Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)
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Don’t know where you’re from. I’m from Germany and we have a large vocational training culture. I just looked at some and found one that specialized in people that couldn’t finish university.
But to be honest, it wouldn’t have been hard to find any entry level job either. You just need to explain that you’re not made for the educational institutions. And then provide proof of how you are good with computers/Linux and programming, most easily done through some contributions to open source projects. Of course you actually need to know about what clean code is, software engineering paradigms etc
Very important to apply to very small companies, never large ones. The large ones do automatic filtering for people without degree or some shit, but the small ones actually look at resumes. In you resume, you can just make a compelling case (even if it’s totally bullshit) that you would be a good worker with your current skillset even though you don’t have formal education, and it’s likely you’ll be able to find some kind of job eventually.
If you’re like me, the literal only people that will tell you that you need a degree are your parents.
I also studied for 4 years and was still in the first semester at the end of it. I just stopped trying. Now I’m a self-taught programmer.
I can tell you with my whole heart: “success” is completely and utterly irrelevant. If you have enough to live, you have already “won”. Most other people would disagree with this. But there’s so much free or almost free stuff to do that you can literally fill your whole life with it and never run out. Everything else is, even though it’s very clichéd, a mindset issue. It is possible to be happy with very very little.
I don’t know anything about your life, but if I have one advice it is this: figure out which of your beliefs come from within you or come from other people. Do you actually believe a degree is necessary? Or have other people instilled in you the sense that a degree is necessary? Is earning lots of money actually important? Or is that just what other people think is important and you copied?
Also get therapy help if you can.
You can’t shed all responsibilities or obligations, but most of them you can. In the end, it only depends on what your goals are. Do you want healthy, happy children? Then you’ll probably have to do something for that. If not though? Then you don’t. You can get by with a lot of “what if I just don’t?”
The good thing is that what is considered “being successful” is completely arbitrary and in the grand scheme of things completely irrelevant. You don’t need to “be successful” to lead a happy life. This “scraping by” you say is a pretty bleak picture is just so because you think it is, you can be absolutely happy living like that. I hope you’ll be able to be happy eventually <3
Honestly, I would not be above complete and utter deception. Companies and many of the people working for them don’t have your wellbeing at heart. In a job interview, I always present as the best and hardest, most passionate worker going above and beyond all the time. I do not feel bad about it at all. Then I just do as much as I can/want and see if they fire me. I simply do not care to be good and honest in a system that’s the farthest away from goodness and honesty.
I live in a country with social safety net. If I lose my job, I just live on that until I find a new one. I have a roof and warmth and food, that is enough for me.
Currently I work in a job with 20 hours a week, work from home, and flexible so I can work almost whenever I want. When I feel too bad about not having worked a while I start working, as is ADHD custom. I don’t do a lot, I’m not recognized as a hard worker, I don’t stand out, I just do enough.
I simply stopped worrying and being fine with any result.
Didn’t find the next place to rent? Guess I’ll have to keep living right here.
Didn’t book an appointment for my hurting tooth? Guess I’ll have to go to the ER once it’s unbearable.
Don’t have a plan B for the journey? Guess there’s just simply no journey if the first plan fails.
Nothing in my life moves? Guess everything will stay still.
Living on autopilot? Guess that’s how I live.
And I’m actually absolutely fine with these results.
I’m sorry to be counterproductive here, so feel free to stop reading here if you don’t want an alternative, contrarian perspective.
I personally see no intellectual reason to “stay ahead”. The whole concept behind “staying ahead” or “catching up”, of goals and responsibilities, is pretty much bogus. What happens if you reach a goal? You don’t feel satisfied, you find a new goal. Repeat forever. You’re never “done”. Then you die.
I don’t know what exactly you’re trying to stay ahead of. But for me, life took an entirely new turn for the better when I stopped caring about responsibilities and goals. Of course, if you’re literally dying, that’s not quite possible. But most people have so many goals and responsibilities that are not at all, not even remotely, critical for anything. They’re self-imposed shackles.
Just for example (this may not apply to you). Who cares if there’s a pile of laundry? What does it actually impact? It’s the societal norm to not have a cloth pile lying around. Most of the time, for many people, the clothes in the clothes pile are not actually dirty. If you smell them, they smell neutral. No visible stains. Many people still have plenty clothes to wear when they do laundry. Why exactly do these clothes have to be washed now, why not when it becomes actually necessary? This is what my ADHD brain thinks. And I can just give in to it. I know that when I have nothing to wear anymore, it’ll be like “alright, now it’s urgent enough to actually do something”. It’s not as “nice” or “responsible” or “orderly” as other people do it, but it gets the job done. And there’s absolutely no stress, as long as you don’t care about what other people think. Everything just happens as it naturally would for me.
