it already has been abused, you came here a bit late and missed the fireworks, there was a massive expulsion of badly behaving instances by many of the instances wanting to remain connected. I was actually quite surprised and impressed at the speed at which admins collectively decided and acted across the network. I actually suspect the ratio of mods:users to be higher here. The ratio of admins:users def is.
haha no, instances like this pre-date centralized systems, e-cash and everything else. instead of something hip and new, you are doing something very old, like they way the internet was designed to operate old.
i was running sites like these a decade before reddit came to the fore. The thing that’s “new and weird” is this desire to pile onto a single domain handing control of your feed, personal information and more to a billionaire. If you are into wealth gospel i get it, though they haven’t done as much to earn trust as people seem to think.
AOL and Compuserve went under for all the same reasons the majors are struggling now.
that all depends on the instance. small does not mean it will go away. for example my instance is topical. by design, even if it gets “popular” it has some in-built upper limits and if the mass grows beyond them it means I can likely get help paying for the next steps up.
just because an instance is big does not mean its necessarily safe or stable, first its imporant to note that large instances have scaling issues as the deployment for the system is not ready to scale that way, instead they need to deploy to every bigger servers in an inefficient manner or spend a ton of time rolling bespoke deploys. these big servers are just a few volunteers. some big instances are managed by 1-4 technical people, the same numbers a small instance has.
Also it costs money to run large scaled systems, you can run an instance for you and some friends for nearly free if you find a deal and only a few bucks a month if you dont.
So big instance/ small instance does not mean much with stability, they both have thier issues. Something to note, smaller instances are MUCH easier to run.
it needs to be easier to get the home instance post link.
you have to edit, wait for the edit to propagate and then delete
thread is still here
worrying my head off about security because in the old days IPv6 had some issues esp with bascially putting every device on your network on the public internet with no firewall.
learned that years ago hardware makers started defaulting to blocking all traffic from the outside when ipv6 is enabled. Once I felt comfortable just turning it on I found it pretty easy to grasp esp when the addresses stopped liking like random junk to my eyes.
Once I knew how things worked actually exposing a specific system or port set to the internet was super easy, much easier than NAT + firewall.
with my ISP. v6 unexpectedly brought a new level of privacy we had not had before. When you geolocate the IPs they show up in ISP datacenters all over the country. One day it looks like we are in VA, the next we are coming out of Seattle. We have yet to notice any speed or routing issues. IPv4 and IPv6 play well together though once you turn on v6 you might find yourself turning it on for more vlans than you planned because you want the features!
this is the usecase i want a personal unit for. I have a Pi4 which I use mostly for Ci/CD and maint but sometimes there is just no way to easily get something to run on ARM and I’m firing up a 800watt PC or a 160watt laptop again.
IMO either of the Intel options we are discussing here will work well for you.
Just local, streams 4k fairly OK but will studder sometimes, not enough to be a problem in general but if you want a perfect image full time you might be disappointed.
Its primarily a media player and runs 8 and 16 bit emulators. Haven’t tried anything more ambitious yet. It streams content from my NAS just fine. I don’t think multiple users would work on it for video streaming however others uses maybe.
for hashtags id say its just not popular, they have fallen out of favor in a lot of groups on twitter as well, for example if you want to know about AI research, not a single AI researcher worth anything is posting with hashtags. You have to find and follow them.
Mastodon being even more indie is just reflecting this growing preference. Hashtags are tools of marketers thanks to twitter and fb, they won’t go away but thier cringe factor in casual social posts is likely to stick around for a bit.
I’ve modded and ran communities on and off since the 90s. I do it because I enjoy giving back in my own way and creating a place people enjoy to be. Really is altruistic, I started because a forum i was on the owner no longer had the time and the other option was for the site to go down, never really looked back. Being in the industry, running another server and checking in on posts in a topic I am interested in is usually a light extra load.
I operate in highly topical spaces so moderation is easier and setup correctly it just takes care of itself mostly. I do not envy the people who take on the task of trying to moderate general open post areas. OffTopic and Gen Discussion are always the biggest sources of forum drama.
Look at the unknown line, looks like the tool used to create this graph mistook one of the windows versions for an “unknown”. Likely the result of a cumulative update.
Based on the graph i expect they process data monthly, fixed the issue for june but have not gone back and fixed the data points for apr and may.
trying to do simple things seemed like a fight, working examples I found hard to come by.
Nginx “just worked”
the most confusing thing was figuring out scriptable processing (and the lua vs JS back and forth, go with njs) however there are entire repos of common examples and solutions which made it much more manageable.
i put this down to maturity and age, older projects just often have more docs, and thier code bases have been molded to fit more cases (esp the strange ones) better.
When it comes to cloudflare, Im not sure you have much of a choice, I ran across errata RE: Caddy a fair bit when setting up my latest proxy through them.
if only it was so simple. AB managed to piss everyone off.