• 5 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Your wish is my command.

i love this meme so much i printed it and hung it on the wall i need the same for UDP but i dont have any ideas

cool machine and great choice of distro

My MikroTik has built in WireGuard functionality so it was an easy pick 😁

I find it insulting that you think my 9703 movie/1423 show library wasn’t legally acquired.

The real question is, what changed? Why are we no longer ready to go up in arms against our governments for literally violating us?

When I asked this question here, 3 different people offered me an invite so hopefully they still lurk here

it took me 5 minutes to realize there is no gay joke


More accurate, still doesn’t make sense

“It’s that, what capitalists want” is a 1:1 translation, it doesn’t make sense in Russian either

This martyr died for the truth

It’s 1am and I thought it’s a glory hole

I’d prefer if we stopped bringing up Reddit altogether. We no longer use the platform, we should be happy with what we have here instead of constantly peeping into the neighbor’s garden.

Look up debtap, also the pkgbuild for Cisco Packet Tracer shows a great example of how to deploy a deb package on Arch.

Cracking Denuvo requires being there from the start, since with every new release new obstacles are added. If you try to crack denuvo now you’ll be completely lost, and getting copies of old Denuvo doesn’t seem this easy I guess. Empress had been there since Denuvo v1 so 🤷‍♂️

But other then piracy what can we possibly do

Yeah but what can you do if a lot of the companies who made the original games aren’t around anymore and didn’t sell the rights to anyone else? Even some of the people who claim piracy is immoral understand that “pirating” abandonware is perfectly fine.

Just because it’s not sold doesn’t mean they’re “critically endangered”. You can get most if not all ROMs on the internet.

Piracy isn’t stealing, it’s making a copy.

PBX admins are laughing in the background as their uptime is almost 4k days, running CentOS 5

Especially the ones that are like “oh thank you but I just tried using the item you gave me and it didn’t work so we will also need this other item”

What the fuck? Why don’t you plan ahead

I thought OP refers to uploading videos here directly, obviously embedding should become available soon once someone submits the PR.

If I remember correctly, the thinking process was that when we cook we kill a lot of bacteria which is essential to our body getting stronger so the Jews came up with the conspiracy to cook all the food to kill the bacteria that is supposed to make us healthier, in order to make foreigners weaker while the Jews continue to eat raw meat in secrecy and get stronger.

I think that the main problem with hosting videos on this platform is the amount of space. Keep in mind, Lemmy runs on donations, it does not have venture capitalist backing of any kind. So even if the support for videos (or gifs) eventually comes, it will either be very restricted (i.e. max 8mb uploads, similar to Discord’s free tier uploads) or disabled entirely by the instance admins because the cost for hosting video will be just way too much.

Time will tell, I guess, for now there’s no video support being mentioned anywhere on GitHub issues, so it is likely not planned.

I just wanted to confirm my suspicions, I’m already down the mech keyboard rabbit hole, Keychron K6.

I don’t like dry pineapples either, never understood the appeal. They’re also filled with sugar

Hey OP, how does your cold take adapt to countries like Croatia, in which piracy is legal?

Yeah he doesn’t breathe… uhm… woopsie I meant believe in anything anymore… yeah…

If there’s an automated set up, absolutely go for it, you shouldn’t be doing the same mundane task over and over again. I, however, recommend at least once to do it yourself/go over the docs just to understand how to troubleshoot when stuff breaks or if it interests you how the software works. For example: A lot of people think that Watchtower queries the docker repo to see when it was last updated and that’s how it processes it’s updates. The truth is, watchtower downloads the entire image, checks it against your currently used image and if it’s not the same it updates. What then happens is that server maintainers set the poll interval really low (like 10-15m) and end up using a lot of bandwidth.

How to Usenet?
Hello, I tried in the past to wrap my head around usenet, and I bought access to some news downloader (iirc it was called that way not sure, but it was Eweka) and tried using it, the problem was that every download I tried to get was dead on arrival (link being dead, failing to verify file integrity) yet so many people on piracy forums swear by Usenet and claim that for ~$60 a year they get a much more superior experience than torrents, and yet, I currently torrent everything with no issues at all. The reason for trying Usenet that when attempting to search some less popular TV shows/movies, I could not always find it in the quality I wanted to see, and therefore decided to give it a try. Any suggestions?

Your RSS feeds
So I set up TT-RSS the other day and it's generally nice, the only problem is I'm trying to find feeds that are interesting more or less. For example, we all enjoy watching TV, right? So I took the TV OPML from awesome-rss-feeds on GH and applied it, and was not amused. I don't watch that many television and I very quickly realized that none of the content in those feeds applies to me at all, so I removed it. Basically, where are the amateur hour feeds? 😅