I won’t nitpick how Linux is a kernel not an OS but how is it not widespread? It just runs basically the whole internet…
The reasons the average Joe doesn’t use it for their desktop are convenience (Windows and macOS come pre-installed) and that you can run into technical issues due to bad support by hardware vendors. The latter is a chicken/egg problem and will possibly never be resolved.
Anyway, I disagree it’s due to the number of choices - we don’t need monopolies. Your grocery store is full of different brands of cheese and all of them still stay in business.
learning programming is BORING
Then it’s not for you. No shame in that. I don’t understand the notion that everyone is supposed to be a coder now.
If anything, the low-level coding part is something AI models may well make obsolete relatively soon. Unlike any craftsmanship - why not learn masonry or carpentry instead?
Hit F12 in your browser and start hacking in the console - search for Javascript tutorials to get started. Everything else needs some kind of setup and the js ecosystem is by far the largest.
Before deciding your profesional path, first figure out if it’s really for you. The software industry is huge and offers very many different jobs. Good coders still are nerds though that love logic puzzles and tinkering and require quite a bit of frustration tolerance. It’s not for everyone.
While this is far more elaborate, I agree it’s the best approach if the other person is willing to have a discussion.
You may sprinkle it with actual examples of what’s happening in China with their point system: not getting bus tickets or loan grants or whatever because you not even mentioned something critical somewhere but are associated with someone how did.
They may say it’s unrealistic but 30 years ago Eastern Germany was the same. They just lacked the tech and needed to recruit regular people as spies.
Why are speculations voted higher than this accurate answer? Link to the Github page for everyone to check: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy#whys-it-called-lemmy
Maybe some of these older suggestions still apply: https://superuser.com/questions/486844/how-can-i-unlock-a-microsoft-docx-document#486883
You’ll have to tinker a bit, probably write some script to bruteforce the password. Unless you expect your password to be a strong one. In that case I fear there is no way.
I fear you are right. While I do believe that further policital abuse of that data is inevitable (Trump or the Malaysian civil war were at least partial results of campaigns of Cambridge Analytica, for example), people probably won’t see the impact data analysis had and how they’ve been manipulated.
Usually not but your whole activity in this thread reads like you’re just hating on Linux for some reason: “too diverse!” “it destroyed my ssd!” (which I doubt). In that context your claim to have been a user just looks like a half-truth to give yourself some credibility.
Anyway, back to the actual topic: I don’t care about mass-adoption. Everything turns to shit when the masses pour over it. In my opinion, Lemmy has reached the critical amount of contributors to get it going, except more actual scientists maybe.