• 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


You chances of being miserable out of poverty would be way more though, if you’re not already well-endowed. You may not want so much to maximise your earnings, but you definitely don’t want to get stuck in a poverty cycle because of having an expensive non-marketable degree.

Third line is something I’d like to experience, honestly

I don’t want to be rude but I do always wonder what the point of taking arts degrees is in this day and age. If you’re passionate about some art you can still follow and practice it along with your STEM studies, it’s not like most pro/successful artists were formally trained from teenage. Why set back your chances of making decent money?

I just went and saw the top all time feed of r/all and… I’m good. Rather not pollute this place like that.

Don’t all Android systems (at least on the same version) have the same APIs and file systems? Don’t apps made for Android run on all Android devices running the targeted version? Why would the cosmetic layers of adware that OEMs pile on AOSP turn phones into different ecosystems that don’t interoperate?

But a rogue app can take everything from your phone - your pictures, emails, contacts, docs… without anyone being the wiser since there is no Administrator oversight. On organization Windows systems the user at least requires Administrator permission to run anything that can pose a risk, but he could do the same on Android without anyone stopping him. Dumb people will love to download and install Google_Pay_mod_Unlimited_money.apk that could scoop up all data (including company emails, slack, etc that he is running on his phone) and no one would ever know.

What’s more unsafe - Windows or Android?
Which platform would a typical IT guy be more on guard against? While Windows has been known for decades to be a hot pot for all PC malware, Android phones are much more ubiquitous and personalized, and (as far as I know) aren't hardened against malware in any way. I mean, it literally takes just two taps to install a rogue apk and that is notwithstanding that most OEM implementations and apps on the Play Store are ad-ridden privacy nightmares by themselves. At least when it comes to Windows, Administrators have greater control over client machines and can put in restrictions. How would someone handling infosec in an organization control security on people's personal phones?

Eh, I’d rather only have people genuinely interested in exploring and sharing knowledge here. Makes it closer to the purer internet of old before “Web 2.0” came and fucked it up.

You said “Literally every plant”. It’s right up there.

Literally every plant contains EVERY amino acid in varying amounts.

Guess we can all survive on grass then. Agriculture and societies were a mistake, let’s just become cattle and chill all day /s

Huh? Am I missing something? Why would you want to voluntarily place a live distraction while you’re reading a book?

The fact that WhatsApp is so crucial may very well be the reason. In India and places in Europe, WhatsApp is literally a direct replacement of texting, which means it contains communications from practically everyone and everything - your workplace, your local government, your grocery store, your gym, your friends and family, public services, etc. And since your chats themselves are E2E encrypted, the background usage data Meta can extract from users will be too dirty and unmonetizable.

Their interactions on Facebook and Instagram - now that’s rich data. They get to know exactly where and with which people your preferences and interests lie.

Why not just use those streaming sites then? You don’t need to download anything

Then the platform will probably not get far…

Honestly, it doesn’t need to. “Getting far” right now means polluting the platform with mass-produced junk content instead of genuine discussions and interactions.

The platform and its current rate of organic growth is perfect as it is.

The overall healthcare industry in America is massive, thanks to it not being a human right over there. Dentistry, being a part, is also massive as a result.

I agree thoroughly. The main reason me, you, and the majority of people moved here was to catch a break from the barrage of monotonic, brain-rotting content on mainstream platforms.

Lower infrastructure and maintenance costs. It fits the current scene of all tech companies suddenly getting paranoid and chasing immediate profits.