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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Newer LED headlights are often matrix headlights. See the entire road like you’ve got high beams on, except the oncoming car’s area is dark. Best of both worlds if implemented well enough. You can still turn off the high beams so that if the system stops malfunctioning, you have something equivalent to normal LED low beams.

It’s not the end of the world. I’m 28 and starting to get my shit back together. No idea when I’ll finish my degree, but third time I’m NOT giving up. And yeah, I have ADHD too.

Tell us, what are you good at? What are you interested in? What do you want to achieve in life?

Are you getting treated for your ADHD and depression?

How do you stop making excuses?
I'm sure many of you are familiar with the issue of making excuses for everything. I don't just mean excusing your unfinished chores by saying "I have ADHD", I mean excuses and fabrications in general - at work, you might say you're nearly finished with a project, but really you're halfway done at best, at home you might say you couldn't start the dishwasher because of how angry your pregnant wife was at you for choosing the wrong program on the washing machine, so you were scared to start the dishwasher - fully ignoring the fact that you were supposed to start the dishwasher BEFORE even being confronted about the washing machine. The last one is a stupid example, but it happened an hour ago and it's a pattern I hate about myself. If you've had a similar issue and identified it, what has helped you improve yourself? I may never be perfect to the point I'll get everything done that I need to, but I'd like to at least stop making stupid excuses that just bring up fights that could've been avoided.

Have you tried other medication before? I wonder how it compares. I felt like Concerta didn’t help me with a lot of the things I’d hoped it’d help with.

By games, you surely mean benchmarks?

They won’t do it themselves, they’ll pay for it. People already do it with brand new ICE cars, they get a performance package from a third party.

Also in 10 years, that $150000 Benz will be a $15000 Benz and owned by someone a fair bit younger than the original owner, probably. Much more likely to get the controller flashed for additional power at that point.

pirate name brand cars.

Takes a one-time membership fee, but you’ll find just about anything on mhhauto.

I don’t think HBO was even available in my country when GoT started. Towards the end it might’ve been. But you still had to also have the TV service from a specific ISP, not JUST the Internet service. Now there are more options, but it’s still always bundled with some other shit you don’t need.

If it’s important, there might not be time to wait 5 hours for you to check your messages, hence the phone call

I mean it’s not even known if Empress is a single person or multiple, and if it’s a single person, we still don’t know if it’s a man or a woman.

So we rationing power like it’s a war?

We’re already doing that with fuel. Do you fill up every single day after work? No, because what absolute psycho does that unless they literally drain their entire tank daily?

Or you think our apartment buildings have reserved parking? Man, what world do you live in? Certainly not a real one

Nearly all apartment buildings have parking in my country, unless you’re living in a bigger city’s center. If all you have is street-side parking, it sounds like your town isn’t meant for car ownership and you should take public transit or move to a town meant for car owners. You can’t have everything at once sadly. In a town of 25k people and no space wasted on parking spots, it can’t be more than 5 minutes to get anywhere by electric scooter though? Maybe get one of those for your commute and you’ll only need to charge your EV once a month.

Every day after work? There are 7 days in a week and you don’t even need to charge every week.

Also why would you drag extension cords? You should get the building board to install chargers properly. If you own your apartment, you have a vote on the board, no? And if you rent, you bug your landlord to bring it up. They’ll hopefully realize it adds value even after you’re gone.

This all sounds like a lack of political will on the part of the citizens. This changes quickly once people realize they NEED to charge their cars.

In my circles it’s used exclusively for software engineering. Mostly by people who like Linux but don’t wanna deal with any instability brought by customizing your install.

Windows isn’t afraid of tech, but MacOS is? Give me a break, the Unix style terminal is the reason for using MacOS professionally.

27? Last time I checked 2025 is 2 years away and 2035 is 12 years away.

It’s EU’s prediction for when the last ICE cars will be off the road, which was the initial point made - when USED ICE cars are gone.

What crime?

Ia destroying public or private property not a crime over there? You said they were definitely going to be destroyed, I’m assuming you have a high crime rate there.

25k people, 15k chargers

Takes my town of 90k, fewer than 100 fuel pumps to have a nonexistent wait time. Do you think everyone in your town will pick the exact same day and hour to go to the fast charger?

There’s 27 years to go till EU’s predicted (not required by law) end of ICE cars. There’s time to invest, time to innovate and hopefully time for your town to reduce crime and gain more resources.

Also HVO is pretty affordable nowadays. Maybe 20% more than regular diesel fuel at most. It is claimed to be carbon neutral. I’m sure something similar will be developed for otto cycle engines.

