24yrs, Chilean 🇨🇱 Computer Engineer & Tech Geek 🎮
Here’s a meme i saw yesterday about ADHD (all my ADHD friends have said it’s pretty accurate 😆):
The difference between ADD and ADHD is the presence of the word “Hyperactive” (Wich most people with ADD/ADHD do in fact have).
Aside from your condition we need a bit more info so we can help you.
Are you at school/university?
Or do you already got yourself a degree and have entered the “adult world” and thus facing new challenges?
I ask because i think the whole idea of an electric bicycle is dumb.
Why waste money on a electric alternative of a transportation device that was made to both make you do excercise AND to get you places?
If you want to get places faster, or just showoff on two wheels, that’s what motorbikes are for.
I suspect it mainly has to do with the fact that Windows usually outputs uncompressed audio (due to requiring extra licencing for codecs like Dolby on a general-purpose PC, unlike consoles).
Because of that, a dedicated sound card will take that weight off the CPU.
In my case in particular, i noticed an 5-8FPS increase when playing AC:Revelations with my dedicated sound card (bear in mind, my CPU is merely a Core 2 Duo), but that’s because i still don’t have the money to upgrade my whole rig.
Back on topic, i saw a video by Anton’s Hardware that made a deep research on the topic, and while the conclusion was that, yes, on current games & hardware it didin’t make up much of a difference, it could be useful for specific cases, (in some poorly optimized games you can get better frames, and in well-optimized games can push FPS a bit further.
To finally end my comment, i’ll add a link to the video i just mentioned, along with one of the comments that i think demonstrates a “best case scenario” for the use of a sound card in current gaming.
It doesn’t get worse, everyone else changes.