I’m just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Eh, I think this community would lead to me seeing even more posts shilling for companies. No thanks.

Dont think that makes you immune to their propaganda. Stay vigilant.

Oh great, a lemmy instance for gun nuts. With a .ru address, no less.

You can use soy granulate for sloppy joes. Works great.

Oh boy can’t wait

Yes, yes I can… Fuck…

I’m just taking the piss, eat what you like and how you like it.

You’re right. I never signed a contract with the USA agreeing the current system is the best. We have our ancestors to thank for that, and even then, most of them had no control over the situation.

What’s the best way forward here? Constitutional renewal every generation?

That is an objectively wrong statement.

How did you get a pic of me???

This is why I have a microwave. Throw it in there and boom, it’s warm. I can’t stand cold food that’s supposed to be warm.

Because they are. Nazis are so hilariously evil, they may as well be video game villains.

I, for one, will not hype you up if you are currently in the process of consuming my flesh.

Crazy that this wasn’t even a decade ago.

Using the same excuse slave owners in 1860 used isn’t a good look…

Inflection’s Pi AI is pretty good to vent to and isn’t bad at conversation: https://heypi.com/talk

How are we dealing with bots here on Lemmy? I haven’t seen many around.

Keine Ahnung worauf sich das bezieht aber ich lieb’s.

Right butt pocket if I’m wearing jeans. Front right otherwise.

I’m right-handed, btw.

Nein. Einfach nein.

Statistisch in der Makroebene zwar wahr, aber es ist gut möglich dass auf der Mikro- bzw. Nanoebene der 2. Hauptsatz nicht gilt.

Mal schauen wie weit der Perfektionismus manche treiben wird…

Ein geheimes örtchen zum Nacktbaden!

And they’re very powerful!

Das ist der Vorteil, wenn man eine richtige Sprache spricht.

Wenn man vom Teufel spricht

Habe noch keine gesehen… Wir haben uns wohl zu früh gefreut

Was ist wenn sie verschlossen ist?

Understandably, shooting someone isn’t really something one should joke about

Eh, it’s just unecessary. I’m all in favor of phasing out boring, repetitive jobs. Have humans do fun things while robots run shit we don’t want to deal with.