Developer by day, gamer by night!

🖥️ Stack: #NodeJS #Flutter #Go
🐧Linux: Currently on #Fedora
🎮️ Games: #ApexLegends and #Chess

Fun fact: Built my own custom keyboard, which sometimes doesn’t work and hangs, but hey… it still adds to the charm, right 😂

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023

How about participating in /r/Place and promoting the fediverse?
Could we get all the former subreddit mods who migrated to lemmy/kbin to unite and make some promo for lemmy/kbin on /r/place?

Ever since the api shit happend, and mods left their subs unmoderated, I feel like there are more bot accounts/posts on Reddit than ever.

That’s one idea that I pretty much like. There’s also We could kinda naturally move all programming related topics there.

How should we deal with similarly named communities?
Right now there are similarely named communities across the fediverse. "fediverse@xxx", "Linux@xxx", "asklemmy", "askkbin"..etc... I'm on kbin and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use the fediverse more productively, by reaching the largest amount of people for asking questions, solving problems, simply put: to engage... like I used to do on Reddit?

I hope you’re not doing this for chasing a high KillToDeath-ratio, like we do in FPS games. 😅

Guess what, it’s not only the small musicians who suffer, it’s everyone who falls into the “small” category.

Speaking as an IT professional, who has worked at smaller agencies, where new technologies arise and make our work more efficient. Do you think our bosses let us enjoy the free time that we gained from these advancing technologies? They don’t! Instead they put even more workload onto us, up to the point where we burn out even faster than before. It’s huge difference wirking on one task for five days (bc of limitations) vs. working on 10 tasks during the same period.

Same here, while I do have the time to chase around pirated movies/games/software, I want my music to just be there with me without all the hassle.

Spotify’s algorithm is just great!

Same here!

I even went so far to think, I could log in to Jerboa with my existing Mastodon account.

Asking on the Internet, I got a reply like “this should work, maybe Jerboa has a bug”.

Doing a bit more research, I found the rabbit hole is deeper than I thought.

So, does this also apply to kbin/lemmy?

If a post from shows up on my kbin feed and it has only 30 likes, but on it has 1k likes, I’ll never get to experience the real “popularity” of a post?

I wrote my own streaming app for Android TV. Do you want me to open source it?
I've been using my own streaming app for the **past few years** now. I decided to rock my own thing because of the following reasons. Since many of the existing ones are closed source, you never know what data is collected. Kodi is fine, but I prefer nice UIs to browse my favorite content. And lastly, I'm a passionate developer. The app consists of 3 parts: * the TV app itself * a backend service to fetch data from trakt/tmdb * a backend service for openscrapers (real debrid) * external player of choice (nova, vlc, ...) To get it up and running, you'd need to run the two backend services on your own server and install an external player like Nova, since it doesn't provide a built-in player. Would you guys be interested in it so I make my repos publicly available?