look at this graph

because it’s spelled exorcise

tfw unironically using the word triggered

I think most mods start out as the latter, but a few will turn into the former. Nearly all mods are fine, just a few power-hungry ones ruin it for everyone. At least with lemmy it’s easy to spin up your own instance and start new communities.

Poor Nero never got to tell his side of the story

While I do completely agree, changing ports is more about getting rid of low-hanging fruit so some script kiddie doesn’t get into 22. But again I do agree with everything you said.

I mean I get your meaning but it’s like asking which tastes worse, dog poop or cat poop

“cum” is Latin for “with” and is sometimes used in English to show that something is two things at once, so “minstrel-cum-clown” would be someone who is both a minstrel and a clown

Good one. Just keep in mind that white text with a black outline can be read on top of any image

Yeah but it’s just people advertising their OF accounts

Are they going to put a monitor on your home charger then too?

animistto[email protected]GDPR

Holy shit that is quite a lot

If you’re going to do something, do it well.

animistto[email protected]GDPR

Can you provide specific and detailed examples

Is that last one almost like a reverse proxy?

I’ve seen so many shills on today bending over for meta, don’t know if they’re plants or just love the taste of boot leather

Absolutely agree. I love the high barrier to entry and how it has kept the conversations (for the most part) more substantial.

Who knew there were so many fuckwit westerners posting shitty memes here

Yeah but we can criticize without using awful language like that in the image

If I want to make fun of a white westerner I’m going to talk about how their country committed genocide in my country and tried to wipe out our culture, not call them a cracker

Depends if they are targeting the guy for being Muslim or being Arab

I usually just use the blanket term “prejudiced”

Killing a potential future competitor

No stupid questions!

No, stupid questions!

Yeah should be named the second one