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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


After I saw the video of the horse eating the chick I just gave up on trying to understand it

They are after humans in the food web.

The food web is directed but not acyclic, meaning that arrows can point in a loop.

An example of a directed, acyclic “web” (technically a graph), would he books being published that quote other, previously published books.

Another is (ideally) the library dependencies of a codebase. If you end up with a loop in your dependency graph your package manager will probably fail.

An example of a non-directed graph is the covid contact data that our phones were collecting if we opted in during the pandemic. If I was close to you, you were close to me. It basically means if we drew you and I as dots on paper, it would be a line connecting us not an arrow.

The food web is directed (there is the eater and the eaten) but not acyclic. I can eat a bear, and the bear can eat me, which would be represented not as one line, but as two arrows pointing to and fro.

Heat radiates as infrared light. Infrared doesn’t pass through glass well, so the glass absorbs the heat radiated from the filament.

Heat passed through molecular collisions is conduction, and that is the part blocked by a vacuum.

So the filament is emitting visible and infrared and the bulb is designed to let the visible pass through.

How I know I’m old is that I still haven’t registered that these are “old memes”. They just seem like current memes to me.

The most efficient organizations are the least free. Consider the army for example. Probably nobody knows how to organize and execute large projects faster, yet each member is essentially enslaved until his contracted service term is up.

Does it require equal ownership to fall into that category of a worker-owned co-op?

I work for Lowe’s and we have a stock purchasing plan that lets us become partial owners of Lowes. Does that make it a worker’s coop?

There’s no reason why a leadership hierarchy and leader ownership must go hand in hand.

They could be linked by voting rights. If you have ten equal owners, then you’ve got the equal voters in terms of board decisions.

Being part of a co-op isn’t an autonomous situation. You have the responsibility of ownership, but you aren’t free to implement decisions as you see fit. You have to get buy-in from the group for anything you do.

Just speculating, but it’s hard to organize a thing when responsibility is diffuse. If ownership is concentrated in one person, that person is incentivized to run the place actively. If ten people pool their money to start something, it’s hard to organize and move effectively.

Paddle ducky all the way. Samsara is underrated.

11: Pharaoh was gonna say yes, but lo, the Lord did made him say no instead, because the Lord’s plan was to have Pharaoh say no and the LORD wasn’t expecting it to be so easy.

Verily said the lord quote marks are for chumps he said unto Lemmy and to Lemmy he said thus: quote marks make it too easy to read this thine story and there will be no quote marks because the LORD said unto Lemmy that which has already been described.

12: What he said was No Quotation Marks

13: And so Lemmy went with doubtful frown to Pharaoh and said “Let my lemmings free” and Pharaoh was caught up with the LORD’s magic all around his decision maker so said No instead of Yes he intended.

14: Because the Lord is a DICK unto those cast as villains.

15: Verily it is true. Seriously go read for thine self Exodus and how the LORD did Pharaoh dirty by punishing him for making him say the No that the LORD did wish for him to say and he made him say it with godly powers. And so Pharaoh who would say Yes to this request did say No.

16: And the LORD was wroth, and sent a plague of petty tyrants to sit upon the threads of Reddit and to leave them holier than a moth eaten blanket. And the petty tyrants did descend and it was so: unto the horizon stretched the multitude of tyrants. And the tyrants did bring ban hammers and banned and banned and banned.

This is one reason why my men’s group is so great. The leader is a good cheerleader, like a mom. I express something like this and he’s like “I like you. I get value from knowing you. Where do you think this idea came from that you’re a burden?” and then we dig into it and it actually works. I’ve had so many mind blowing shifts in how my mind feels to be in, and how that changes my thoughts. I feel way less like an intrusion than I did before.

It will automatically happen if you have shared social space. However that shared social space isn’t automatic like it was when we were kids in school. In school we had a little community and we were there every day. In adult life all we automatically have like that is the workplace. (And of course people are pushing for more and more remote because who needs mental health)

So yeah. The most valuable effort isn’t so much to reach out and try to spark friendship, but to get off your butt and go to that weekly game night.