Idk, maybe I’m not making sense here. But “managing” my ADHD started going much better when I stopped managing it, and simply embraced goals and responsibilities not happening like they would for other people. Sure, I don’t get nearly “as much done” as other people… But will that really matter in the end?
I second the /r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine (for muscle mass). You can do it with minimal equipment home alone, which is minimal activation energy, and you can watch or listen to something at the same time, which gives you a reward while doing the unrewarding activity.
For me, it works perfectly.
The way I dealt with it was to get rid of the source. So in your case, I would have quit the job, or in some other way eliminate the “situation you’re living”, instead of continuing/finishing it. Basically I gave up on a lot of things, recognized I’m not good enough to do some things, and then everything became much better.
I just want to chime in real quick, with something that’s not quite helpful (at least at first). Your fear is actually affecting your behavior towards others in your company, like your bosses. Of course I don’t know your situation, but it’s pretty likely that if you’d just confidently do everything the same as you’re doing now performance-wise, acting as if the mistakes are not a big deal and you just fix them, you’d have absolutely no problems right now.
This is not helpful in the sense that it adds another thing to worry about, but for me it was very helpful in the sense that I could actually forget about my performance and not worry about it anymore, and replace it with that other thing. And once I had figured out how to act confident in face of my mistakes, even that went away.
Kind of the same, but at this point I just utterly reject the notion of everyone having to function as a perfect cogwheel in the system. I have no trouble with my “underperforming” at all, even though it’s likely still happening.
Let them fire me if they want. I’ll likely find a new job, and if I don’t, at least in my country there are social safety nets. I’m just so over it.
I really feel for people that aren’t safe from starvation or similar, I’m glad I’m so privileged.
Only a few times have I gotten in trouble for it luckily and I never actually done anything more than shout the most disgusting insults at someone.
Honestly, that sounds pretty normal to me. I do see this behavior everywhere (people getting angry and shouting the most disgusting insults at someone). It seems like you do have some sense of control, since I’ve also seen anger get physical, throwing things, destroying things, attacking people, attacking themselves, which it doesn’t seem like you’re doing.
often enough I feel they fucking deserved it.
Anger has a purpose. It is meant to get you to do something about problematic things. If you actually do feel like they deserved it, and you actually only shouted at them, then this really does seem like the most normal thing in the world.
To me personally, it sounds more like you have some belief put into you that all anger is bad and you shouldn’t be angry ever. Then you control your anger all the time, keeping it bottled up, and then when something triggers a larger amount of anger, all the anger you bottled up over the last X amount of time gets compounded on top of the trigger for a truly strong rage.
I’m not a therapist. Like other people have already said, you should see one. I don’t know where you’re from, of course if you’re from the US this can be hard with money and all.
If you don’t mind me asking, if it is too private I understand, what’s your (rough) age and sex? What is and has been your parental situation? Have they not said anything about this/helped at all, or are you old enough that they’re out of the picture?
Because the single only way to do communism is how the UdSSR did it, there’s no other way.
And of course it’s only possible to either agree with the whole of a specific ideology, or none of it. There’s no “good parts of communism” or “bad parts of capitalism” it’s only ever all good or all bad.
The fact that it did ask you to set home once at least means that it’s running. It’s likely running into an error somewhere.
Honestly iOS and Safari (and Apple in general) were one of the worst developer experiences I’ve ever come across, which is why I’ve not looked into it at all so far … Actually I have looked into it just now, and I basically need an Apple device to do anything. Or virtualize Mac os which then virtualizes iOS, which probably costs some hours to all set up, yay. I hate this shitty company and its overpriced garbage.
So yeah, sorry for that rant… but if you could search for some way to open the debug console of Safari and see some sort of error message I could probably do something. Apparently it’s somewhere in the advanced/developer settings.
Yeah that’s what I thought. This is how those buttons look in code:
The problem is that there’s no destination identifier attached. If you compare that with your name at the top of your comment:
, there’s an
(and href=
) that identifies this as a link to somewhere. The buttons have no such identifying text with them, so I can’t rewrite them because I don’t know where they lead, it’s hidden within the application logic somewhere.
I thought it was Aaron Swartz?
Anyway here is a really good documentary about him and his death.
I’ll take a look when I’m back home :) could be that the context links aren’t really “links” at all, but “buttons”, which aren’t detected by my script.
If you look at the post, you see some screenshots/videos, there’s this little icon with two arrows in a circle that signifies if a link was rewritten, which is how you can check if it’s working.
I don’t. Organization and focus is overrated, I thrive without them no problem.