I ran out of money during college. No matter the problem, you can overcome any college mishap except a lack of money. So off I went.
There’s a 6-month stretch after getting laid-off in 2006 where I only worked one job. I was sick a lot and didn’t feel like ratcheting the grind back up.
Every other day since leaving college almost 30 years ago I’ve been working in IT with no degree. For the last 20 it’s been some changing day-job and the same side-hustle for vacation money.
I will allow that the challenge to find a new primary job is sometimes hampered by my lack of a degree, but I’ve realized I do much better at the shops who just want to see you work.
NOT getting the degree gives you an extra challenge. I don’t know that it’s significant, though.
Even neuro-typicals can benefit from this idea.
Oh, totally. I’ve been patting where the swipe card is around my neck as I pass through secure doors, for years. I left it behind once, and the sheer hell of getting the escort to get back in to get it cemented the check-behaviour in me. It’s weird now to be in the same areas - as a customer and not a provider since I switched jobs - and NOT have a swipe card to pat.
Keys go in the Key Place. If I don’t see it there, I go find it. ;-)
The ritual I’m starting to love is the Clearing of the Desk at the end of the day. It’s not because I like putting things away - even as a neurotypical I’m just sloppy and will just leave something pre-staged where I need it next - but I’ve decided I like the part where I fucking give up on the day 5 minutes early and fuck about tidying up before stopping for the day. I feel so empowered. I feel like such a slacker. I feel if people have an issue with the “I can get it done if I can get 5 more minutes of focus” as I used to tell myself (the fool!), that choosing to fucking bail and toddle about before quitting could be a helping thing because of that empowerment.
If you do this, or if you start, lemme know if that micro feeling of control makes a difference; but give it like a month of trying before assessing your feelings about it.
When a shrink was excitedly adjusting some meds she gave out - always upward, only upward - I feared this very thing.
Look, I just needed a diagnosis so my GP could write me a “let CG write code where he writes code best in case that wasn’t obvious you fucknut” note, and I don’t need to cope through another few decades WITH pharma candy instead of like the preceding decades where I did without. I don’t need these behavioural mods that are listed directly as side effects and I don’t need the dosage RAISED in response. So I’m done.
That’s how I know someone’s not a professional. I blame phishing training.
LinkedIn is barely keeping my viewership, what little that’s worth. It’s a lot of non-work shit, and I joined when LinkedIn was specifically and decidedly not facebook. I don’t want to know about your new baby, or how you did in the 10k because we’re not that kind of friends or I’d already have heard about it from Facebook. I want to hear about you joining that company or getting the training you we seeking (grats!). I want to use it to schlepp my resume to the vast minority who may want to throw money at me. You know, WORK and personal development shit.
Learning about your cancer journey is sad, it’s potentially enlightening to those around you (so brave), but IT’S NOT ABOUT WORK. Get thee to Facebook with that .
“did you just kill LUN11 or LUN01? Oh no! Let’s hope the backup is okay!” – paraphrased from 9 years ago.
You know what’s worse than an image you can hold in your head and know you need to work on Gandalf and not Shaggy? “were we decomming uswablsalc108, or was is uswablslca018? Better check again,” and remember why telephone numbers were only 7 digits long.
The fifth time you get a ticket saying something like ‘Hedwig is down’
If only there was an excellent database to store where Hedwig.bthl4.sea.wa.goliath.corp was and maybe include an alias so you know it’s NNTP5.goliath.corp also.
I shall invent one. It shall replicated and synchronize quickly. It shall interface and accept changes and share data. It will be simple to query so everyone can use it. I shall call it DNS . If people get snippy, I shall next invent an HS record.
Learn to use the tools, man. It’ll help you adhere to a 40-year-old RFC on naming things.
[nowhere] you could post people dying of vaccines.
Assuming you wanted to post details about people apparently dying ‘of vaccines’, that is. #L2S
Do you mean to include the people who died of all vaccines ever? Having received 7 vaccines in the same day when I enlisted, as did the 35 people in my platoon, I’m curious how the Amish feel about medical science; as a control group, I mean.
… and a firmly-rooted “I accomplished so much through anger and self-hate, so you can too” image. Don’t forget that.