• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


Being real? This particular drama is a dead horse. At this point, I’m down voting any branch of it as being no longer right for the community, due to it having been done to death.

First, this ain’t drama.

Second, I’m breaking my personal rule of not engaging with people just to be mean.

You are a whiny little fuck and need to grow up

I’m sorry you’re running into such a degree of outright opposition. I never have understood that part, why someone that loves you would be persistent and nigh aggressive about something that’s essentially not their business.

Somebody wants to make a change, move towards something they feel is better, you support that, even if you need to draw your own boundaries about it.

That would be exhausting to deal with for anyone, the opposition.

I kinda get where the mod is at, the way you describe the fatigue. I think it’s better to step aside once your at that point, refresh yourself, maybe make a decision about that being a permanent break from trying to herd cats online or not. I’ve had to do the a few times over the years.

Tofu is freaking bomb for satiation. Can’t say it outperforms meat overall, but as a single food, it equals it, gram for gram. Like, if I’m eating tofu by itself, it gets me just as satisfied as meat by itself.

I think it ends up not lasting as long sometimes because of the lower fat levels. You have to bring fats to the party for long term satiation for most people. That’s easy to achieve though.

But yeah, I definitely feel you. And now I want some teriyaki tofu dammit.

I mean, it was kinda inevitable lol.

It’s one of those things where once you go full jerk, it gets attention. Unavoidable really, unless instance admins want to totally ban “drama” communities, which would just end up as posts on instances that don’t ban drama communities :)

Preemptive banning is a perfect example of prime drama.

Fwiw, anyone giving you grief irl is a jerk, unless you’re trying to convert them.

Away from the internet, I know a good handful of vegans that I gladly cook for. Not regions everyone hates y’all for living your beliefs.

And, just for full disclosure, I troll vegans online. That’s where most of the jerks that are vegan do their thing, not irl.

Me and you, if life threw us together, I’d make you my vegan chili, and we’d chill. But I’d still troll you online if you did the usual online stuff that gets vegans painted as crazy.

Which is my best effort at saying that that’s probably what you’re missing. Even people like me that have no problems with the precepts of veganism per se, we can get tired of the vegans that take things too far, and then the entire belief system gets colored by that brush. It creates a general fatigue, then a general stereotype, and that turns into assholes going to vegan spaces and being assholes (as opposed to only doing it in other spaces). That in turn makes militant vegans go on the warpath, and you get stuff like this drama lol

It’s a cycle of annoyance and limited perception. That cycle attracts the worst elements of humanity

Could have been any of a few dozen.

That being said, there were a couple that were automod only mods. They’d get added to help set up and maintain automod, and never do anything else.

Hexbear’s entire point in federating was to fuck shit up.

Why is anyone supposed to care where they were hosted? Legit, it makes zero sense.

The clunky interface, the relative differences from reddit, the confusing organization, the less than ideal splitting between blog/thread/magazine that makes navigating it have an extra learning curve, the lack of any apps that aren’t just a pwa that has the same flaws as the site, the fact that there’s really only one server for kbin that’s used, the list goes on.

And I like kbin, I hope it thrives and becomes popular enough that nobody ever has to consider a corporate run site again because there’s multiple federated options.

But, just being real, lemmy is simpler and easier to use, and it’s closer to the way reddit worked. Kbin is trying to be more than a link aggregator and forum. That’s great! If that’s what you’re looking for, it’s even better. But most of the r/efugees were and are looking for something familiar and comfortable. With kbin not having an API, app developers weren’t jumping into it (other than hariette, and she’s kick ass) so the r/efugees that were at least partially leaving reddit because of the attack on apps had no devs busting their ass to get out good ones.

There’s no apps for kbin that are open use. PWAs are meh to begin with, but at least the lemmy UI via PWA matches reddit close enough that the learning curve is trivial. The kbin ui has to be navigated with the split functions in mind, and that’s not fun when what you’re really wanting is to keep doing what you were doing before spez fucked things up.

And that’s what it comes down to. The surge of new users to the fediverse aren’t here because of the virtues of the services. They’re/we’re here because reddit isn’t acceptable now. Lemmy is just closer to what we had

Ahhhh. At least that makes a degree of sense out of it. Thanks :)

Ohio doesn’t exist, it’s just a meme

They’ve apparently never met a one armed roofer.

Shout out to my cousin Randy!

Aren’t memes supposed to be at least a little humorous?

This is basically a rant on a picture. Like, what am I missing here?

