just some nerd

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


The correct way wouldn’t be on windows I can tell you that

Probably because tech enthusiasts are the only ones that care about their privacy so they use open source alternative before anyone else

how do you think we got here (gestures all around) in the first place

Alright, if no one else is gonna ask.


Right now just ext4 because I’m just hosting a minecraft server and a website that’s not even up right now. I’m thinking about btrfs when I build my next system. Transparent file compression and sub-volumes looks appetizing

I usually just have a swap of like 4 or 8 gigs on disk and use ZRAM as well. I set the priority so it uses ZRAM first and if that fills up then it’ll use the swap partition. I don’t think it has ever used the swap partition tho

yeah it’s a shame that most people can’t read and learn new things

Welcome to the world of abstraction. Now developers can pump out shitty apps 10x faster and it only cost all your computer’s resources