Rehike. It’s meant to be a re implementation of the older hitchhiker youtube layout that youtube had back between around 2015-2020. It doesn’t do anything for privacy but that’s not the point of it so I don’t mind. I’ve tried things like newpipe and invidious but youtube is around 90 percent of my media consumption so having my history, likes, playlists, and recommendations synced between all my devices is too much for me to give up.
Yeah with matrix it’s really bad. I’m aware of a whole 5 matrix servers., the one that’s run at my university, mine, and my 2 friend’s matrix servers
Also all matrix clients are currently shit
I have my monitoring software running on my VPS so that if my server goes down for whatever reason I can still look at what might’ve caused it to go down. I also have Authentik running on it because I need my authentication system running to be able to login to said monitoring software. Lastly I have Mastodon on my VPS because the internet at my parents house doesn’t have the upload bandwidth for it.
I have all of this running on Oracle Cloud Free Tier. I don’t trust oracle in the slightest but I’m a broke college student so I take what I can get.
Yeah I’m not a minimalist