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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Oooo, while I do feel that I am very aware of, and hostile to, intrusive advertising online I have actually bought a few things specifically because I had seen them in an ad. It makes me feel a little conflicted but all of those things were extremely niche, so it took extremely targeted ads for things I would have eventually found on my own to actually make the sale.

KeePassXC/KeeWeb + WebDAV is a kick-ass combo that covers every device while also being as simple as possible.

Lazy users is why Reddit blotted out individual forums.

Super impressed with Sharry, I love the QR codes for sharing with mobile users.

I set my 403 to just return “I don’t know you.”

Oh fuck ya! My BBQ/take-out-the-garbage-in-febuary-crocs are finally cool!

God damned broc-top! There are so many other options that are less conventional! You have total freedom to choose any flavour but pick ‘fair trade vanilla.’

At 35 I continue to wear home made stenciled t-shirts and jeans I cut into shorts. If my boss doesn’t like it he can go break a hip about it, how I look has no bearing on how well I do my job.

There are no ethical billionaires. It is not possible to obtain that kind of economic power without consciously exploiting others.

Hey, this isn’t where I parked my car.

They could easily set up a permanent library of ALL previous titles for sale along with emulators for each new console they release. Nintendo could re-sell you every game they have ever made every time they drop new hardware, but nope, just a big fuck you.

Looks like you solved it but I moved from Google DNS to Namecheap and it works well. I use multiple subdomains and certbot without issue.

If you use strong passwords and keep an eye on your logs you are no less safe than any other public facing entity. I’ve had a bunch of services exposed since 2020 so far no one has even bothered to brute the basic auth on Apache (though bot nets take a run at SSH a few times a year).

You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t’ mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi’ his belt.

I think cars should not be dependent on a touch screen for ANY of it’s functions (or really have one at all). They are more difficult to use than tactile buttons, distracting, and do not receive long term support from the OEM.

What do you do with a 10 year old car that runs but the touch screen nuked due to age, firmware bugs or mechanical damage? Ford isn’t going to be selling replacement units 10 years later and I have yet to see an ‘infotainment’ system that has aftermarket replacement considerations.