• 5 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I haven’t had issues running a few things I needed within a VM. However, those tasks aren’t demanding.

Looking at you “iCloud for Windows”.

Well, for example, Android phones need to be rooted for full system access, for example. That’s a series of hoops to jump through. Same goes for installing a malicious .apk. A windows user just needs to click through a AUC prompt and the lovely has keys to the city. That’s before we touch the wonder that is admin PowerShell.

I suppose the ratio of how much knowledge the average person knows about tech to “dangerous” behavior naturally taught by the OS is higher, I suspect, on Windows.

“Come home with me”

Govern -> Government
Settle -> Settlement
Judge -> *Judg*ment

I advocate for “judge” to be spelled “judg” for adherence to English standards.

I thank god smart phones didn’t exist in thebMySpace/FaceBook transitional time. Holy god I was an edgy atheist getting into “debates” about religion with my friend’s parents.

Oh wow, I didn’t even consider checking for updates while I’m working from home.

What did the Lemmy meme go nuts on Twitter or something?

Don’t go on that place so I may be put of the loop.

Deal breaker, not at all. Though, back when I had an iPhone I knew immediately I’d have to have another “Which of the five messaging apps will I need to preen through” conversations, since iPhone users in the US fall back on iMessage mostly.

Now, on the flip-side, what was extremely annoying about using the fruit device was assumptions others made about me in techie circles. Some of which appeared within these responses. That I was tech illiterate, vain, or a fan-boy of some sort. It simply did what I needed while carrying wonderful resale value and support times.

You can ‘sideload’ apps, but your phone needs to check in with a computer every ten days.

Launchers are no where to be seen. I’d imagine if you jailbreak it you could.

Custom roms: nah that ain’t happening on an iPhone. Which is a shame, it’s the best hardware in the space, and iPadOS, for example, is currently holding back the tablets.

Piracy: You can run transmission as a cli on an iPad.

I’m on a Pixel right now and it’s pretty much the same experience. I nearly missed a time-sensitive job offer had I not been using my iPad a few moments before going to bed. My phone didn’t serve the notification nearly all day despite being given permission to do so!

I mean, it’s how I made friends when I was a child. I suppose the time crunch is what makes it seem impossible.

Well, billionaires are wonderful people deep down.

Well, I mean, in the United States our culture is built around “business good; much innovation” and anything to stymie corporate efforts is met with groans of “you’ll understand why it must be this way when you’re older.” It’s almost reflex for some to be apologists for corporations.

Heck, I even read some takes around that damned submarine being along the lines of “we shouldn’t regulate the sub industry – that CEO was just trying to innovate!”

Yeah, I’m sticking with wefwef until I get my iPhone later this year.

I spent a decade as am automotive locksmith, and watching things regularly fail on cars that passed through my shop has made me terrified with the touch screen. I cannot imagine replacing one of those and how easily first parties can lock replacement behind getting it done at one of their shops.

Precisely. I’ll likely block all traffic from Meta’s instance, but that would cause a ton of users to migrate.

Yeah, maybe there could be blurb during the sign up section when selecting an instance? That being said, I didn’t know what I was doing when I first signed up for Lemmy and chose Lemmy.world without knowing choosing the largest one didn’t matter.