Usually a lurker.
Maybe I should’ve just shut up and thought for a bit longer before writing that comment…

If you want to talk to me elsewhere, you know how to reach me.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023



Enough time to finish the project: Nah, not today.
Deadline imminent or really like the topic? Let’s activate hyperfocus.

Luckily my job is still my main interest and am not yet burned out by it.

My way: Notifications for an appointment. Depending on how far in advance, I will put 2-3 reminders in one appointment.

Ritter Sport shipped chocolate with water packs. Probably to keep thr temperature stable.

My way to motivate myself: Track it in a spreadsheet.
Make graphs with Excel (or whatever) to visualize it.

I tracked my push ups and pull ups to track my activity after my bike-commute. Also keeps me from not doing it.

I just like darkness and maybe a hint of light from accent lights or my desk lamp. Perfect working/gaming atmosphere.

Edit: Also some good music. Spotify is (with Youtube) my most run application on every device.

I am usually on Ritalin and my doc suggested Elvanse (not sure. Maybe same brand).
I only take it during week days and have some mental disorder regarding nausea and being nervous/stress in combination with food.

The time I got off the new drug was bad and I am not used to it in comparison to Ritalin which I could break at any time without repercussions.

The good old deadline efficiency.
A familiar way of getting work done.

Recently planned a trio to a convention.
Looked on some page for a location to sleep, found something I liked and booked it.
Probably not the cheapest but I was kinda late anyway.

Meanwhile my mother (which I live with) basically plans the whole trip for ~10 days.

On the one hand I hate surprises on the other I hate planning too much and being restricted.
Gotta choose the poison :/

Write it down and look at the notes later on.
I work in IT and sure do need more time to implement similar stuff at home with similar and limited toys but I can do it.

My suggestion (if you can): Do some days with and some without.

My medication since I am 12 is ritalin 30mg on 60kg body weight (increased from 20mg).

Interesting topic though. Wasnt on my radar at all nor was I “warned”/informed.

I don’t think I have built a tolerance against ritalin but I can feel crashes now that I am older.

Yesterday basically jailed myself into my room to implement 2 programs into my software stack.
5h of researvh and then I got distracted for a bit.

Weekly reminder to water my plants
Knowledge base for everything I don’t want to forget (IT related: | Real life and anything else: OneNote)
Google Reminders and calendar entries if something is important
Google Tasks for quick reminders (for example pre-ordered shipments that could be arriving in >24h, money someones owes me, overtime notes)

Everything else can be kept in memory and is not as important

Feel you…

I had/have two modes:
Write a 5 page essay in > 2 weeks
Have it due in 5 days and achieving the flow when writing.

Getting started was so difficult for me and I always needed a bit of inspiration on how start it.

Can drink mate without issue or feel any special effects except for taste.

I drink it either straight or with a mix of lemongras and mate + a bergamot slice

Ritalin right now at 30mg after a pause of 1 year trialing it.

Wouldn’t be surprised regarding dehydration. Doesn’t coffee itself dehydrate?

So it may not be the dehydration alone.
What meds you got prescribed?

What do you feel is your reaction to caffeine?
I have a slight suspicion that every time I consume something with caffeine it has a specific effect on me. A good cup of black or green tea: Slight headaches at some times. A cup of coffee (from work coffee machine): Depending on strenght slight attention issues or headaches. A cup of coffee from a coffee shop which roasts its own coffee: One time a bit of stronger attention issues than the work coffee. I usually notice it right away after consuming. But I also have a very strong issue with staying hydrated. Usually drink 0.5-1l per day until I notice the usual dehydrated-headache or when I am really focused and loosing it at times. Usually it's less prevelant at evening/night times.

I literally took a small dose of meds to work because as soon as I am on the road (and I plan my commute very tight with small room for error), I notice that I did not do something. And then I am a good 2 kilometres away from home.

For every hacker and social engineer: Hello.

7am wake up, breakfast and tea, getting ready for work
8am or 8:30 am Commute. Depending if I do groceries on my commute to work or not.
9am work until lunch
lunch - 6pm commute home
7pm give or take arrive at home
Procrastinating tasks until 7:30 or 8pm
8pm Suddenly getting active. Either consuming media or browsing lemmy
11pm/12am Bedtime
Rinse and repeat Mo-Fr

Logician - INTP-T
Diagnosed with ADHD

If I remember correctly they will keep already set up ones but take away for new configs

Still stuck with someone not willing to go >50mbit/s at home. I will try to keep them in mind once it comes to it ;)
Thank you!

  • “Are they worth the effort”
    • Depends on your need for quality. Some get reposted from private trackers.
    • Out of 10 downloads how often do you search for a good quality 1080p/4K? If the answer is yes, I’d recommend TL. If it is more look around for a bit more prestige ones like Blutopia.
  • “A lot of them seem to be a bit of a hassle”
    • Usually login in a time frame of 30 days (read the rules. Depends on the site)
  • “or require payment”
    • Don’t even bother. Usually trackers will ask for a donation to offset the server/hosting/admin costs and/or give perks for donating.

I primarily rely on nyaa (anime) and 1337x (general) as public.
Other then them: TL (easy to get into) and a few others.

My advice: Try to get into private ones. and will probably list a few options.

To get into private trackers start with the beginner ones (those are your step stone to get to more “elite” trackers) that may be listed here:

Trackers usually open during holidays like x-mas, black friday, eastern, summer or because of specific events like another tracker going down.

Innogy highspeed (…)

Sadly they do CG-NAT which is a dealbreaker for me :/

You’d be surprised how ass backwards Germany is with elevtronic stuff…

Regarding e-lending: Surely depends on the local offers around you. Totally (sadly).

Made the reverse. Switched to prowlarr and keeping jackett if something does not work on prowlarr.

Works flakey at best. I could transcode but only 1080p anime caused by SSA subs. And it would buffer. A lot.
Today Jellyfin is really good with not causing uneccessary transcoding

Have you set it up like trash-guides does? Works well for almost any anime I watch. The only issues I have is not finding something because of localized/JP name release that are with embedded subs.

I only auto-dl with sonarr for anime and groups I know like SubsPlease, EraiRaws etc.

Movies are capped to FHD-BD and remuxes are only downloaded manually.
Also because I use a seedbox my storage quota is usually 99% in use and filling it 100% up causes me issues so I am usually paranoid about 1. the quality and 2. what size is being downloaded

Sometimes it’s cool to browse sites for FL alone.

When TorrentDB existed I liked zo browse the current hot section just to download stuff and 1. profit from it being FL and 2. increasing my ratio.
Other times I got a fee good recommendations because I was curious why so many downloaded something