18M I like computers, trains, space, radio-related everything and a bunch of other tech related stuff. User of GNU+Linux.
I am also dumb and worthless.
My laptop is HP 255 G7 running Manjaro and Linux Mint.
I own RTL-SDRv3 and RSP1 clone.
SDF Unix shell username: user224
I heard it isn’t. Or at least not as much, because lemmy.ml is a paid domain.
Maybe a little off-topic, but I found this useful to explain difference between DoT and DoH: https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/dns-over-tls/
Turns out I am using DoT instead of DoH. Both are encrypted, but DoT is distinguishable from HTTPS traffic.
I’ve noticed you posted a link to imgur video. Here I’ve embedded it for you:
Imgur post link (linked by OP): https://imgur.com/a/RUWK3rw
Imgur video link (content same as above): https://imgur.com/mXB2rqp
Imgur direct video link (notice the difference from previous one): https://imgur.com/mXB2rqp.mp4
Direct video links are embeddable on Lemmy like images and audio.
You can put it in post URL
or in post body and comments with the format 
Thought it was some kind of special record
Well, there was something like that. CED: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitance_Electronic_Disc
How do you remember to do that? I don’t even remember to wake up to alarm. Like today. I woke up around 7:30AM instead of 5AM. “Great, my phone probably crashed, and the alarm didn’t ring.” I get up to get my phone, but it’s not there. I start searching for it, it’s in my bed. No missed alarm notifications. I grabbed it, dismissed both alarms, and I don’t even remember doing any of that.
Sometimes when I see this kind of memes I get some doubts.