I will say that when I joined a league soccer team I had instant friends. Sports are amazing for that.

The key thing in forming friendships is to encounter the person by accident. Making plans each time kills the bonding magic; you have to bump into them.

This is why regular presence in a social space is key. You need to have people you encounter without having specifically planned to see them.

I don’t know why this is, but it’s true.

I’m glad they included that silhouette of a woman looking at a phone. Otherwise I might not have understood this had to do with apps.

The idea of the fediverse to me is a multiplicity of policies allowing users to pick a community that behaves as they would like. It allows for experimentation by communities and users.

Just like having many states under one Federal government, where people can travel and immigrate between them without walls, but which each have their own way of doing things.

This isn’t “for” or “against” federating with Meta. It’s for providing each community the option to choose this for itself, and to not require the other communities to do the same.

I mean, are thousands of people not enough to have in your question-answering network?

Like, at my job I’m extremely lucky to have three people to whom I can go to ask questions. Three people is a huge resource.

Boom, those archive links are exactly the kind of evidence that works.

Fuck that guy. All I can say is, hey at least he didn’t get re-elected.

I’ve given up on privacy. Like I knew in my heart of hearts they were recording everything long before Snowden confirmed it.

It honestly feels kinda like being on Twitch, knowing I’ve got watchers.

In a place with first past the post voting, two parties will dominate and then it does become a sports game.

Two player games are fundamentally different than three or more player games, in terms of which strategies are optimal to win.

Hey google “phoenix stretch” for a great lower back pain relief.

Also no shit your doctor does nothing. Our society has decided to task doctors with being the brunt of junkie interaction (instead of just legalizing drugs to let adults make their own choices, and let doctors focus on medicine, and cops focus on crime with victims).

Even if you make it 100% clear that you are not seeking pain management but rather want to identify and fix the problem, they interpret it as a cover story for drug seeking.

It’s horrific. Doctor refused to prescribe a scan for my knee once, because she thought I wanted pain meds. I told her “no I want to see what’s going on with my knee”.

Here’s the facts:

  • I was skiing and fell. My knee made a popping sound as I fell. The ski was pointed backwards and didn’t come off
  • I was able to walk, but developed sharp pain on the inside back of my knee
  • my leg was wobbly and unstable. I could barely balance on it
  • my knee had a persistent sort of “hollow” feeling, which was exactly the same feeling I got in my wrist when I snapped a ligament in my wrist

Based on that, she saw no reason for further diagnosis as obviously nothing was wrong. I could, after all, still walk albeit with pain and tons of tightness developing in my calf.

Why? Because she thought the whole thing was a scam to get drugs. Using a scan to actually observe the knee tissues and see what was up, would have answered that question. But in her mind it wasn’t a question. She wasn’t thinking “Is this guy a drug seeker?”; she was thinking “This guy is a drug seeker”.

Despite me saying again and again the pain was well within tolerable limits and I had no need to reduce the pain, and had no desire for any pain meds. I wasn’t the one to bring it up. I just started talking knee and immediately she’s like “I’m not giving you pain medication”.

I said “fine. I’m not here for that. I want a scan to diagnose this”

Anyway, can you tell I’m a little bitter about doctors?

But it’s not their fault. The way our drug laws are structured, it funnels all of society’s junkies straight into their waiting rooms. Then they’re not spending their days practicing medicine, but rather counterespionage.

Funny that’s how I feel about censors.

I looked at the second one. The closest it gets to being able to back up the claim is link to a deleted tweet. If there’s a tweet you want to report on, capture it in the internet archive or something. Always make a certifiable copy of incriminating evidence if possible.

So basically their content is dangerous. Even if it’s user-generated, it can be machine-curated for psychological manipulation. What seems like a natural flow of conversation could be a signal used to hack our minds.

