You’re right: you were wrong
Could totally be an Ontario thing; I’d be curious if they used them in traffic, with the lack of reflective tape!
Olaf! Metal face!
Canadian here, I can’t say that I’ve ever seen black and orange. Most common out west is orange with reflective tape
Came here to say this!
That crowd has moved on to Gates doing experimental malaria medicine tested in Africa to cHaNgE tHeIr DnA because of “globalists” or something
Yeah, I thought that reasoning sounded familiar!
Rawdogging those inputs
And Myanmar
The heck you say!
I assumed this was by design!
I saw someone in another discussion say it perfectly: they put the meta back in metastatic!
Fair enough!
Tolerance paradox applies here too
Thanks for this!
Can I get lammy on the google?
You have chosen…poorly
You’re right: you were wrong