Also unless you’re planning to use a first gen leaf past the 2050s, quick charging isn’t very bad. All modern EVs have battery cooling and will also throttle charging when the temperature rises. The don’t full on go 350kW for 20 minutes straight.

Waiting 2 hours is solved by installing more chargers. Clearly a regional issue with fuel pumps as well because I never have to wait over 2-3 minutes.

There will be solutions by 2050 (the proposed timeframe for having a zero-emissions fleet). For an example, vehicles with combustion engines can still be newly registered after 2035 if they use only CO2-neutral fuels. I think EU would rather ban sale of fossil fuels than ban used cars that can technically burn fossil fuels. If only plant-based fuels are available, it doesn’t matter what the cars can technically burn.

The German big 3 are already developing cars that would only run on non-fossil fuels I believe.

Secondly, chargers near apartment buildings and on sidewalks can be added. We have plenty of time.

And I’m sure Germany will water down the regulations even more so in the end, I’m fairly sure they’ll consider new MHEVs fine after 2035.

And finally, those who can’t charge at home will do so at the charging stations. It’s not a huge issue if you have a battery with 500+ km of range. Might be an issue for i-miev and first gen Leaf owners though.

Doesn’t matter much for phones, but when talking EV charging… Night electricity tends to be cheaper when it’s not solar energy season.

That’s how you avoid having to call the plumber annually.

Who said anything about wsl? That still leaves the ick on your drive.

I mean I still have a Facebook account and I will eventually respond to messages on Messenger, but anyone who wants to talk to me regularly, knows that Telegram is the way to go.

I don’t always use E2E because most things aren’t sensitive, but I’m happy to always have the ability.

For stupid or vain people, maybe. And only in countries where people send SMS anyway.

I haven’t used SMS actively ever, because as soon as smartphones got popular, everyone moved to Facebook, and then later I got my friends to move to Telegram if they wanted to keep talking to me.

That’s the problem with the system. It comprises of PEOPLE, which is why everything that people arguing for capitalism say about capitalism regulating itself, is bullshit. Not only do masses of people not care about intangible effects of their consumption, capitalism makes it profitable to advertise to people to make them consume more, and a lack of carbon tax makes it more profitable for companies to pollute a lot of the time. The will of the people (aka car company propaganda) is the reason Americans pollute so much. It was advertised to them that driving is the only true freedom, in the 1950s. And now 70 years later there are nearly no walkable cities left, because Americans demanded wider roads.

It doesn’t bother them either if the goods they’re buying were made by starving children. But hey, blame the system.

The system is what makes it profitable to abuse straving children. Also, thanks to the system, it is ridiculously hard to save up for things like, idk, housing, because it’s all being bought up as a speculative asset. So if your average person buys a 5$ t-shirt made in Bangladesh instead of a 50$ sustainably sourced one because they can’t afford the latter on their budget, can you really blame them, or has the system failed them?

Milk is way cheaper than oat drink and if I go to a gas station, they charge me more for the burger to have a meat substitute, which doesn’t feel much like meat.

Most people will never get past the “okay, this might be bad, but everyone else does it too, and if I don’t, I’ll be at a financial disadvantage” mentality about buying cheaper products, because capitalism is a competition for resources, and we can’t afford to give up the advantage of buying cheaper foods, cheaper (ICE) cars (where public transit isn’t an option), etc.

Bottom line is, you can get your friends and family to forsake themselves for an intangible goal, maybe you can convince some strangers, but there’s no way to get 8+ billion to stop doing what’s convenient for them with just propaganda. You need regulations. And that’s why any system that depends on the will of the people to achieve intangible goals DOES NOT WORK. It’s super easy to get the majority of 8 billion people to start consuming more with just advertising and propaganda. It’s impossible to get them all consuming less. I said it before too. Oil companies realize this and that’s why they invented the carbon footprint, to keep the people who do care fighting those who don’t - that way nobody has energy left to lobby for real, regulationary change.

So sure, maybe capitalism isn’t at fault. Maybe the fact that humans exist is. But the goal should be to design a system fit for humans, not to kill all humans or whatever it is that is required to fix capitalism.

No, it’s definitely capitalist, even if not by name. And it produces a bunch of goods for a bunch of other capitalist countries, for profit.

Ah, you’re doing the bidding of the oil companies I see. Shame the consumers, and nothing will happen. But you will feel good about your changes, at least.

If you want to stop climate change, it needs to be not 2%, not 5% of people, but more like 90% reducing their consumption to near-zero. But without government intervention, you can’t get much. Matter of fact, shaming consumers alienates a lot of people. There’s a pretty large “Fuck Greta” movement in many countries, because people are idiots.

Capitalism IS to blame for everything and we individuals CANNOT do sh1t.

Firstly, capitalists have convinced everyone they need to buy a lot of stuff.