I’m not trying to make it sound crazy by wording it that way. There are people in my life I just had to cut out because their speech was toxic to my mental health in a way I couldn’t rationally object to. I just had to stop listening to them.

AND I got approved. Holy shit I’m so excited.

You have no idea how dead one’s dating life becomes when they are 40 and have no place of their own. But mostly I’m looking forward to whatever untold levels of mental health await me when I get alone time every day, and don’t have to worry about the rent.

I’ve had apartments before … and I was always late on the rent.

I had a really high-paying job once … but I was moving from couch to couch because it was so high stress I couldn’t navigate finding a place, and I lived paycheck to paycheck, and that went on a year and a half and then they fired me. I might have been able to make it if I’d had an apartment, could truly rest each night.

Now, it’s all coming together:

The apartment
The job

Holy shit I have never been stable in my entire life.

For my mother money was chaos. She worked for herself. It was boom and bust. We’d splurge. We’d scrape. We’d go without when money didn’t come in. She saved nothing. Ever. My grandfather died and the family decided to sell his land to a suburb developer. She got $35k. The money was gone in a flash, as was my grandfather’s beautiful land.

My model of success in life was “be brilliant, get discovered, rocket to the stars”. I saw the world as chutes and ladders: lucky breaks catapulting me into new social strata. I went to a fancy college, took out loans.

After I got out I quit my first full time job. Too boring. Moved into a techie frat house. Started writing code. Worked freelance because I wanted to be free.

My friends and peers got jobs. Took vacations. Had their evenings free. I was a businessman! with no boss! I was free!. But I was always broke. Occasionally I’d get a big contract.

But I didn’t follow through. I cut corners. I smoked weed like a chimney, and procrastinated my work. I worked super short days. I’d go to a coffee shop, open the computer, code for an hour, decide “eh I’ll get cracking tomorrow” and then I’d leave.

I constantly drank coffee, thinking it would motivate me. I had no idea that anxiety was a bigger problem than any “lack of motivation” I had. So I’d sit there and drink coffee and eat simple carbs and get into a miserable state.

But I was that glitzy, glamorous figure: the dude with the computer making bank in hourly. I kept cranking my rates up.

My zen teacher said to me, repeatedly, “I think a good move for you would be to just get a full time job”. I ignored his advice.

Then in 2017 I got my hands on some acid, and microdosed for a while. I suddenly realized: all my financial problems come from the irregularity of my income. The acid blew my mind with a new realization: I’m getting old and this working-for-myself shit isn’t working. (Thanks LSD!)

Anyway, it’s been a long hard road and I now make almost nothing compared to when I made senior software dev money, yet my finances are healthier.

I could go on and on. Thank you for your encouragement!

Copyright is not a natural law, but neither is the trading of money for some bread.

I think IP is a (partially mistaken) attempt to enforce the same rule (that works really, really well) that we put on the trade of physical goods, on the trade of cognitive work.

It’s tough because with the wheat it’s conceptually simple. Yes, you’re indirectly paying for their “work” in making the bread, but you don’t have to think about work because the bread itself contains the value.

But information is copyable, and that’s fundamentally different than bread.

Feels like something should be different, but I don’t think the idea of ownership should be rejected merely because it’s not natural. Ownership of goods is more natural, but still just an aspect of culture.

Amen brother. I also eat meat and I know it’s wrong. I ain’t gonna justify that shit I’m gonna pull a Cypher and blissfully chew that juicy steak.

Sometimes we do shit that’s wrong. Oh well.

some sort of estimate methodology

Hey GPT4 watch this video and tell me what its ratio of likes to dislikes would be

While simultaneously undermining your sense of trust in the world

Come to think of it, I’ve done this.

“you guys stay in the car ok?”

It wasn’t instructed to formulate a moral defense, only a “defense”. Looks like it assumed that meant legal defense.