• 7 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Sorry to hear that friend. Someone else commented that the patent expired recently and generic versions exist now, perhaps that is worth looking into.

Great to know! Will look into it.

Yeah, it’s $250 a month for me. No thanks, I’ll just be all over the place.

Vyvanse is so much better for me personally. But it’s expensive af

It’s not required at all. It helps if you want to set up a seed box specifically for boosting your ratio but you can run a torrent program without port forwarding and it works just fine. I’ve been doing it for 10+ years.

I’m still not sure why you’re trying to use port forwarding in that case. You can just use the VPN service on any device from anywhere. Port forwarding is typically only for someone hosting a server inside their network that they want outside people to be directed to when browsing to their public IP address. You don’t need it for torrenting.

Port forwarding is a function that can reside both inside your network and outside your network. What exactly are you trying to do with your ports? Generally what it does is allow traffic from the WAN zone (outside) to be directed to a specific device inside your network. Also, if you use a private tracker with good reputation there’s not a need for VPN at all. What exactly are you trying to accomplish with forwarding ports?

The Lord is Come

Oh nice you got the new Apple AssPhone too?!

Posted from Memmy for iOS

It’s called a brojob and it’s totally straight if your eyes are closed

Shit I didn’t crop out the forbidden text, guess I’ll die

Naw, then I’d have to actually go to Reddit, which is blocked in my network.

For my clients, we just use company shortcode+role, IE Northern Energy Exchange would be NEE-DC (domain controller) NEE-FS (file server) NEE-APP, NEE-DT-1 (desktop #1), NEE-LT-1 (laptop #1) etc. At home, my network is called Asgard and each device is related to that in some way, all themed appropriately.

iOS stores it in “downloads”

Oh right, Apple bad!

Yeah, I am loving the intimate feel of the lemmiverse and how I can have actual real conversations here. These are my people!

Yo dawg, I heard you like shit, eat some shit, you fucking bitch

30 years or older. Check.

Tech enthusiast/ worker… check.

Linux users. Check.


I’ve been poisoned by my constituents!

Too bad I live in the US because those three emojis cost me $5k each

There’s plenty of comments about it. If I had known it was such a sensitive topic I wouldn’t have posted it, but it’s already out there. It’ll be okay. I believe everyone has a right to any gender title they want, I wasn’t intending to push any stereotypes with this meme. People just want to be outraged I guess.

I like dark humor, just as long it’s not about skin color. It’s weird how many racists seem to be attracted to meme channels.

Who knew it was so easy to get hurt on the internet

Ah yes, the classic “No U” response

Yes, I definitely care about all the autistic screeching about genders on a fucking meme channel

Same! credit to Calkearns for the comic

I don’t use any social media except LinkedIn, and I have that set to all private. Just use it when I am looking for a job. I do stare at my phone all day though, but instead I am reading about board games, world news, and technology from other places.

For all the people in the comments bitching about gender: What’s it like to be ruled by woke outrage? It’s just a fucking meme. You don’t have to twist everything to be against you.

no, its just weird for the sake of weird

jfc its just a meme, calm down