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Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I have so many alarms, no other app forces you to pay attention like an alarm.

All opinions are valid except about chili … and bbq.

Sure looks like ole Skelitor’s feeling something.

If each website needed the skill and effort of the Apollo guidance computer, you wouldn’t need tabs because there wouldn’t be many.

They have become that functional.

You know unless your cring is being a fascist.

Not after you cook them?

Today’s world is built on being super specialized. All ADHD is someone who is wired to be a generalist and constantly changing tasks, filling in where needed. Before the 20th century, it didn’t matter and wasn’t an issue; now, it does. The failure we feel is society being overly optimized and unable to find us a place.

Yes, the classic readability of c style for loops.

How about some Haskell

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] let sumOfNumbers = sum numbers

It’s only 42C here in Texas.

They are spiders? What animal are you referring to?

Is it not


Its got to be a relatively small group who knows enough to understand loops and is also afraid of math symbols.

What is the mitochondria?

The argument is the suppression of titles is to control the brand. Its indirect nonsense.

Don’t sell yourself short; we can all be meme lords if we let the memes into our hearts.

The odds that the adaption is rapid and doesn’t cause extreme changes in the daily conditions of everyone are vanishing.

For the ability to produce enough food. It’s not the tax that’s the issue it’s that the climate will make industrial food production unviable. We will rapidly exit the conditions that underpin the viability of the modern economy. The only work of value will be making food and related tools in a volatile climatic environment. The bill will not be payable in money, is my point. That is, a tax will be woefully inadequate.

Really not a choice, carbon emissiosn have to stop. EVs dont do that. Urban trees are not going to revese climate change. Wow, you’re saying people need to keep lowering denisity.

Bc everyone on lemmy is over 35.

Bc changing the system is a challenge to the people who get power from that system.

I wonder why no one wants to be the deep or black noir. Its probably the ihop.

So tart you forget you’re hungry.

Would get dropped off at a theme park as a kid, we didn’t have money so we would eat mustard packs with lemon juice.

Never said what two. That is an exercise left to the fellow passengers.