Waaahhhhhh! I wan my cocoa!

Joke aside, I prefer to go with the cocoa rather than chocolate because it’s less brand sensitive. Well, to my experience anyway. The typical baker’s chocolate ends up being kinda weak unless you add a lot more, where something that’s (relatively) better made takes less. But even generic cocoa compared to fancy imported stuff works with the same amount.

Could just be me, I dunno.

That’s pretty much where I am. If I was trying to make money as a primary goal, I might be a bit miffed, but then I’d have to deal with deadlines and editors and bullshit, when the truth is that I just want to make stories like I enjoy reading, and hope that letters enjoy it. Hard for that to happen if there’s a wall between readers and the stories

Tachiyomi really is the solution for comic and manga piracy. There’s forks of it, but the basic version works fine.

My problem is that I’m not a poster.

I just don’t think of things and then think “oh, I should share this with the world”. If I have a question, I tend to enjoy the process of finding the answer unless it’s game related, so thinking of crowd sourcing an answer rarely occurs to me.

But! While I’m less likely to run across things on lemmy that trigger my gush button because my interests are niche-ish, I tend to be willing to put in effort into such things.

Same with things that trigger my curiosity; if I don’t have info that’s useful, and I want that info, chances are I’ll come back and share what I find and put effort into it.

Lemmy hasn’t caught up with the population sizes of my niche interests enough for my old drive to help or discover to get triggered often though. It will, I’m sure, but it’ll take time now that a solid user base has formed that will spread awareness of the platform organically.

Well, here’s something I learned.

Years and years ago, I got two books in a series published by a tiny imprint that did zero marketing, and I was too noob to do any myself. Didn’t sell shit. Had trouble even getting anyone to read the damn things.

Years pass. I get disabled, and make new friends. One of them asks to read the shit, so I send him some epub files I made for my own use.

He, being the awesome fucktard he is,promptly puts copies in his book folder. Which is one of the folders he shares via soulseek.

A few weeks later, I start getting emails from random people asking if the third book is available. My files have my author email in them, so it wasn’t super confusing, but it did take a bit to figure out where the files came from for these strangers.

To date, more people have asked about the third book than ever read the printed version.

Now, would I rather have gotten paid for those reads? Fuck yeah. But, when I sent the small list of interested people a link to the series I’m currently publishing via amazon, maybe ten percent went and bought a copy of the file.

So, despite having had maybe fifty people “steal” my two books, those thefts resulted in sales anyway. Sales that I absolutely would not have gotten from those same people if they hadn’t read and liked the older stuff.

Piracy is not some noble pursuit. But, realistically, it can be an advantage if you’re small enough that it serves as advertising, or big enough that it won’t decrease sales enough to matter monetarily. Mid range “creatives”, though? They’re going to be in a bad spot from it. The conversion from pirated works to sold works is fucking SMALL. It’s small enough that if you’re struggling to make enough income to create full time, you’re fucked because you aren’t going to get serious grass roots awareness pushing sales to bump you up like that. People are going to pirate instead of buying at that popularity level.

But me? I’m fine with it. My old books, I may put up on Amazon at some point, but since I am unlikely to finish the third in the series (which is a long story), I don’t see the point. So, they’re out there, and that makes me happy. Now, maybe once or twice a year, I get a new email. That, for a no name hack like me, is better than the chump change I’ll ever get from Amazon.

The U.N. doesn’t have the authority to make a unilateral decision like that to begin with.

And, since they only way to enforce such a rule would be by using armed forces to stop an illegal war, you see why it’s a pointless rule.

Besides, as horrible as war is, it serves a purpose. Even “illegal” wars like invasions of sovereign nations or pogroms serve a purpose, we just don’t like those purposes usually. They still serve as a form of resolution to tensions between warring parties. Sometimes, one of those parties is aggrieved and war is the only way to prevent whatever is happening from continuing.

You can’t just ban war, war is the state of existence when all other forms of conflict resolution between populations have failed. That will never, ever go away unless humanity ceases to be diverse and complicated. As long as there are multiple cultures, nations, and peoples, there will be conflict of some kind.

What face war has may differ. We might get to a point where war is always warm or cold rather than hot. But it’s just as likely that we could end up in a state of constant warfare where a majority is steadily rejected, with violence, by the minority that objects to the differences between each other, no matter what those differences are.

Let’s use a pretty current possibility. Let’s say Thad the march to fascism here in the US succeeds. A president, Congress, and Supreme Court all dominated by the hate filled groups takes control and enacts laws that prevent their removal through other means.