Secondly, humans are selfish and in a capitalistic system it’s difficult to achieve your goals without money. Imagine you’re a young person, say late 20s or early 30s, who makes some money, but isn’t rich by any means. Are YOU going to pay twice or thrice as much for everything you consume just so it’d be carbon neutral? No, because you’re probably saving up for something, whether it’s a home (because, y’know, capitalism - you need to pay out the ass for a place to live), retirement (because with the aging population in most western countries, the national pension schemes can’t be trusted long term), or that foreign vacation you feel you deserve after 10 years of hard work.

Say you DO cut your carbon footprint by 90% or even 100%. I have bad news for you. 98-99% of the rest of people didn’t, because they want to go on with their lives instead of worrying about the future, so your changes are meaningless. What’s more, BP execs will smile at you for believing the whole carbon footprint thing they spread. Now you’re living like you’re in a 3rd world country, but everyone else around you keeps up their expensive polluting lifestyles, making your sacrifice meaningless. You can’t have a negative amount of cars, but someone else CAN have 5.

The only thing that can change anything is political change - tax the companies to oblivion for CO2 production. Watch them scramble to reduce their CO2 footprint in any goods and services where it’s possible, and stop offering goods and services that can’t be optimized. The individual carbon footprint was invented precisely to prevent this - make climate activists blame other civilians (who for the most part won’t stop consuming, thus having no negative effect on oil company profits) instead of politicians (who could actually effect some change). Yes, a carbon tax would affect end users and particularly poor people. But that’s the only way forward, and government programs can help those who are affected the worst.

Individuals can NOT bear the full responsibility for something that affects all of us. It simply doesn’t work, because humans don’t work that way. There has to be government level effort. It’s also why libertarianism doesn’t work. “The free market will regulate itself, you can vote with your wallet”. Well, if 99% of people don’t care about being poisoned by their food, or their video games being overmonetized, or the planet dying… Guess what, the free market doesn’t regulate itself, and no amount of awareness is going to make a dent in it.

So sure, make changes to your lifestyle. Tell your friends and family about the low-hanging fruit in their lives to reduce consumption, educate them. Spend tens of thousands on solar panels if you can afford it. These are all good things to do! But don’t blame the individual for the failings of society. We’re all playing the hand we’re dealt, and unless you’re born a millionaire, that hand is “shit is expensive, shit that pollutes less is even more expensive, I’mma do what I have to”.

PS: Ya know what is the worst part? Capitalists want worker drones back in offices so that people would consume more and office space values wouldn’t drop. 2020 was the ONE time in history we managed to curb our emissions, but that doesn’t jive well with capitalism, so working from home is now considered “immoral” by billionaires.

Breaking reddit?


Ah yeah, probably because Twitter was originally written in Ruby on Rails and it’s always nice to do exercises that feel like something real. But yeah, making things actually scale is pretty difficult and they felt they had to move from RoR to something else (Scala in this instance).

Of course, Elon Musk probably fired everyone responsible for making it scale properly, so at this point, stopping the growth of Twitter is probably good, because otherwise it might run into issues again.

By that rationale you can justify drawing just about anything. Could be literal babies. Doesn’t matter, not real people.

Looks that way but eh, with anime girls there’s usually some backstory to pretend they’re adults.

It’s pretty much…sexually suggestive pics of some teen anime girl

I’m sorta surprised that it’s only 2x per nine. Six or seven nines sounds ridiculous.

Yes, but very different art from his comics.

Doesn’t China block any known VPNs? It might be difficult to get something like that working if so.

Depends on the settings on the computer.

I’ve seen some with USB ports powered when shut off, leave the numlock key lit.

consumer Gmail is basically a loss-leader for Google Workspaces, the money-making arm of Google Apps.

Don’t quote me on this, because I might be wrong, but I believe consumer Gmail is also used to build their personalized ad model for you, so they can show you ads you’re more likely to click on?

I don’t think #2 is a strong argument. Reddit, when started, had very different ideals from what it does now. The founders did too, or at least the dead guy did, idk if spez was always what he is now.

If I started a Lemmy or Mastodon instance and it got REAL big, and after 5, maybe 10 years of maintaining it, it’s sustainable, but probably not really making me money and I’m tired of running it… And Meta comes around and says “Hey we’ll buy it for 10 million dollars so we can federate it with our own activitypub based social media”, I’d probably say yes. Wouldn’t you? And while everyone COULD switch, not everyone will. Not everyone switched from reddit either.

So I’d say it’s theoretically possible to corporatize vast parts of the fediverse, but of course there will always be room for people to start new instanced that don’t federate with the corporate ones.

QuIte the opposite, gotta renew your meth prescription