• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Thanks you, I’m personally more interested on the statistics used on the parameter searching, but given that is python I’m checking out to see what can I learn.

I did some data mining

Can you share the model?

Is this PBF? It has no credits, but it his style.

Don’t know how to use the microwave? Jail.

You can get Brazilian citizenship if you are statelessness, here’s an article about it . Iirc, you can do this from anywhere on the world, but doing it from inside brazillian territory would make it easier.

13 is actually the best solution given that 10 isn’t an available option.

I don’t remember the band, I think it was Iron Maiden, that discovered that brazillians fucking love them by Napster data and they started touring in Brazil selling entire stadiums full even today. There’s even a joke in Rio de Janeiro about how Iron Maiden visits the Barra de Tijuca area (the place where big concerts are played) more often than regular Rio’s habitats.

Where’s the gaming circlejerk community?

Didn’t knew the value of the scaling factor, but supposed it didn’t mattered a lot when the denominator of the division is in the 10^(-8) range.

Another problem in my opinion is in the log(max(1,3+score)), anything with a score of -2 or less send the max function to 1, the log(1) to 0 and the whole score to 0, so the distributions of post with score 0 should be gigantic without discrimination of a controversial - something score post against something with a score of - thousands. Also, some malicious agent can just use 3 bots to totally fuck all the post on new.

After a year, both have basically the same rank = 0

8765 hours in a year, growing exponentially, while the score is static and growns in log.

And now she is on call and have to interrupt wharever she’s doing to do chores for the family.

I don’t think the max(1, 3 + score) work well neither, basically a post with a score of -2 and another of -100 have have the same log(1) = 0 rank.

My instance was opened by the mod team of the Brazilian subreddit, they do a great job moderating the subreddit so I trusted them when they called us to move over here. Local experience is cool because is in Portuguese and Brazil centered, so I have a good contrast with All that is almost exclusively in English and European/US centric.

Old memes, that’s so yesterday.

In this restaurant we have a rule, one person cannot take all the fully loaded nachos.

A friend of my wife won a scholarship for a top European university, got her masters degree and then came back. With that masters, she got a 6 figures job, worked 2 years while living with her parents and spending a little as possible. Quit her job, traveled the entire world for 2 years using that saved money, converted to Buddhism or some or other of those oriental religions. Nowdays is married with a really talented artist she knew from her religion (the guy have illustrated Magic cards, and hit big on the first wave of NFTs) and they both keep traveling the world with his money. Hope she returns to the labor market before Stable Diffusion take her husband job away.

I tried some THC vape some months ago and was fantastic, that shit got me high as never before. But I’m afraid of buying because of what you said. Hard to know if they are legit if you live somewhere where even regular nicotine vapes (and weed) are illegal.

Half a liter of wine is what? Two cups? There’s a lot of functional alcoholics who easily drink a whole bottle at dinner each night.

You can’t have a better future if you don’t know your past.

So, AMR is pumping up the memes to sell high on the hype and then pull the rug?

The 8th one, with the lady crying, is definitely wrong. It was a first-world problems, something people wirh comfy lives would complain that are not a real problem.

Fucking psycho. Leave her alone.

There’s already an enlighten centrism lemmy community?

Maybe can be, I’m in a relatively small instance (I think less than 600 users).

Hot show me the hottest 4 yeard old posts. Top day and less is the best.

Maybe I was too harsh saying that the meme is wrong, is more alike as a grammatical error, we still understand the meaning of the meme, but also can see that is not constructed correctly.

The meme is wrong. The text bubble should come from the ship and have the text inside it. How it is now, it looks like the text is talking about the ship.

Correct: 🛳💬📰

Incorrect: 📰💬🛳

The guy at the store said I was the only one who’s pulling out.

It also depends a lot of the region and language. Didn’t visit the community, but could bet is western-centric af.

At least for me is like this: If I have weed, I’m smoking the shit out of it all the time. If I don’t have I really don’t care and could be months before ever thinking on buying.

Blink twice if someone is forcing you to smoke.

Dogs and kids are also suitable test objects.

We recommend her a youtube channel about linguistics and she didn’t like it because the Phd in linguistics was saying that is ok for language to change. Unfortunately, it comes a time when people just want to see what already confirms their worldview, and anything that challenges that is taken as an offense.

Me, stealing memes from telegram groups to post on lemmy be like:

I saw you come in. Im at the queue, come for me.

Going to ask my sister to do this, it can be good for both of them.

How to de-radicalize my mom’s youtube algorithm?
She's almost 70, spend all day watching q-anon style of videos (but in Spanish) and every day she's anguished about something new, last week was asking us to start digging a nuclear shelter because Russia was dropped a nuclear bomb over Ukraine. Before that she was begging us to install reinforced doors because the indigenous population were about to invade the cities and kill everyone with poisonous arrows. I have access to her YouTube account and I'm trying to unsubscribe and report the videos, but the reccomended videos keep feeding her more crazy shit.