For very stilted, academic, formal conversation, it is, but for conversation with social superiors, social inferiors, peers, friends, family, in a business setting, a political setting, or any number of other social situations, you start using a lot of other first person pronouns instead, especially distinguishing male from female, childish from elderly, etc.
As the social media juggernauts, these companies are viewed as the embodiment of everything they see as wrong with a capitalist/corporatist society, and in their mind, by dismantling or fundamentally changing and challenging these juggernauts, they can inspire and bring about the change they want in society as a whole.
![Mother Nature reminding humans that she’s going to be fine and they’re only killing themselves]
No, I’m just pointing out the community you’re talking about. This is a piracy community, on Lemmy. If you’re surprised that this specific community is hostile to your arguments, I’m not sure what you were expecting.
Addressing the main point of your argument, the idea of the FOSS movement which many people in this community espouse is to have effectively a volunteer and donation-based society, just like Lemmy and the rest of the Fediverse. Peertube comes to mind as a specific example. For a significant portion of that population, communism and socialism are also not considered bad things. For others, the crux of their complaint is not against the monetization of content, but the degree to which said monetization interrupts their viewing experience - 30 second ads on a 10 second video, for instance, or multiple 10 second ads interspersed at 30 second intervals throughout a 2 minute video, with the lion’s share of the revenue going to YouTube and not directly to the creators - hence the creation of platforms such as Bitchute, Nebula and CuriosityStream.
And what specifically is wrong with being paid a fair wage on time for work and effort matching the job description exactly?
They want the earth to die. It’s literally prophesied in their Scriptures, that the sign that their Rapture is imminent include famine, death, war, and conquest. Their explicit goal is to bring about the Second Coming, wherein so many people will be killed, their blood fills up the Armageddon up to the shoulder of a warhorse. The old heaven and old earth, our earth, will very destroyed, so that paradise can come for God’s Chosen.