Should we not rise up? Should we just shrug and say “oh well, they win, we can’t have war.”?

No. You fucking beg, borrow, or steal weaponry and you take the nazis/fascists down, just like the world has had to keep doing for most of a century. Yeah, you’ll be fighting in an asymmetrical war, but that’s still better than rolling over.

I mean, if would be better to rise up before things get to the point where there’s the capability to dominate current structures, but that ain’t gonna happen.

You can’t wave the wand of law and banish war. The only way to banish war is shifting to a single, unified consciousness. That’s impossible.

A dash or three of cinnamon, a tablespoon of cocoa, and another random tablespoon of peanut butter.

It turns regular old chili into something that wins prizes. Works for any heat level, too.

Well, you asked about our preference. As already said, the use case is totally different, so it can be a bit difficult to really compare.

However, I prefer long form discussions most of the time, which gives me a lemmy preference overall.

That being said, mastodon is very well developed and supported overall. Switching between the two on my author account is kinda like going from a nice, new sedan (mastodon) to a five year old economy car. Things are smoother on mastodon overall, there’s less bugs, etc that show up to an end user.

No, you don’t have to subscribe to any of them, much less all of them.

There’s gong to be multiples with a given name because they each exist on their own instance. Instances are mini reddits that can talk to each other, not the same site.

You want redundancy, it’s one of the biggest benefits of federation and decentralization.

I follow a few users on lemmy from mastodon. The pictures show just fine

Did you intend to post this on a meme c/? Seems like the wrong place

Well, your post is still up, so we can assume it’s okay lol.

But! Lemmy isn’t like reddit in one major way. There aren’t as many assholes. This makes moderation absurdly low effort currently. It might change in the future, but for now, you might end up needing to do anything significant maybe once a week or so.

So, you can likely do just fine. But hey, if you make it, and want someone to help you out, I’ll be glad to play second banana until you find someone that shares the interest in cross dressing. Moderating isn’t as hard as you think, though it does take time to learn how to do it well. But for a niche interest, it’s largely just a matter of keeping trolls controlled and setting up the style/vibe how you want it to be. You can do that without sharing the interest :)

There’s kbin, which is similar to lemmy, but not the same. They’ve picked up a decent number of users.

There’s others too, but none that have really boomed the way lemmy and kbin have.

Fwiw, if you go to most of the more casual subs, particularly the meme/image based ones, probably won’t notice the lost users from reddit because most of those were already swamped with reposts via bots and karma whores. But if you were into the useful side of reddit, there’s a difference in quality and tone. A shit ton of the exodus was not only power users, but mods.

As much shit as mods get, they really are what keeps any forum from devolving into chaos and stupidity. It doesn’t matter how “power mad” people think they are, what matters is that they put the time in to keep a given forum in a reliable state. The reliability is what left with the exodus.

Moderating a forum is a skill, not an inborn talent. It takes time to develop, and by the time the mods lost from there are replaced, and they get up to speed, it’s months at least before they can start rebuilding the culture of a given forum. Even an experienced mod can take weeks to months to adapt to the culture of a given forum, assuming they don’t make the mistake of trying to force a change.

Reddit straight up killed a lot of tools as well. The bot defense bot is essentially dead. That isn’t something that can be replaced in the time the folks running it have given before they pull the plug all the way. Toolbox is alive, but lost the lead developer, and if it goes, moderating there becomes a major pain in the ass. I still keep an eye on a small handful of subs that aren’t duplicated in some form elsewhere, via things like geddit and stealth, that are having major bot issues, and they aren’t really mainstream. I can’t imagine what the big subs are like in that regard now.

Reddit isn’t going to “die”, not soon. But, as often has been said when this comes up, the reddit we knew and loved is already dead. It’s gone, and not coming back.

Man, that one always made me wish I could smoke weed.

Never stop fucking the tiger

You don’t retire perfectly good hardware just because some of the software is too different to support it. You find alternatives so that you aren’t contributing to the wasteful bullshit that is forced obsolescence.

Nah, it’s so that every line in the quotes is connected without having to have an extra ending notation.

Like the way spoliers work on lemmy, you have to ::: at the end, or the software doesn’t know that you’re done.

With quotes, though, that can’t work because you’d need two symbols, which is more confusing than just making sure that every line in quote block is fronted with the >

I need to screenshot this, matrix it over to my other account, screenshot that, then post it here.