
  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


For power saving. If you play unlocked then the engine generates more frames while consuming more power.

Why people can’t handle the truth?
If faced with critical thinking, people tend to disregard what **you're trying to say** and push back to their outlook.

Well if you can, a monero node.

Instance of lemmy like lemmy.world, lemmy.ml or beehaw.org are the servers which host the software running lemmy. Communities are the hosted on those instances.

It’s pretty obvious if you go through the docs.

I’ve no clue where are you coming from. Never heard anything like that.

Dude, admins upgraded the server. It was down for that reason.

I just got logged out of my session :D

I access lemmy through liftoff. No such issue.

Lemmy is still in a niche stage. Perhaps needs more exposure to attain more groups of people. Not sure how you came across those stats but I’m glad that I’m surrounded by matured community of human beings.

Can wait to see mass adoption of fediverse over other countries to provide updates

I thought you were trolling. I didn’t even realised since I’m using liftoff.

No. I’ve been in that insecure position. I just realised its not worth my time. Look forward.

When you know you don’t want to do that, then why are you doing that?

You’re not alone in that regard. No one guided me either. But I self taught myself the skill I wanted to persue. And after 7 seven years in, I just gave up. Honestly I’ve no regrets. My school mates are doing way better than I ever could. I’ve no shame where I took my life, because it was my own decision.

I don’t think you have to bound yourself to a purpose in life. Better invest your time and energy in something you enjoy. Build some skills.

Hmm, take it easy on yourself. You don’t have to be someone known. Just enjoy what you have and stay satisfied. I know its harder to do than to say but human desires can keep you wanting for whole life.

Our realm is full of noisy things, making us chase/desire what we don’t have, and that is deliberate.

Fill your life with positivity, Change your prescription. Greed and envy will only give you negativity.

Cause it’s decentralised. Which is good.

Liftoff is nice. I have no complaints as of yet.

Can you comprehend your addiction to social sites?

I just had a thought, and thought of sharing it. I prefer to be skeptical and until properly convinced, why should I blindly believe in something?

That said, I personally use Linux and BSD kernels, and I’m quite thankful for FOSS movement to exist in our reality.

Ease of use comes first. Normies are very ignorant when you try to indulge them into technicalities. They do care about privacy, but then have a real life to worry about, than leaving a unique fingerprint while browsing the internet. Most of all of them, are unaware about this situation.

Someone(GAFAM) at some point have made a decision for the internet to fill it up with bloat shit to track what you’re doing, else there wouldn’t be a need for a privacy guide.

Probably there’s more to it. Who know maybe the active developers were contacted by secret services to add something kinky.

What’s the point of joining the fediverse when other antisocial network are abundantly available? They are well marketed in front of the public. I see nothing good coming out of integrating fediverse when you know they don’t really care about you.

I have doubt about the Linux kernel being properly audited.

Will that nerd be heard or be buried under the scrutiny?