And someone who knows better please correct me if I’m wrong, but 10 years ago for streaming is an eternity ago.
I believe back when the show was new and hot you could only watch HBO WITH a cable subscription
There’s a reason people pirated it instead of just subscribing
Ok, I was right: this late 2014 article says they’d finally offer standalone “next year”,27892.html
Edit: April 2015 is when it started. So quite a bit after GoT started
That’s the reason back in 2013 or so I switched to PS3 for my main gaming. MS wanted a shitload for a tiny ass 360 hard drive, but with Sony it came with a 250GB drive out the gate and I replaced it with a 1TB for less than the 250 from Microsoft
Of course, I switched to PC because Sony got greedy again with no mp3s on the system, trying to make me re-buy games I already had, and charging for online
You have no data. Stop moving the goalposts
I said their traffic is down as is ad revenue, which is a fact. You made up something, I called you out on it and provided sources. You still haven’t.
Then you throw back with something that has been called out as a weak revenue source. Twitter Blue? Stop it, it’s embarrassing
Twitter Blue is good revenue per user, but the number of users who subscribe is less than 1%. It’s pathetic and doesn’t make up for lost ad revenue. And for the usability of the site it’s the worst thing that ever happened and why traffic is down. No one wants to see responses from hateful dopes who paid $8 to be seen. Ask Regional Sports Networks how its going to have a much smaller number of people pay it more money directly instead of getting a big chunk because of a high user base (great, if your goal was bamkruptcy)
The internet hasn’t told me to feel shit about Musk. Stop with that disingenuine nonsense to dismiss an intelligent adult’s ability to independently recognize another person is a loser. It’s an embarrassingly weak argument that I’m only disagreeing with your idolization because I have no independent thoughts. You’re the one whose only source of truth is from Musk himself. That’s sad and if you want to say someone has been told what to think…there it is, take a look in the mirror.
I read what he says and see how he treats people, and the only conclusion you can arrive at if you’re not a sociopath is that Musk is a definite asshole loser, as are the people who worship him. He’s not smart. Not clever, and it’s clear his other businesses are doing well only because actual smart people are running things, not him. We see the result of his direct leadership and wow, it’s bad.
I get it. The most pathetic and insecure people need someone to look up to. An ideal state of yourself is an insecure rich guy, I guess. Still a loser inside and out, but now you have more money.
Just responding with a question?
Give me a break
Twitter Blue is a dud and will get them maybe 100 million a year. Less than they’re losing each quarter in ad revenue. A tiny fraction of losers subscribe
Just stop, your ball gargling is embarrassing
The company is doing shitty, even if you’re pathetic and only focus on what Musk has stated himself
A man who has always lied to gain financially? No, that’s not a real source
Twitter’s US advertising revenue plunged 59 percent year over year during a recent five-week period
The NYT also said it talked to six ad agency executives who “said their clients continued to limit spending on the platform. They cited confusion over Mr. Musk’s changes to the service, inconsistent support from Twitter, and concerns about the persistent presence of misleading and toxic content on the platform.”
Twitter traffic had already been trending downward for months, according to data from the internet infrastructure company Cloudflare and the web analytics firm Similarweb. But the pace of decline appears to have accelerated in recent days
That’s enough for anyone but go ahead and believe a habitual liar who’s desperate to save his $44B life embarrassment
Edit: fine, a quote from the man himself saying advertising revenue has crashed
Ad revenue is down. Site traffic is down
Imaginary metrics aren’t helpful.
I broke a record today, most cumulative life minutes ever! I’ll break it again tomorrow too. Hell I just broke it compared to a minute ago
Elon and his new CEO have super high “deflect the conversation away from people finding out you shit your pants” energy
Here’s how you can understand it:
American company orders are greedy and they will do whatever they can to not pay workers, including trying to con customers into paying them
As a customer I have a rule for tipping that is easy to follow
You come to me, I tip. I come to you, I don’t
Only exception is if I ever do take out and the servers have to prepare it. I’ll tip them
Pirating games is kinda a pain in the ass these days and I don’t even bother on PC
But I will pirate as much from Nintendo as possible. From their price fixing in the 80s and 90s to hostility towards people who want to buy games to people not even being able to get games they’ve paid for…
Fuck Nintendo
I can’t imagine living with as much insecurity as conservatives face every day
It has to be a nightmare. Maybe that’s why they so mad all the time at the sightest breeze of sanity