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  • Meinung, die ich teile
  • Beiträge, die mehr Aufmerksamkeit verdienen

Weder ein 👍, noch ein 👎 von mir:

  • Andere Meinung
  • Beiträge, die ich uninteressant finde

Ein 👎 von mir:

  • Diskriminierung
  • Trollen
  • Irrationalität + Faktenleugnung
  • 7 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


That’s Pok€mon Go energy right there…

Guy from Germany here… Why is the lion at the bottom smaller than the one above?

Die Organisation verweist auf ein Extrembeispiel: Auf der Strecke Barcelona-London kostete ein Zugticket bis zu 384 Euro, während die Tester im gleichen Buchungszeitraum einen Flug für 12,99 Euro ergattern konnten.

I’m alraedy gay and saw the boobs first…

What now?

bad news becaus of idiots around you making your life harder for no reason…

I’m from Germany… Ist the idiot in the middle our one or yours?

In more developed countries in Europe, this is fortunately not a thing…

Dann viel Spaß dabei, den deutschen Finanzminister dazuzubringen, das Geld für Subventiinen rauszurücken…

Dann viel Spaß dabei, den deutschen Finanzminister dazuzubringen, das Geld für Subventiinen rauszurücken…

we need to protect our children from it!!!1111

Yeah, you are not the only one with that problem…

I don’t know wheather this is an option for you, but there is also a way to use YouTube without using it. There is a project called Invidious. Like in the lemmy universe, there are multiple instances. One of them is https://yewtu.be

You can use it as a website, but it’s also a progressive webapp. That means, you can go to the website and install it as an app via the browser options. This works on most devices, but I don’t you whether your TV is one of them…

On GRINDR, you can ask for MALE WARE…

The cool thing: There will be at least 1 instance left (probably), because there is not central entity that can stop it. If lemmy.workd goes down, all others are still there. If the developers die, someone can fork it and continue developing it…

If you have one stupid view, you have all of them?

All migrants are illegals? Damn… Will Emily do the hard work now?

To stop the squid overpopulation?

It’s usually not a “Hey, we give you a profile for $2”.

It’s more like "Oh, you, political party XY want to show advertisment to 2000 people? No problem… We helped you filter the perfect people… There you go, 2000 low-educated, mid-20 users who were classified as easy to manipulate by our algorithms. Bonus: They are having a hard time now and are classified are ‘probably depression’ (lost children or parents or their home, …), so they are even easier to target at the moment. We will show them your propaganda for just $xxxx "

That’s how they make money.

The faceless algorithm stores the the data in a database. From this point on, people with faces can access them.

I am a software developer. If I’d create a faceless form that stores the data somewhere for me, would you enter them?

Stop making fun about Sir Gay Boob Titsky!!!

Standardsoftware? Wir reden hier nicht über Powerpoint, sondern Palantir. Weißt du überhaupt, was Palantir ist?

“Das Landgericht hatte in einem ersten Verfahren die vom Eigentümer geforderte Räumung des Grundstücks und den Abriss des Hauses abgelehnt, …”

Was für ein Idiot…

Titan went looking for titanic… Let’s build “tit” and go look for titan…